

Paraguay has made considerable progress in reducing poverty and improving living conditions. To bolster its achievements and further advance social development, the country must create a comprehensive social protection system that can improve living conditions for the most vulnerable people, foster everyone’s inclusion in the country’s economic development and provide vital risk-management tools for the whole population. This implies facing the challenges of coverage, funding and governance throughout the social protection system and in each of its facets, especially the pension system. This chapter presents the main conclusions from the Multi-dimensional Review of Paraguay on social protection and puts forward a more specific action plan for pension reform.


Este capítulo recoge las principales recomendaciones y áreas de acción prioritaria para el sistema educativo y de habilidades basadas en el análisis del Volumen 2 del Estudio multidimensional de Paraguay. El país ha avanzado sustancialmente en varias dimensiones del sistema educativo. El sistema educativo y de formación de competencias enfrenta tres grandes retos: mejorar la cobertura y finalización, sobre todo en pre-primaria y secundaria y para algunos grupos socioeconómicos, mejorar la calidad de los resultados de aprendizaje, lo que supone un cambio en la gestión de la formación y la carrera docente, y mejorar la adecuación de la formación tanto general como técnica con la demanda de la economía.


El sistema de salud paraguayo enfrenta grandes desafíos para alcanzar la cobertura universal en salud. Para lograr atender la doble carga de enfermedades de su población, es necesario asegurar financiamiento sostenible, conseguir una operación más eficiente en el sistema y fortalecer su capacidad rectora. El país ha emprendido una serie de reformas para modernizar el sistema que han logrado sentar las bases para un nuevo enfoque de la atención sanitaria basada en la atención primaria. Sin embargo, no han modificado significativamente los pilares del sistema de salud ni su fragmentación en múltiples subsistemas.La tercera fase del Estudio Multidimensional tiene como objetivo salvar la distancia entre las recomendaciones incluidas en el Volumen 2 del estudio y su implementación a través de una serie de actividades participativas para generar un plan de acción y una serie de instrumentos de monitoreo. Durante una reunión de alto nivel con las autoridades paraguayas, se abordaron diferentes aspectos de la política de salud y de una potencial reforma, y se identificaron cuatro ejes temáticos clave para poner manos a la obra: (i) asegurar el financiamiento sostenible del sistema; (ii) reducir la fragmentación, integrando la prestación de servicios y mejorando el sistema de pago a proveedores; (iii) definir un paquete de beneficios en salud; e (iv) implementar compras públicas más eficientes de medicamentos e insumos médicos. Este capítulo también presenta una serie de herramientas conceptuales con el objetivo de apoyar al gobierno para la toma de decisiones y la reestructuración del sistema de salud en estas áreas clave.


Este capítulo propone un tablero de seguimiento que incluye una serie de indicadores para monitorear el progreso derivado de la implementación de las reformas propuestas en las áreas de protección social, salud y educación y habilidades. Después de presentar la metodología detrás del tablero de seguimiento, el capítulo presenta los objetivos que Paraguay debe alcanzar a 2030 para cada indicador.


The Paraguayan health system is faced with major challenges to achieve universal health coverage. To respond to the double burden of disease among the population, it needs to secure sustainable funding, ensure it is run more efficiently and strengthen its stewardship. The country has undertaken a series of reforms to modernise the system, laying the foundations for a new approach to health care based on primary care. However, it has not significantly altered the foundations of the health system and its fragmentation into multiple subsystems.The third phase of the Multi-dimensional Review aims to bridge the gap between the recommendations made in Volume 2 of the review and the implementation of those recommendations through a series of participatory activities to generate an action plan and a series of monitoring instruments. A high-level meeting with Paraguayan authorities discussed various aspects of health policy and a potential reform and identified four key areas in which work may begin: (i) securing sustainable funding for the system; (ii) reducing fragmentation by integrating service delivery and improving the system of payment to suppliers; (iii) defining a package of health benefits; and (iv) making the public procurement of medicines and medical supplies more efficient. This chapter also presents a series of conceptual tools with the objective of supporting the government for decision making and restructuring of the health system in these key areas.


This peer review covers Paraguay’s implementation of the BEPS Action 5 transparency framework for the year 2018. The report has four parts, each relating to a key part of the ToR. Each part is discussed in turn. A summary of recommendations is included at the end of this report.

La tercera edición de Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas América Latina y el Caribe contiene la evidencia disponible más actualizada sobre las administraciones públicas y su desempeño en ALC y en comparación con los países de la OCDE. Esta publicación incluye indicadores sobre finanzas públicas y economía, empleo público, centros de gobierno, gobernanza regulatoria, datos abiertos gubernamentales, integridad del sector público, contratación pública y por primera vez sobre los resultados clave de los gobiernos (p.ej. confianza en las instituciones, reducción de la desigualdad). Los indicadores de gobernanza son especialmente útiles para monitorear y comparar el desempeño de los gobiernos en sus reformas a la administración pública. Cada indicador se presenta en un formato amigable para el lector, que consiste en gráficos o tablas que ilustran las variaciones de los países, un análisis descriptivo breve enfatizando los hallazgos principales en cada área y una sección metodológica con la definición del indicador así como cualquier limitación en la comparabilidad de los datos.

Portuguese, English
  • 20 Mar 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

This third edition of Government at a Glance Latin America and the Caribbean provides the latest available evidence on public administrations and their performance in the LAC region and compares it to OECD countries. This publication includes indicators on public finances and economics, public employment, centres of government, regulatory governance, open government data, public sector integrity, public procurement and for the first time core government results (e.g. trust, inequality reduction). Governance indicators are especially useful for monitoring and benchmarking governments' progress in their public sector reforms. Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings of the data, and a methodological section on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.

Spanish, Portuguese

Le Paraguay compte deux conventions fiscales en vigueur, comme l’indique sa réponse au questionnaire d’examen par les pairs. Sa convention avec l’Uruguay est conforme au standard minimum. Le Paraguay n’a pas signé l’IM.


Paraguay has two tax agreements in force, as reported in its response to the Peer Review questionnaire. Its agreement with Uruguay complies with the minimum standard. Paraguay has not signed the MLI.

  • 07 May 2020
  • OECD, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Pages: 317

This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2018 for 26 Latin American and Caribbean economies. Based on the OECD Revenue Statistics database, it applies the OECD methodology to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to enable comparison of tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among the economies of the region and with other economies. This publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, the OECD Development Centre, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The 2020 edition is produced with the support of the EU Regional Facility for Development in Transition for Latin America and the Caribbean, which results from joint work led by the European Union, the OECD and its Development Centre, and ECLAC.

  • 16 Jun 2020
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 160

Panorama de la Salud: Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2020 presenta indicadores clave sobre la salud y los sistemas de salud en 33 países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Esta primera edición del Panorama de la Salud sobre Latinoamérica y el Caribe fue preparada en conjunto por la OCDE y el Banco Mundial. Los análisis se basan en los datos comparables más recientes de alrededor de 100 indicadores sobre equidad, situación de salud, determinantes de la salud, recursos y actividades, gasto y financiación, y calidad en la atención de salud. El editorial discute los principales desafíos para la región en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, incluyendo tanto el manejo de la epidemia como la movilización y el uso eficiente de recursos para asegurar una respuesta efectiva. El capítulo inicial, que resume el desempeño comparativo de los países antes de la crisis actual, está seguido por un capítulo especial sobre el malgasto en los sistemas de salud que redunda en acciones inefectivas o no mejora resultados, con el fin de redirigir esos recursos a otras áreas donde son altamente necesarios.

  • 16 Jun 2020
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 156

Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 presents key indicators on health and health systems in 33 Latin America and the Caribbean countries. This first Health at a Glance publication to cover the Latin America and the Caribbean region was prepared jointly by OECD and the World Bank. Analysis is based on the latest comparable data across almost 100 indicators including equity, health status, determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health expenditure and financing, and quality of care. The editorial discusses the main challenges for the region brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as managing the outbreak as well as mobilising adequate resources and using them efficiently to ensure an effective response to the epidemic. An initial chapter summarises the comparative performance of countries before the crisis, followed by a special chapter about addressing wasteful health spending that is either ineffective or does not lead to improvement in health outcomes so that to direct saved resources where they are urgently needed.


This paper studies the potential drivers of governments’ approval rates in 18 Latin American countries using Internet search query data from Google Trends and traditional data sources. It employs monthly panel data between January 2006 and December 2015. The analysis tests several specifications including traditional explanatory variables of governments’ approval rates – i.e. inflation, unemployment rate, GDP growth, output gap – and subjective explanatory variables – e.g. perception of corruption and insecurity. For the latter, it uses Internet search query data to proxy citizens’ main social concerns, which are expected to drive governments’ approval rates. The results show that the perception of corruption and insecurity, and complaints about public services have a statistically significant association with governments’ approval rates. This paper also discusses the potential of Internet search query data as a tool for policy makers to understand better citizens’ perceptions, since it provides highly anonymous and high-frequency series in real-time.

Paraguay continues to improve in terms of shaping an inclusive digital economy and society. The country has made efforts to enhance digital access for all. Internet users, active mobile broadband and fixed broadband subscriptions increased in the last decade. Paraguay rose in the E-Government Development Index from 0.47 in 2008 to 0.53 in 2018, which is below the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) average (0.65) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average (0.82). The index measures national administrations’ willingness and capacity to use information and communications technology (ICT) to deliver public services.


Paraguay was reviewed as part of the 2017/2018 and the 2018/2019 peer reviews. This report is supplementary to those previous reports (OECD, 2019[1]) (OECD, 2018[2]).

A terceira edição do Panorama das Administrações Públicas: América Latina e Caribe contém as evidências disponíveis mais atualizadas sobre as administrações públicas e seu desempenho na ALC, comparando-as aos países da OCDE. Esta publicação inclui indicadores sobre finanças públicas e economia, emprego público, centros de governo, governança regulatória, dados abertos governamentais, integridade do setor público, aquisições públicas e, pela primeira vez, sobre os resultados centrais dos governos (p.ex., confiança nas instituições, redução da desigualdade). Os indicadores de governança são especialmente úteis para monitorar e comparar o desempenho dos governos nas suas reformas da administração pública. Cada indicador é apresentado em formato acessível para o leitor, e consiste em figuras ou quadros que ilustram as variações nos países e ao longo do tempo, análises descritivas breves, enfatizando os temas principais em cada área, e uma seção metodológica com a definição do indicador bem como qualquer limitação na comparabilidade dos dados.

English, Spanish

Perú se ha esforzado por mejorar el acceso y uso de las tecnologías digitales por parte de todos sus ciudadanos. Ha aumentado el número de usuarios de Internet y de suscripciones a servicios de banda ancha móvil activa y fija en la última década. Perú ascendió en el índice de desarrollo de gobierno electrónico del 0.53 en 2008 al 0.65 en 2018, una evolución coherente con el promedio de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) (0.65) e inferior al promedio de la OCDE (0.82).


Le Paraguay compte trois conventions fiscales en vigueur, comme l’indique sa réponse au questionnaire d’examen par les pairs. L’une de ces conventions, celle conclue avec l’Uruguay, est conforme au standard minimum.

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