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Title Index

Year Index

  • 11 Mar 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

Digital technologies and data are transformational. People, firms and governments live, interact, work and produce differently than in the past, and these changes are accelerating rapidly. How can we realise the immense promises of digital technologies and data for growth and well-being in a fast evolving world? This report charts the road ahead. It identifies seven policy dimensions that allow governments – together with citizens, firms and stakeholders – to shape digital transformation to improve lives. It also highlights key opportunities, challenges and policies related to each dimension, offers new insights, evidence and analysis, and provides recommendations for better policies in the digital age.

French, German
  • 11 Mar 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 120

While Italy has made major progress in the past decade to up-skill its population and workers, further efforts are needed to improve access to good quality adult learning opportunities. Training funds represent one important tool through which Italy could face the pressures brought about by the mega-trends, and equip adults and workers with the skills needed to thrive in the labour market and society. This report analyses how training funds are designed, used, and monitored, and provides actionable policy recommendations to ensure that they are put to their most effective use.

  • 12 Mar 2019
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 32

Este documento tiene por objeto apoyar a las ciudades en el establecimiento de objetivos de seguridad vial y supervisar los avances en la mejora de la seguridad vial urbana. Los peatones, ciclistas y motociclistas representan casi el 80 % de las muertes por accidentes de tráfico urbanos. Por lo tanto, las ciudades deben intensificar sus esfuerzos para mejorar la seguridad de los usuarios vulnerables de la vía pública. Este documento presenta indicadores de seguridad vial para diferentes grupos de usuarios de la vía pública recolectados en 31 ciudades con el fin de facilitar la evaluación, la supervisión y la comparación de resultados de seguridad vial. Presta especial atención a la medición del riesgo de muerte en accidente de tráfico por unidad de distancia recorrida.

  • 12 Mar 2019
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 149

Oil 2019, the International Energy Agency’s annual outlook for global oil markets, examines the key issues in demand, supply, refining and trade to 2024. This year, the report covers the following themes:

  • A changed supply picture led by the rise of the United States inworld markets thanks to rapidly-growing shale oil production, asit becomes a net exporter of crude oil and products.
  • Supply growth in the non-OPEC world, including Brazil, Canada,Norway and Guyana; and a falling capacity for the OPECproducers.
  • Demand growth underpinned by China and India and by thegrowing importance of petrochemicals as the industry invests tomeet rising consumer demand.
  • And a detailed analysis of how the refining industry is grapplingwith the International Maritime Organisation’s new marine fuelrules, growing excess capacity, and the changing patterns ofglobal oil trade.

Malta is actively pursuing more effective and efficient public procurement with the recognition that it will support the government’s broad strategic goals and contribute to its fast growing economy. Malta has made great progress in updating its public procurement processes with many strategic initiatives either underway or completed. The e-procurement system is well used and has a regular programme of updates. However, Malta wants to continue improving its public procurement system to enable and support more strategic initiatives. This study specifically focuses on the current public procurement processes. Several areas of potential improvement have been identified. The main themes for improvements hinge on public procurement capability and capacity building, strategic planning, increasing and enhancing digital public procurement processes and to benchmark improvements

This report brings together the results of the OECD assessment of the current R&D system in place, with the purpose of mapping the different administrating schemes and its objectives, the target groups, the funding streams and the legal frameworks. The schemes/programmes identified by the Lithuanian authorities were: National R&D Programmes (former National Science Programmes); Scheme for Governmental procurement of R&D services; Pre-commercial Procurement scheme · Innovative Public Procurement scheme; Ministerial Orders for R&D services; and Urgent and “Required” Research and Technology Orders.

This report proposes a detailed outline of the certification framework and a professionalisation strategy, built upon a comprehensive assessment of the challenges with the key stakeholders and close discussion with the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation (MEI) and the Public Procurement Office (PPO) of Lithuania.

  • 14 Mar 2019
  • Andreas Schleicher
  • Pages: 80

This report discusses policies and practices that shape quality and equity in early childhood education and care. It examines how the work environment, including the educational background of staff, and the policies that shape teaching approaches affect the quality of the education provided to our youngest learners. The book concludes with an overview of current thinking about how young children use, and are affected by, information and communication technologies (ICT). Linking the way children interact with ICT inside of school to the way they already use it outside of school could be the key to unlocking technology’s potential for learning.

Children learn at a faster rate during the first five years of their life than at any other time, developing cognitive, and social and emotional skills that are fundamental to their future achievements and well-being throughout childhood and as adults. Despite compelling evidence that high quality early childhood education and care programmes can make a crucial difference to children’s progress through school and success in adult life, large differences in access to and the quality of these programmes persist within and across countries.

  • 14 Mar 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

The Food and Agriculture Reviews provide a comprehensive assessment of agricultural policies and calculate a set of policy indicators developed by the OECD. These indicators are regularly used in the analysis of the agriculture and food sector in OECD countries and several emerging economies. This review analyses both the indicators available for Argentina and the main agricultural policy areas, such as trade, innovation, sustainability, risk management and value chains. It also provides a series of policy recommendations.

Argentina’s agricultural sector has undergone a considerable innovation process over the last two decades. This transformation was mostly led by a dynamic and pro-active private sector often subject to policies providing negative support via export restrictions and taxes. The rapid adoption of technologies, such as improved varieties and no-till farming, and organisational innovations have contributed to increasing the Total Factor Productivity of crops. Government focus on providing such general services as research, extension, and animal and plant health has facilitated innovation as has the proactive management of risks by farmers. Nevertheless, environmental pressures are increasing with deforestation and the use of pesticides.

  • 14 Mar 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Adult learning systems play a crucial role in helping people adapt to the changing world of work and develop relevant skills. Community Education and Training has been brought forward as a possible way to foster adult learning in South Africa, especially among disadvantaged groups. South Africa has a relatively large group of adults who have low levels of education and skills, and limited opportunities for skills development. This report looks at the potential role that Community Education and Training could play in South Africa, how the system should be financed, how to align the training offer with community needs, and how to ensure high-quality provision. The report provides international good practise examples and suggests actions that South African stakeholders might consider to develop the Community Education and Training system.

  • 14 Mar 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 212

Las Revisiones de Políticas Agroalimentarias proporcionan una evaluación exhaustiva de las políticas agrícolas de cada país y el cálculo de un conjunto de indicadores desarrollados por la OCDE. Estos indicadores se utilizan regularmente en el análisis de la agricultura y sector alimentario en los países de la OCDE y de varias economías emergentes. Este informe incluye el análisis y los indicadores correspondientes a Argentina, integrando los principales aspectos de la política agroalimentaria como la política comercial, la innovación, la sostenibilidad, la gestión de riesgos y las cadenas de valor, y proporciona recomendaciones de política.  
El sector agropecuario de Argentina ha experimentado un proceso de innovación notable en las últimas dos décadas. Esta transformación ha sido liderada principalmente por un sector privado dinámico y proactivo, a pesar de estar sujeto a políticas de apoyo negativo tales como las restricciones y los impuestos a la exportación. La rápida adopción de tecnologías como las semillas mejoradas y la siembra directa, e innovaciones organizacionales han contribuido a aumentar la Productividad Total de los Factores en los cultivos. Los apoyos presupuestarios se han centrado en la prestación de servicios generales tales como investigación, extensión y sanidad agropecuaria, facilitando la innovación y la gestión proactiva de los riesgos. Las presiones ambientales están en aumento con el crecimiento del uso de pesticidas y la deforestación. Las producciones fuera de la región pampeana acumulan un retraso en productividad e innovación.


Este informe provee un análisis indispensable para el diseño organizacional e implementación efectiva de unidades de integridad en las instituciones del sector público. Asimismo, señala el camino para establecer un sistema articulado con la Secretaría de Integridad Pública de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros, órgano técnico encargado de conducir, implementar y evaluar la Política Nacional de Integridad y Lucha contra la Corrupción en el Perú.

  • 18 Mar 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

This is the fourth edition of Society at a Glance Asia/Pacific, the OECD’s overview of social indicators for the region. The report addresses the growing demand for quantitative evidence on social well-being and its trends across countries in Asia and the Pacific.  Chapter 1 introduces this volume and provides readers with a guide to help them interpret OECD social indicators. Chapter 2 focuses on issues around extending coverage and the future of social protection in Asia and the Pacific. Already, there are many workers in Asia and the Pacific whose job does not entitle them to social and health supports. Digitalisation and changes in the nature of work may lead to further job-loss, but also increase economic labour market and economic inequalities between high- and low-skilled workers; workers with and without access to social benefits. These rising inequalities will further challenge social policy development in its quest to get support to those who need it most. The chapter includes some country programme examples to illustrate possible policy responses. Chapter 3 to 7 each present five indicators on general context, self-sufficiency, equity, health and social cohesion.

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