Agricultural Policies in Viet Nam 2015

image of Agricultural Policies in Viet Nam 2015

This review, undertaken in close co-operation with the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, assesses the performance of Vietnamese agriculture over the last two decades, evaluates Vietnamese agricultural policy reforms, discusses the policy framework for sustainable investment in agriculture and provides recommendations to address key challenges in the future.

The OECD Food and Agricultural Reviews provide comprehensive assessments, according to different angles, of countries’ agricultural policies, including OECD estimates of the level of support; major reform efforts and their potential impacts; or conduciveness of the broad policy framework to generating the innovation that will improve agricultural productivity sustainably.


Viet Nam's policy environment for investment in agriculture

This chapter highlights key challenges to be addressed to improve the policy framework for sustainable investment in agriculture, drawing from the OECD Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture. First, it examines the key trends of domestic and foreign investment in agriculture since the Doi Moi reforms in 1986, and provides an overview of Viet Nam’s investment policy, focusing on efforts to promote public-private partnerships, reduce the role of state-owned enterprises and enhance food safety. Then, it examines policies and measures for investment promotion, including investment incentives and licensing procedures, and describes land tenure policy as secure land tenure is a key condition for sustainable investment in agriculture. It also analyses existing policies intending to facilitate access to finance by agricultural investors, and examines the constraints faced by investors arising from infrastructure development, trade policy, human resource development and research. Finally, it reviews policies aiming to promote responsible business conduct in agriculture. The last section summarises the key findings of the chapter.



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