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Title Index

Year Index

  • 15 May 2015
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 72

This publication highlights the main conclusions of the Fishing for Development joint meeting, held in Paris in April 2014. The meeting was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank (WB) to initiate a dialogue between the fisheries and development policy communities from member and partner countries and organizations of the OECD. It brought together delegates to the OECD Fisheries Committee and OECD Development Assistance Committee, representatives of partner developing countries invited by FAO, as well as experts and representatives from FAO, WB, non-governmental organizations and regional organizations. The meeting focused on issues central to promoting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in developing, emerging and developed countries alike.

This publication also includes the background papers originally prepared to provide context for the issues addressed. It identifies questions for a future work agenda on policy coherence in fisheries and aquaculture, and makes evident the strong need for further dialogue between the fisheries and development communities at global and regional scales.

Αυτή η έκθεση περιέχει 87 συγκεκριμένες συστάσεις για τη μείωση περιττών διοικητικών βαρών και/ή σημείων τριβής για τις επιχειρήσεις στην Ελλάδα. Προσδιορίστηκαν ως κατάλληλες με βάση τις απόψεις των επιχειρήσεων που εκφράστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της φάσης μέτρησης, τις απόψεις των ενδιαφερόμενων μερών, την εμπειρία από άλλες ασκήσεις μείωσης των διοικητικών βαρών, και τις απόψεις ομάδων Ελλήνων δημοσίων υπαλλήλων που συμμετείχαν στο έργο.

  • 16 May 2015
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 252
  • 16 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

This report, crafted by the OECD LEED Programme, sheds light on the crucial role of local economic leadership in driving sustainable growth. Through the lens of Manchester's journey and lessons from global peers like Stockholm and Amsterdam, it underscores the essence of patient, collaborative, and evidence-based leadership. From fostering partnerships to catalyzing transformative initiatives, effective leadership transcends short-term actions to shape enduring progress. By prioritizing transparency, strategic planning, and institutional reforms, cities can unlock their full potential and navigate complex economic landscapes with confidence. This report serves as a beacon for aspiring leaders worldwide, offering invaluable insights for crafting resilient, inclusive, and prosperous local economies.

  • 18 May 2015
  • PARIS21
  • Pages: 52

The Road Map for a Country-led Data Revolution was produced by the Informing a Data Revolution (IDR) project, which was launched by PARIS21 in 2014 and financed by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to help ensure the data revolution serves the post-2015 development agenda. Its focus is on National Statistical Systems (NSS) in developing countries. These are crucial to generating the data needed to promote development and reduce poverty and to monitor international development goals.
As well as this report, the IDR project has a number of other components, including the following:
- Country studies: A study of statistical systems in 27 countries and in-depth studies of 7 countries.
- Innovations Inventory: Inventories of innovative solutions that can help fill data gaps, reduce costs and improve efficiency.
- IDR Metabase: A database on the organisation, management and performance of national statistical systems to provide a baseline and a means for monitoring progress over time
For more on the methodology used to create this report, see Annex - Methodology.

Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese
  • 18 May 2015
  • PARIS21
  • Pages: 52

La Guía para una revolución de datos dirigida por los países es fruto del proyecto “Informing a Data Revolution” (IDR), creado por PARIS21 en 2014 con financiación de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates. El objeto del proyecto es que la revolución de datos contribuya a la Agenda de Desarrollo post 2015. Su actividad se centra en los Sistemas Nacionales de Estadística de los países en desarrollo, imprescindibles para la generación de los datos necesarios para el fomento del desarrollo y la reducción de la pobreza, así como para monitorear los objetivos de desarrollo internacional.
Además de este informe, el proyecto IDR ha elaborado otra serie de trabajos:
• Estudios nacionales: análisis general de los sistemas estadísticos de 27 países y un análisis más detallado de 7 de ellos.
• Inventario de innovaciones: inventarios de soluciones innovadoras que pueden contribuir a corregir carencias de datos, reducir costes y aumentar la eficiencia.
• Metabase IDR: una base de datos sobre la organización, la gestión y los resultados de los sistemas nacionales de estadística que sirva de plataforma para el seguimiento del progreso.
Para más información sobre la metodología usada en la creación de este informe, consulte el Anexo.

Portuguese, French, English, Russian

Acest raport transnațional analizează legislația privind răspunderea persoanelor juridice pentru corupție și aplicarea acesteia în Europa de Est și Asia Centrală. Deși raportul se concentrează asupra a douăzeci și cinci de țări participante la Rețeaua anticorupție pentru Europa de Est și Asia Centrală (ACN), acesta include, de asemenea, exemple din țările OCDE. Raportul se bazează pe datele furnizate de guvernele ACN sub formă de chestionare. De asemenea, acesta reflectă discuțiile și exemplele de bune practici care au fost prezentate în cadrul reuniunilor rețelei ACN de aplicare a legii din 2014. Au fost efectuate cercetări suplimentare pentru a îmbogăți raportul cu datele referitoare la țările OCDE. Cea mai mare parte a raportului a fost elaborată în 2014.

Russian, English

This cross-country report analyses the legislation on liability of legal persons for corruption and its enforcement in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. While the report focuses on twenty five countries participating in the Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN), it also includes examples from OECD countries. The report is based on data provided by the ACN governments in the form of questionnaires. It also reflects the discussions and examples of good practiced that were presented during the meetings of the ACN law-enforcement network in 2014. Additional research was conducted to enrich the report with the data for the OECD countries. The majority of the report was prepared in 2014.

Russian, Romanian

В этом межстрановом отчете анализируется законодательство об ответственности юридических лиц за коррупцию и его применение в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Хотя основное внимание в отчете уделяется двадцати пяти странам, участвующим в Антикоррупционной сети для Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии (ACN), в него также включены примеры из стран ОЭСР. Отчет основан на данных, предоставленных правительствами стран-участниц ACN в форме анкет. В нем также отражены обсуждения и примеры успешной практики, которые были представлены на встречах правоохранительной сети ACN в 2014 году. Было проведено дополнительное исследование для обогащения отчета данными по странам ОЭСР. Большая часть отчета была подготовлена в 2014 году.

Romanian, English
  • 19 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 48

OECD360 przedstawia najnowsze analizy i dane z kluczowych publikacji OECD. Liczne materiały graficzne ilustrują główne aktualne kwestie. Edukacja, zatrudnienie, zielony wzrost, perspektywy regionalne, rolnictwo, wzrost ekonomiczny, kryzys finansowy oraz jego konsekwencje dla społeczeństwa i rozwoju: 8 tematów podsumowujących sytuację w Twoim kraju i na całej scenie międzynarodowej. Każdemu artykułowi towarzyszą dwie strony materiałów graficznych, które zwracają uwagę na dane OECD z trzech grafik pochodzących z oryginalnych publikacji - wraz z linkami do danych Statlinks, umożliwiającymi pobranie danych źródłowych dla każdej grafiki.

  • 20 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108

Government at a Glance: How Hungary Compares presents recent comparable data on key indicators of government activities and performance in Hungary, compared with its neighbouring countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia) as well as the OECD average. The main goal of this publication is to identify progress and persisting challenges in public sector reform in Hungary and to highlight some areas where public sector efficiency might be further improved in future years. It provides indicators on a wide range of government activities, including public finance management, public employment and pay, administrative burden for businesses, and the delivery of services in two key areas (health care and education).

Cette publication phare du Programme LEED sera la première d'une série qui mettra en lumière les dernières decouvertes sur les politiques pour le soutien à la création d'emplois, dans un format conviviable et accessible aux décideurs politiques (au niveau national, régional et local), practiciens et membres de la société civile. Seront compris dans la publication un groupe de fiches pays, illustrant des nouvelles données sur l'offre et la demande des compétences au niveau des petites régions  (TL3). La publication traitera d'une facon transversale les différentes thématiques  du Programme LEED, avec comme objectif d'apporter un complément et une valeur ajoutée par rapport à des publications plus spécifiques et qui traitent des problématiques plus en profondeur.

  • 20 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

Ce rapport se fonde sur l’analyse de données infranationales et sur la consultation de parties prenantes locales dans six études de cas locales dans trois régions (Rhône Alpes, Ile de France et Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur). Il établit un cadre de comparaison permettant d’appréhender le rôle de l’échelon local en faveur d’emplois plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité. Il pourra aider les responsables des politiques nationales, régionales et locales en France à bâtir au niveau local des partenariats efficaces et pérennes, porteurs de synergies et de résultats plus solides du point de vue des mesures prises pour l’emploi, la formation et le développement économique. Des politiques coordonnées peuvent aider les travailleurs à trouver l’emploi qui leur convient tout en stimulant l’entrepreneuriat et la productivité, et aboutir ainsi à une meilleure qualité de vie et à plus de prospérité aussi bien au niveau local que, globalement, dans le pays.

  • 21 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 336

The gap between rich and poor keeps widening. Growth, if any, has disproportionally benefited higher income groups while lower income households have been left behind. This long-run increase in income inequality not only raises social and political concerns, but also economic ones. It tends to drag down GDP growth, due to the rising distance of the lower 40% from the rest of society. Lower income people have been prevented from realising their human capital potential, which is bad for the economy as a whole. This book highlights the key areas where inequalities are created and where new policies are required, including: the consequences of current consolidation policies; structural labour market changes with rising non-standard work and job polarization; persisting gender gaps; the challenge of high wealth concentration, and the role for redistribution policies.

  • 21 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 312

Since the return to democracy in 1999, Nigeria has embarked upon an ambitious reform programme towards greater economic openness and liberalisation. As a result, gross domestic product growth picked up consistently, never going below 5% since 2003. Nigeria has become a top recipient of foreign direct investment in Africa, with inflows having surpassed those to South Africa since 2009. The federal government’s Transformation Agenda recognises private sector development as the main engine for economic growth and includes bold investment reforms. Growth has however not yet been translated into inclusive development and the investment climate still suffers from severe challenges.

This Investment Policy Review examines Nigeria’s investment policies in light of the OECD Policy Framework for Investment (PFI), a tool to mobilise investment in support of economic growth and sustainable development. It provides an assessment and policy recommendations on different areas of the PFI: investment policy; investment promotion and facilitation; trade policy; infrastructure investment; competition; corporate governance and financial sector development. It also includes a special chapter analysing the PFI in Lagos State. The Review follows on the request addressed by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment of Nigeria to the OECD Secretary-General in December 2011. It has been prepared in close co-operation with the Federal Government of Nigeria and Lagos State Government.

  • 22 May 2015
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 188

Les Perspectives Transport FIT examine l'évolution des volumes de transport mondiaux et les émissions de CO2 associées et impacts sur la santé jusqu'à 2050. Il examine les facteurs qui peuvent influer sur l'offre et la demande de services de transport et se concentre sur des scénarios illustrant les voies supérieures et inférieures potentiels, discuter de leur pertinence pour la politique décision.

Cette édition présente un aperçu des scénarios à long terme pour le développement des volumes de transport de passagers et de fret mondiaux, en mettant l'accent sur les changements dans les flux commerciaux mondiaux et les conséquences de l'urbanisation rapide. Il se concentre sur les caractéristiques du développement de la mobilité dans les pays en développement, de l'Amérique latine vers les villes chinoises et indiennes, soulignant l'importance des politiques de mobilité urbaine pour la réalisation des objectifs nationaux et mondiaux de développement durable.

  • 22 May 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

This report looks at a variety of inclusive innovation initiatives and innovative products aimed at improving the welfare of lower-income and excluded groups, notably in terms of essential public services (education, infrastructure and health). It discusses the policy trade-offs between traditional innovation policies and a more inclusive innovation approach, and provides recommendations for aligning current policies. It also deals with the impacts of innovation and innovation policies on industrial and territorial inclusiveness, describing how information and communication technology (ICT) and technology diffusion may influence smaller firms’ chances of succeeding with their innovations.

This document presents guidance for conducting the Syrian Hamster Embryo Cells Transformation Assay (SHE CTA). The purpose of this Guidance document is to allow the regulatory community to use the described method as part of a weight of evidence approach in the testing of substances for carcinogenic potential. There are a number of issues which have impeded consensus on the approval of the Test Guideline; these issues mainly include the subjective nature of evaluating transformed phenotypic morphology, the limited understanding of causal molecular mechanisms leading to the transformed SHE colonies, the relatively small number of bona fide non-genotoxic carcinogens, as compared to genotoxic carcinogens, that have been tested in the SHE cell transformation assay, and the way the assay might be used in a regulatory framework.

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