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Title Index

Year Index

  • 10 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 567
Bildung auf einen Blick ist das jährlich erscheinende Kompendium der OECD mit international vergleichbaren Bildungsstatistiken.
In der Ausgabe 2008 wird die kontinuierliche Ausweitung des Bildungssektors untersucht, die dazu führte, dass heute 57% aller jungen Menschen ein Studium aufnehmen.
Internationale Vergleiche können den Bildungssystemen bei der Bewältigung der mit dieser Ausweitung verbundenen Herausforderungen helfen, indem sie ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, ihre Leistung im Licht dessen zu sehen, was in anderen Ländern in der Bildungspolitik geschieht.
French, Portuguese, Spanish, English
  • 25 Aug 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 146

Governments in many OECD countries, as well as in a number of countries outside the OECD area, actively promote the production and use of alternative transport fuels made from agricultural commodities. This report, jointly produced by the OECD and the IEA and drawing on information from a number of other organisations, analyses the implications of this support from various perspectives. The report shows that the high level of policy support contributes little to reduced greenhouse-gas emissions and other policy objectives, while it adds to a range of factors that raise international prices for food commodities. It concludes that there are alternatives to current support policies for biofuels that would more effectively allow governments to achieve their objectives.


Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) is a fundamental tool to help governments to assess the impacts of regulation. RIA is used to examine and measure the likely benefits, costs and effects of new or existing regulation. The implementation of RIA supports the process of policy-making by contributing valuable empirical data to policy decisions, and through the construction of a rational decision framework to examine the implications of potential regulatory policy options. This is an important factor in responding to the impact on modern economies of open international markets and budgetary constraints, and the consequences of competing policy demands. A key feature of RIA is its consideration of the potential economic impacts of regulatory proposals...

  • 27 Jun 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

Broadband connects consumers, businesses and governments and are now therefore a vital instrument in ensuring the competitiveness of OECD countries. This report examines broadband developments and policies, and highlights challenges such as connecting users to fibre-based networks or coverage of rural areas. It also outlines emerging issues that may need policy attention as we move to next-generation networks. The findings are also relevant to emerging and developing economies designing broadband strategies.

  • 11 Jun 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 150

This book analyses the opportunities and conditions of employment throughout the Black Sea region and Central Asia. It examines how different countries deal with social issues affecting well-being. It presents, thus, both a country-based view and a whole-region analysis that will be useful for policy makers and civil society in responding to the challenges ahead. Countries covered include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.


The changing pattern of international agricultural trade has profound implications for Africa. The book’s authors discuss these trade flows, map the corporate landscape of agro-food, (including the emergent indigenous sector), and assess trends in international development co-operation in the corporate sector. Particular focus is given to “aid for trade” programmes that try to foster private-sector development and trade-capacity building. A final chapter, drawing lessons from five country case studies, provides evidence of the (in)effectiveness of government intervention and donor programmes to promote the marketing of African agriculture.

  • 27 Feb 2008
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 224

Biofuels received USD 15 billion in subsidies in OECD Member countries in 2007, but did they deliver benefits in terms of climate change or oil security? Present policies make no link between support for biofuels and their environmental performance, and biofuels do not all perform equally well. In fact, much of the current ethanol and biodiesel production may result in higher overall emissions of greenhouse gases than using conventional transport fuels - gasoline and diesel. The papers published in this report examine the economics of biofuels and assess the potential of conventional biofuel production in OECD countries, Brazilian ethanol exports and some second generation biofuels to supply world markets with transport fuels.

This Round Table analyses the critical issues for governments in determining support for biofuels, particularly the level of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the life-cycle of these fuels and the wider environmental impacts of farming biomass. It also reviews recent progress in developing certification systems for biofuels – an essential  tool for tying support  to achievement in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, although certification cannot be expected to prevent rainforest destruction for the  development of  biofuel crop plantations. The report concludes with a short list of recommendations for policy reform if support for biofuels is to contribute effectively to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

  • 13 Dec 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 206

Launched in 1998, the latest edition of this series (formerly entitled Benefit Systems and Work Incentives) provides detailed descriptions of all cash benefits available to those in and out of work as well as the taxes they are liable to pay across OECD countries. A special chapter also compares childcare costs across countries and the financial work incentives faced by parents of young children. Using the OECD tax-benefit models, total household incomes and their components are calculated for a range of family types and employment situations. The results are used to examine financial incentives to work, either part-time or full-time, as well as the extent to which social benefits prevent income poverty for those without a job. This volume presents results for 2005 and earlier years.


Finding a suitable work/family life balance is a challenge that all parents face. Some people would like to have (more) children, but do not see how they could match that commitment with their employment situation. Other parents are happy with the number of children in their family, but would like to work more. Yet other parents who are happy with their family situation, may wish to work at different hours, or reduce hours worked to spend more time with their children. This book synthesises the finding of the 13 individual country reviews published previously and extends the scope to include other OECD countries, examining tax/benefit policies, parental leave systems, child care support, and workplace practices.

"...a good source for a socio-political analysis of OECD countries and comparative political hypothesis testing."

-Stan Silverberg, Catawba College 

"...a great way of helping students learn to read and interpret graphical data."

-Ken Wedding, author of The AP Comparative Government and Politics Examination: What You Need to Know, Second Edition

Korean, French
  • 25 Oct 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 502
Bildung auf einen Blick ist ein jährlich erscheinendes Kompendium mit Informationen über die Bildungssysteme in den OECD- und in Partnerländern. Seine Schwerpunktbereiche sind: Bildungsbeteiligung und Bildungserfolg, Bildungsausgaben, lebensbegleitendes Lernen sowie Lehr- und Lernbedingungen.
Die Ausgabe 2007 richtet das Augenmerk besonders auf die Tertiärbildung und stellt fest, dass es – trotz ihrer raschen Expansion – bislang keine Anzeichen für eine Entwertung der entsprechenden Bildungsqualifikationen gibt.
Darüber hinaus befasst sich Bildung auf einen Blick 2007 erstmals mit der Frage der Effizienz des Bildungswesens und liefert einige Anhaltspunkte dafür, welche Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen, wenn die Lehrtätigkeit ebenso wie andere Berufe mit dem Ziel einer Steigerung des Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnisses reformiert werden soll.
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Öffentliche Bauaufträge sind ein großes Geschäft. Das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen macht in Form von Aufträgen, die vom Straßenbau bis zur Einrichtung von Hightech-Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen reichen, in den OECD-Ländern durchschnittlich 15% des BIP aus – in Nicht-OECD-Ländern ist der Anteil noch erheblich höher – und spielt im internationalen Handel mit Waren und Dienstleistungen eine große Rolle. Auf Grund der hohen Auftragsvolumen bewerben sich Tausende von potenziellen Lieferanten um den Zuschlag bei öffentlichen Ausschreibungen. Ohne Gegenmaßnahmen kann eine Kultur der Korruption entstehen und das finanzielle wie auch das politische Wohlergehen eines Staats sabotieren.

Der zunehmend komplexe Charakter der Bestechungsstrukturen wirft die Frage auf, wie sich Korruptionshandlungen im öffentlichen Auftragswesen feststellen lassen. Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt, wie in den verschiedenen Stadien öffentlicher Vergabeverfahren Bestechungshandlungen begangen werden, in welchem Zusammenhang die Bestechung im öffentlichen Auftragswesen zu anderen Straftaten, wie Betrug und Geldwäsche, steht und wie sich derartige Straftaten verhindern und sanktionieren lassen. Es werden zehn Fallbeispiele angeführt.

Der Bericht wirft ein neues Licht auf die undurchsichtigen Mechanismen und Strukturen der Bestechung im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen und bietet Insiderwissen, das Regierungen und internationale Organisationen zur Verbesserung ihrer Korruptionsbekämpfungsmaßnahmen nutzen können.

Spanish, French, English
  • 30 Jul 2007
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 196

This joint OECD-World Bank stocktaking exercise of social accountability (SA) initiatives in OECD member countries contributes to the global exchange of policy relevant knowledge. The stocktaking exercise produced 40 templates detailing social accountability initiatives in 27 OECD countries and the European Commission. Cases were selected on the basis of their focus and level, and potential transferability of their policy lessons.

  • 05 Jul 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 177

Diese Ausgabe der Reihe Bildungspolitische Analyse befasst sich mit einer Reihe von aktuellen bildungspolitischen Fragen, die sich aus den zentralen strategischen Zielen der OECD im Bereich Bildung ergeben haben. Sie verbindet die Arbeit im Bereich Bildung mit Arbeiten in anderen Bereichen der OECD (insbesondere in der Direktion für Wissenschaft, Technologie und Industrie und dem OECD-Zentrum für Steuerpolitik und Verwaltung). Hiermit spiegelt die Veröffentlichung die Betonung der engeren Verzahnung der einzelnen Politikbereiche wider, die eines der Hauptthemen des ersten Treffens hochrangiger Vertreter der Bildungssysteme der OECD-Länder war, das im Februar 2003 in Dublin stattfand.

English, French

Public works contracts mean big business. From road-building to high-tech communication infrastructure, public procurement averages 15% of GDP in OECD countries--substantially more in non-OECD economies--and it is a major factor in the world trade of goods and services. Given the growing complexity of bribe schemes in today’s globalised markets, the problem is how to identify corruption in public procurement so governments can work toward effective prevention and apply sanctions if necessary. This report provides insights on all three fronts. Based on contributions from law enforcement and procurement specialists, the report describes how bribery is committed through the various stages of government purchasing; how bribery in public procurement is related to other crimes, such as fraud and money laundering; and how to prevent and sanction such crimes. The typical motivations and conduct of the various actors engaging in corruption are also highlighted, as well as ten case studies.

French, German, Spanish
  • 16 May 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 176

The days when it was thought that the development process could and should be managed by governments alone are long past. The challenge today is how to involve other parts of society such as the private sector and NGOs. This book details the activities of the private sector in developing and emerging economies and demonstrates how these activities are inter-related with government policies. Understanding these activities and public-private interactions is indispensable for the private sector to play its full role in a nation's development process. To this end, several case studies provide concrete examples from Africa, Asia and elsewhere.


The analysis of the inner workings of the firm has been largely absent from economic assessments of environmental policy. In an effort to partly fill this vacuum, this book summarises the results of an OECD project which collected and analysed data from over 4,000 facilities in seven OECD countries. Issues addressed include the role of 'flexible' policy instruments in encouraging clean production strategies and environmental research and development; the effectiveness of different environmental policy incentives on the introduction of environmental management systems and tools; and the relationship between environmental and commercial performance.


The Baltic Sea Region is rapidly becoming one of the world’s more competitive regions. The region is capitalising on its strengths and making the most of its diversity to stimulate innovation, build a strong pool of skilled labour and foster entrepreneurship. A deep spirit of co-operation and integration has led the Baltic Sea countries to set up ambitious governance frameworks to pursue economic development objectives jointly from Oslo to St. Petersburg. Yet major challenges at the local level lie ahead for the Eastern shores of the Baltic, where economic transition still needs to be accompanied by more innovative strategic planning, new forms of governance and dynamic civic entrepreneurship. Policies will need to be made more adaptable and capacities will need to be strengthened if prosperity and living standards are to increase on the Baltic Rim.

Fortunately, the Baltic Sea Region includes some of the world’s most innovative countries. From Denmark to Finland, the Region possesses a breadth of experience in facilitating policy co-ordination, adjusting policy to local conditions and involving business and civil society in shaping policy measures. There is a great deal that other countries can learn from this experience in setting up partnerships, regional strategic frameworks and other forms of governance. The learning process has already started, with the Baltic Rim becoming a unique laboratory for governance. This book analyses the new governance developments in the Baltic States and Northwest Russia and provides suggestions on how to speed up this progress. It is essential reading for all stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region and for those elsewhere wishing to apply emerging lessons to their region of the world.

  • 31 Aug 2006
  • OECD, The European Commission
  • Pages: 84
Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung beruht auf den umfassenden Studien von OECD und Europäischer Kommission in den Jahren 2001-2003 zu den nationalen Politiken im Bereich der Berufsberatung.
Australien, Österreich, Kanada, Tschechische Republik, Dänemark, Finnland, Deutschland, Irland, Korea, Luxemburg, die Niederlande, Norwegen, Spanien und das Vereinigte Königreich beteiligten sich an der OECD-Studie.
Ziel war es zu ermitteln, inwieweit die Organisation, das Management und die Praxis der Berufsberatung dazu beitragen können, dass die Länder in den Bereichen lebenslanges Lernen und aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik Fortschritte machen.
Spanish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, All
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