Finland: Working Together to Sustain Success

image of Finland: Working Together to Sustain Success

Finland’s traditional Nordic model is under pressure: A rapidly ageing society, the global economic crisis and growing societal disillusionment require the public administration to be strategically agile in order to maintain fiscal sustainability and to respond to a complex and rapidly changing environment. 

The government’s capacity to act in these difficult times will depend on the public administration’s ability to work together – across all of the public administration at the state and local level, and with society as a whole –  in order to sustain success and maintain its global position in the future.   

This report is the second in a series of OECD country reviews that look at governance and public management issues from a comprehensive perspective.  These reviews help countries to identify how reforms can better reinforce each other in support of overall government objectives.  They also examine reform strategies that have worked in other countries and provide advice as to which reforms can be appropriately adapted to a given country.


E-Government Case Study

Finland is one of the early adopters of e-government within the OECD, and has achieved impressive results based on international comparisons.1 A number of specific strengths have placed it in a favourable position for relatively fast development of e-government. Its basic culture is open to change and modernisation, and its citizens are, on average, well-educated and ready to use new information and communication technology (ICT) and e-services. Finland is the home of Nokia, one of the global leaders in mobile communications, along with many competent and competitive software enterprises. Its citizens have traditionally trusted their government, which uses unique identifiers and shared databases for residents, companies and corporations, vehicles and real estate in order to improve the quality and efficiency of public service delivery. Historically, Finland was able to use these strengths to become a world leader in e-government.


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