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Key aspects of any Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) programme are the estimation techniques used to generate data on releases. Companies (facilities) that report data to a national PRTR generally estimate the data using, for example, emission factors or mass balance calculations, rather than using measured data, such as specific continuous monitoring data. As different industrial processes and activities involve different throughputs, equipment and operating conditions, different methods for estimating pollutant releases and transfers are required. The scope of this document is to describe methods and considerations for determining quantities of a pollutant that has been released into the environment or otherwise managed as waste. This document provides an overview of example transfers that contain chemicals of concern, the sources of those transfers, the chemicals included and management methods for these transfers.

The scope of this document is to identify relevant releases to the environment from the use phase of end-products, to present techniques to quantify the releases, as well as to provide information on how to include these releases into PRTRs. This document does not make specific recommendations on preferred estimation techniques; rather, it provides a catalogue of release and transfer estimation techniques available and summarises the pertinent information needed to apply them. Another aim of this project is to provide a listing of reports and other documentation describing the various methods being used in OECD countries to estimate releases of pollutants to air, water, and land.

  • 10 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Ambitious structural reforms and sound macroeconomic policies have ensured the resilience of the highly-open Mexican economy in the face of challenging global conditions. Mexico’s productivity growth has recently picked up in sectors that benefitted from structural reforms – energy, financial, and telecoms. Trade openness, foreign direct investment, integration into global value chains and innovation incentives have boosted exports, notably of autos. Yet other sectors lag behind, suffering from overly stringent local regulations, weak legal institutions, rooted informality, corruption and insufficient financial development. Moreover, growth has not been inclusive enough to achieve better living conditions for all Mexican families, many of whom live in poverty, and whose children’s opportunities to do better than their parents could be improved. Past policies have already begun to correct these trends, but more needs to be done. The 2017 Survey makes key policy recommendations that could help to boost productivity and make growth more inclusive.


Spanish, French
  • 12 Jan 2017
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 111

Nuclear Energy Data is the Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports documenting nuclear power status in NEA member countries and in the OECD area. Information provided by governments includes statistics on installed generating capacity, total electricity produced by all sources and by nuclear power, nuclear energy policies and fuel cycle developments, as well as projections of nuclear generating capacity and electricity production to 2035, where available. Total electricity generation at nuclear power plants and the share of electricity production from nuclear power plants increased slightly in 2015, by 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively. Two new units were connected to the grid in 2015, in Russia and Korea; two reactors returned to operation in Japan under the new regulatory regime; and seven reactors were officially shut down – five in Japan, one in Germany and one in the United Kingdom. Governments committed to having nuclear power in the energy mix advanced plans for developing or increasing nuclear generating capacity, with the preparation of new build projects progressing in Finland, Hungary, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Further details on these and other developments are provided in the publication's numerous tables, graphs and country reports.

This publication contains "StatLinks". For each StatLink, the reader will find a URL which leads to the corresponding spreadsheet. These links work in the same way as an Internet link.

  • 13 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 88

As “market referees”, regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. The internal and external governance of regulatory agencies are essential to determining how regulators and the sectors they oversee perform. The OECD has developed an innovative framework that looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can enhance regulators’ performance. In this report, the framework is applied to the external governance of Mexico’s energy sector and its three regulatory bodies, the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA), the National Hydrocarbons Commissions (CNH) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), following a structural reform of the sector and its regulatory institutions. The review offers insights into the progress and challenges in the implementation of the reform, highlighting the importance of structured co-ordination and accountability mechanisms based on a common strategic agenda, alignment of processes for good regulatory outcomes as well as sufficient operational flexibility. The report is complemented by forthcoming reviews of the internal governance arrangements of the three regulatory agencies, constituting a comprehensive body of work on the regulatory governance of Mexico’s energy sector.

  • 13 Jan 2017
  • OECD, Sahel and West Africa Club
  • Pages: 224

This publication examines how policy actors involved in cross-border co-operation contribute to the regional integration process in West Africa. It uses a pioneering methodology, known as social network analysis, to visualise the formal and informal relationships between actors involved in cross-border policy networks, showing that borders have notable and diverse impacts on exchanges of information and the relative power of networks. The report then analyses a range of regional indicators of co-operation potential, visually demonstrating that borders can also affect the ability of sub-regions within West Africa to develop cross-border initiatives in a number of ways. Combining these two analyses with the perceptions of regional policy makers as to which border areas they consider as priorities for regional integration, the publication concludes with the analytical foundations for more effective place-based policies that can enhance cross-border co-operation in West Africa.

  • 13 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 176

The Mexico Tourism Policy Review provides an assessment of tourism-related policies, programmes and plans to support sustainable tourism development in Mexico. Policy recommendations focus on priority areas to help strengthen Mexico's tourism sector and take advantage of opportunities with strong potential for economic growth, investment and development, notably in the following areas: policy-making environment and governance arrangements; transport, mobility and connectivity for visitor travel; inclusive tourism growth, destination development and product and regional diversification; and investment and SME financing.

  • 13 Jan 2017
  • OECD, Sahel and West Africa Club
  • Pages: 224

Cette publication examine la contribution des acteurs impliqués dans la coopération transfrontalière au processus d’intégration régionale en Afrique de l’Ouest. S’appuyant sur une méthodologie innovante, appelée analyse des réseaux sociaux, cet ouvrage propose une cartographie des relations formelles et informelles qui lient les acteurs impliqués dans les réseaux de gouvernance transfrontaliers. Il éclaire notamment les effets des frontières sur les échanges d’information et les relations de pouvoir entre acteurs. L’analyse du potentiel de coopération de plusieurs indicateurs régionaux montre ensuite que les frontières affectent diversement la capacité des espaces à développer des initiatives transfrontalières. Ces deux résultats sont combinés à la perception que les décideurs politiques ont des zones frontalières prioritaires en matière d’intégration régionale. Cette analyse croisée propose des bases pour des politiques territorialisées plus propices au développement de la coopération transfrontalière en Afrique de l’Ouest.


This report presents the findings and recommendations of the OECD review of Mexico’s national auditing system, with a focus on the Auditoria Superior de la Federación (ASF), the supreme audit institution. Reforms in Mexico have revamped the country’s institutional architecture and created several systems for strengthening accountability, integrity and transparency. The report highlights strategic considerations for the national auditing system and the ASF, examines the national and subnational dimensions of auditing in Mexico, and suggests ways for the ASF to enhance the impact and relevance of its work.


This report discusses the need for an integrated and cyclical approach to managing health technology in order to mitigate clinical and financial risks, and ensure acceptable value for money. The analysis considers how health systems and policy makers should adapt in terms of development, assessment and uptake of health technologies. The first chapter provides an examination of adoption and impact of medical technology in the past and how health systems are preparing for continuation of such trends in the future. Subsequent chapters examine the need to balance innovation, value, and access for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, respectively, followed by a consideration of their combined promise in the area of precision medicine. The final chapter examines how health systems can make better use of health data and digital technologies. The report focuses on opportunities linked to new and emerging technologies as well as current challenges faced by policy makers, and suggests a new governance framework to address these challenges.

Recommendations to OECD Ministers of Health from the High-Level Reflection Group on the Future of Health Statistics: Strengthening the international comparison of health system performance through patient-reported indicators.

  • 17 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Las ambiciosas reformas estructurales y las sólidas políticas macroeconómicas han asegurado la resistencia de la economía mexicana, sumamente abierta, ante las desafiantes condiciones mundiales. El crecimiento de la productividad de México repuntó hace poco en los sectores que se beneficiaron de las reformas estructurales: energético, financiero y de telecomunicaciones. La apertura comercial, la inversión extranjera directa, la integración en las cadenas globales de valor y los incentivos a la innovación han impulsado las exportaciones, en especial las de automóviles. Sin embargo, otros sectores se han rezagado, al verse afectados por regulaciones locales demasiado rigurosas, instituciones jurídicas débiles, informalidad arraigada, corrupción y desarrollo financiero insuficiente. Por otra parte, el crecimiento no ha sido suficientemente incluyente para lograr mejores condiciones de vida para todas las familias mexicanas, muchas de las cuales viven en la pobreza; y cuyas oportunidades para los hijos de superar a sus padres podrían mejorarse. Las políticas anteriores ya han empezado a corregir estas tendencias, pero es necesario hacer más en este sentido. El Estudio de 2017 hace recomendaciones clave que podrían ayudar a estimular la productividad y hacer que el crecimiento sea más incluyente.


French, English

Le présent ouvrage est la huitième édition de Panorama de la société, recueil d’indicateurs sociaux de l’OCDE. Ce rapport s’efforce de répondre à la demande croissante de données quantitatives sur le bien-être social et ses tendances. Cette édition actualise certains indicateurs figurant dans les précédentes éditions publiées depuis 2001 et introduit plusieurs nouveaux indicateurs. Cette édition couvre 25 indicateurs au total. Y sont présentées des données pour les 34 pays membres de l’OCDE, ainsi que, lorsque les données sont disponibles, pour les partenaires clés (Afrique du Sud, Brésil, Chine, Inde, Indonésie et Fédération de Russie) et pour les autres pays du G20 (Arabie Saoudite et Argentine). On trouvera dans le présent rapport un chapitre spécialement consacré aux jeunes déscolarisés, sans emploi et ne suivant aucune formation (chapitre 1), ainsi qu’un guide destiné à aider le lecteur à comprendre la structure des indicateurs sociaux de l’OCDE (chapitre 2).
Tous les indicateurs sont disponibles sur le web et sous forme de publication électronique sur OECD iLibrary.


Korean, English
  • 20 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour le Danemark 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur les risques macroéconomique et financier, le vieillissement et bien-être.

  • 20 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

The Flemish economy is extremely diversified with a number of value-added industries and a highly skilled workforce. The shift to a green economy will however require specific knowledge, values and attitudes from the Flemish workforce. This report analyses the skills dimension of the transition to a green economy at the local level, with specific reference to emerging needs in the agro-food, construction and chemicals sectors. It also provides recommendations for the development of green skills and occupational profiles at the organisational level, while advising policy makers on the best method of assisting firms to transition to a green economy.

  • 20 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour la Turquie 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur : renforcer le secteur manufacturier et participer aux chaînes de valeur mondiales.

  • 23 Jan 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour l'Israël 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur stimuler la concurrence sur les marchés israéliens et améliorer le système de retraite.


The Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India is a bi-annual publication on regional economic growth, development and regional integration in Emerging Asia. It focuses on the economic conditions of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. It also addresses relevant economic issues in China and India to fully reflect economic developments in the region. The 2017 edition of the Outlook comprises four main parts, each highlighting a particular dimension of recent economic developments in the region. The first part presents the regional economic monitor, depicting the near-term and medium-term economic outlooks, as well as macroeconomic and regional integration challenges in the region. The second part discusses the recent progress made in key aspects of regional integration. The third part presents this edition's special focus: addressing energy challenges and renewable energy development in particular. The fourth part includes structural policy country notes offering specific recommendations.

  • 24 Jan 2017
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 48

Les Examens environnementaux de l’OCDE sont des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays pour tenir leurs objectifs environnementaux. Ces examens sont destinés à favoriser les échanges de bonnes pratiques, à aider les gouvernements à rendre compte de leurs politiques et à améliorer la performance environnementale, individuelle et collective, des pays. Les analyses s’appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales. Au cours de chaque cycle d’examens environnementaux, l’OCDE passe en revue l’ensemble de ses pays membres ainsi que certains pays partenaires. Les derniers pays examinés sont le Brésil (2015), les Pays-Bas (2015) et la France (2016).

Ce rapport est le deuxième examen environnemental du Chili. Il évalue ses progrès en matière de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec un accent particulier sur le changement climatique et sur la conservation et l’exploitation durable de la biodiversité.

Cette version française est une version abrégée de la version originale de la publication, OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Chile 2016. Elle inclut notamment l'avant-propos, le résumé et les recommandations qui donne une vue d'ensemble du rapport.

Spanish, English
  • 25 Jan 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 136

This report sets out several of the recent advances, and suggests the most promising approaches, to the quantification and valuation of some of the wider economic benefits that flow from transport-related development. Economic appraisal can offer decision-makers important insights into the expected socio-economic impacts of transport projects. The sophistication of modern supply chains and the growing prominence of the services sector have increased the interest of decision-makers in economic benefits beyond those traditionally captured in transport appraisal.

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