Agricultural and Fisheries Policies in Mexico

Recent Achievements, Continuing the Reform Agenda

image of Agricultural and Fisheries Policies in Mexico

This report analyses the effects of Mexico’s ambitious reforms to agricultural and fisheries policies since 1990 and makes recommendations for further reforms. The evaluation is based on criteria for good agricultural and fisheries policy as agreed to by OECD countries. Such criteria, if implemented, would support economically healthy sectors that contribute to the wider economy, respect natural resources and use inputs effectively without resorting to distorting subsidies.

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An overview of economic performance and the structural environment in Mexico

This chapter provides an overview of the performance and the structural characteristics of the Mexican economy. It is divided into two main sections. The first section describes the performance of the Mexican economy over the past two decades and the current situation and prospects. While great progress has been made to achieve macroeconomic stability the rate of growth of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita remains insufficient for a rapid catching-up to the levels of other OECD members (Figure 1.1). The second section therefore discusses some framework conditions that are of key importance to raise growth potential of the Mexican economy and which would at the same time improve productivity in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.


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