

Bisher wurde die Erholung hauptsächlich von den steigenden Exporten getragen. Das Wachstum dürfte sich in den Jahren 2011 und 2012 stufenweise in Richtung der Binnennachfrage des privaten Sektors verschieben. Die Arbeitslosenquote hat sich noch nicht stabilisiert, da die Kurzarbeitsmaßnahmen der Regierung auslaufen und die Wirtschaftstätigkeit verhalten bleibt. Die erheblichen Kapazitätsüberhänge dürften die Inflation unter Kontrolle halten.

English, French

Slovenia adopted the euro in January 2007 and joined the OECD in July 2010. It has good infrastructure and a well-educated workforce. Slovenia’s science and innovation profile shows notable strengths.

German, French

La reprise a été, jusqu’à présent, principalement tirée par la hausse des exportations. En 2011 et 2012, la croissance devrait progressivement se rééquilibrer en faveur de la demande intérieure privée. Le taux de chômage devra encore se stabiliser avec le retrait des dispositions en faveur du travail à temps partiel et une activité demeurant atone. Le ralentissement considérable de l’activité économique devrait contenir l’inflation.

German, English

The recovery has mainly been driven by rising exports so far. Growth should rebalance gradually towards private domestic demand through 2011 and 2012. The unemployment rate has yet to stabilise as government short-time work measures are being phased out and activity remains subdued. Considerable economic slack should keep inflation in check.

German, French
This report has been prepared as part of the Improving Social Inclusion at the Local Level through the Social Economy (CFE/LEED (2008) 9/REV1) project in the framework of the Forum on Social Innovations. A team comprising members of the OECD LEED Secretariat and external experts visited Slovenia in January 2010 and in April 2010 for two study visits, to examine the role, both real and potential, of the social economy, and the support which could be given to the social economy to allow it to fulfill that potential. This report is based significantly on the available statistics and on material gathered from the study visit, as well as research conducted both prior to, and after, the study visit. The report provides an outline of the social economy in Slovenia, before going on to make broad and specific proposals to improve policy effectiveness for Slovenian social economy organisations and social enterprises. The project has been undertaken in the framework of the OECD LEED Forum on Social Innovations.
The OECD Economic Outlook analyses the major economic trends over the coming 2 to 3 years as well as market forecasts and projections. It provides in-depth coverage of the main economic issues and the policy measures required to foster growth in each member country. Forthcoming developments in major non-OECD economies are also evaluated in detail. This database is a comprehensive and consistent macroeconomic database of the OECD economies, covering expenditures, foreign trade, output, labour markets, interest and exchange rates, balance of payments, and government debt. For the non-OECD regions, foreign trade and current account series are available. It also comprises statistics on demand and gross domestic product (GDP), deflators and prices, general government accounts, households and business sectors, labour market, financial data, foreign exchange market, balance of payments, supply block, oil market and other raw materials. The No 88 version of the Economic Outlook covers data from 1960 with projections until 2012.

La base de données des Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE contient des données rétrospectives et des projections pour un éventail de statistiques économiques, telles que : demande et produit intérieur brut (PIB), déflateurs et prix, comptes des administrations publiques, secteur des ménages et des entreprises, marché du travail, données financières, commerce extérieur, balance des paiements, bloc d'offre et marché du pétrole et autres matières premières.


Slovenia has significantly closed the gap with the OECD average level of GDP per capita without creating major imbalances. However, the development of a market economy has highlighted the disparities between Slovenia’s 12 statistical regions. The richest region Osrednjeslovenska (Central Slovenia, which encompasses the capital Ljubljana) scores the highest on most indicators. It concentrates about one-third of registered businesses and one-quarter of the working-age population. The poorest region (Pomurje in the north-east) is largely agricultural and has the highest unemployment rate in the country. Regions are relatively small and their economic performance often depends on a small number of companies.

Die Erholung begann im zweiten Halbjahr 2009 unter dem Antrieb wieder steigender Exporte. Das Wachstumstempo dürfte sich 2010 und 2011 nach und nach beschleunigen, wenn die Faktoren, die die Inlandsnachfrage bremsen, nachlassen. Obwohl sich die Arbeitslosenquote in den letzten Monaten stabilisiert hat, wird sie 2010 wohl noch weiter steigen, da die Kurzarbeitsmaßnahmen der Regierung auslaufen. Die Inflation wird infolge des hohen Kapazitätsüberhangs in der Wirtschaft wahrscheinlich moderat bleiben.

English, French

La reprise a débuté au second semestre de 2009, soutenue par un redressement des exportations. Le rythme de la croissance devrait s’accélérer progressivement en 2010 et 2011, à mesure que les facteurs de freinage de la demande intérieure s’atténueront. Bien que le taux de chômage se soit stabilisé au cours des derniers mois, de nouvelles augmentations sont susceptibles de se produire à la fin de 2010 à mesure que le gouvernement abandonnera les dispositions relatives aux réductions d’horaires de travail. L’inflation devrait rester modérée, grâce à une importante marge de capacités non employées au sein de l’économie.

German, English

See the 2007 edition of the Red Book for a brief historical review of exploration and production.

Recovery began in the second half of 2009, underpinned by a rebound in exports. The pace of growth should pick up gradually through 2010 and 2011 as the forces constraining domestic demand recede. Although the unemployment rate has stabilised in recent months, further increases are likely later in 2010 as government short-time work measures are phased out. Inflation is likely to remain moderate owing to the large slack in the economy.

French, German
Product market regulation on average is Slovenia does not appear particularly stringent, but heavy state involvement and high market concentration in several industries call for the gauging of competitive pressures in Slovenian industries. Owing to such characteristics, more sophisticated measures than the simple comparison of relative price levels is needed. Mark-ups can provide valuable information on competitive pressures in various sectors of the economy, reflecting pressures stemming from rules of conduct imposed by regulators as well as those arising from such factors as trade and FDI or increasing consumer demands in terms of price and quality. Conversely, the lack of competitive pressure may stem from heavy state involvement in the manufacturing and service sectors. This study is a first attempt to estimate mark-ups for manufacturing and service industries in Slovenia and in addition, its novelty is that it i) estimates mark-ups at a detailed level of sectoral disaggregation and ii) allows for non-constant returns to scale. The estimation is done for the period 1993-2006 and uses firm level data of the Amadeus database. In general, the estimated mark-ups are higher for services than manufacturing industries, but some manufacturing industries have high mark-ups in international comparison. This Working Paper relates to the 2009 OECD Economic Survey of Slovenia (www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/slovenia).
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