Finance and Investment

OECD’s work on finance and investment focuses on policies and global rules covering anticorruption, corporate governance,
competition, investment, financial markets, insurance, private pensions, and responsible business conduct.
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Books and papers
image of Corporate Tax Statistics 2024

Corporate Tax Statistics 2024

Corporate Tax Statistics is an OECD flagship publication on corporate income tax, and includes information on corporate taxation, MNE activity, and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) practices.
image of Optimising Public Infrastructure Investments in Czechia

Optimising Public Infrastructure Investments in Czechia

This report provides an overview of Czechia's public investment system across levels of government. It offers analysis and recommendations for strengthening institutional capabilities at the national and subnational levels for planning,...
image of Corruption and fraud in crises

Corruption and fraud in crises

This policy paper aims to strengthen the capacities of law enforcement authorities in Asia and the Pacific to combat corruption and fraud during emergencies. It builds on lessons learnt from recent emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, to...
image of Assessing nature-related risks in the Hungarian financial system

Assessing nature-related risks in the Hungarian financial system

This paper presents a technical assessment of nature-related risks within the Hungarian economy and financial system. The study draws upon the OECD Supervisory Framework to (i) prioritise various nature-related risks by conducting an impact and...
image of Transition finance: What is it and why is it needed?

Transition finance: What is it and why is it needed?

Listen in to learn about transition finance - what it is, why it is needed and what the key challenges are.
image of Corporate Tax Statistics 2023

Corporate Tax Statistics 2023

Corporate Tax Statistics 2023, a flagship publication of the OECD, provides comprehensive insights into corporate tax systems and the tax and economic activities of thousands of multinational enterprises operating around the world.

OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What are the impacts and consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on our lives and our societies - our healthcare systems, our jobs and education, our businesses, financial markets and economies.

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