OECD Regulatory Policy Working Papers

This series gathers together OECD working papers on the tools, governance and institutions of better regulation and their impact on policy outcomes. It includes both technical and analytical material, prepared by staff and experts in the field. Together, the papers provide valuable context and background for OECD publications on regulatory policy and governance.


The contribution of mutual recognition to international regulatory co-operation

This study takes stock of the institutional setting, operational modalities, strengths and weaknesses of various forms of mutual recognition when used in different sector and country contexts. It aims to build a greater understanding of the benefits and pitfalls of one of the 11 mechanisms of international regulatory co-operation identified by the OECD Regulatory Policy Committee in OECD (2013), International Regulatory Co-operation: Addressing Global Challenges. The paper relies on an empirical stocktaking of mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) among selected OECD countries, the systematic review of mutual recognition clauses in trade agreements, case studies of the specific experience of the EU internal market, the Trans-Tasman arrangement, and the MRA between the US and the EU of 1998, and an extensive review of the literature.


Keywords: regulatory policy, mutual recognition, trade agreements
JEL: K2: Law and Economics / Regulation and Business Law; F5: International Economics / International Relations, National Security, and International Political Economy; H7: Public Economics / State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations; F1: International Economics / Trade
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