Productivity Measurement and Analysis

image of Productivity Measurement and Analysis

Productivity measurement and analysis are the main topics addressed in this book, which brings together contributions presented and discussed in two international workshops organized by the Statistics Directorate and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI) of the OECD. The first workshop was organised jointly by the OECD with Fundaccion BBVA and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas and held in Madrid in October 2005, and the second one was organized jointly by the OECD and the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the State Secretary for Economic Affairs of Switzerland and held in Bern in October 2006. The two workshops brought together representatives of statistical offices, central banks and other branches of government in OECD countries that are engaged in the analysis and the measurement of productivity developments at aggregate and industry levels.


Innovation and Labour Productivity Growth in Switzerland

An Analysis Based on Firm Level Data

This study investigates the determinants of labour productivity growth of Swiss fi rms in the period 1994–2002 particularly emphasizing the role of innovation activities. Thus, the main research question pursued is: to what extent do different types of fi rm-level innovations affect labour productivity of fi rms in Switzerland? This is a question of particular interest for Swiss policy-makers in the light of the unsatisfactory growth performance of the Swiss economy in the 1990s (see Federal Department for Economic Affairs 2002). Most observers consider the low growth of labour productivity as the main single factor for explaining this unfavourable performance as measured by GDP growth. Labour productivity depends on physical and human capital as main production factors as well as on new knowledge and innovation. Economies that develop more and more in the direction of a “knowledge-based economy” are relying increasingly on technological innovation. Hence, it is important to gain some insights with respect to the (quantitative) relationship between innovation and economic performance. A better understanding of the relative importance of the factors determining productivity growth could contribute to an explanation of the low productivity growth of the Swiss economy in the 1990s. 


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