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Job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over the course of their working lives. Displaced workers may face long periods of unemployment and, even when they find new jobs, tend to be paid less than in the jobs they held prior to displacement. Helping displaced workers get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy. This report is the sixth in a series of reports looking at how this challenge is being tackled in a number of OECD countries. It shows that Denmark has effective policies in place to quickly assist people who are losing their jobs, in terms of both providing good re-employment support and securing adequate income in periods of unemployment. Despite a positive institutional framework, a sound collaboration between social partners and a favourable policy set-up, there is room to improve policies targeted to displaced workers as not every worker in Denmark can benefit from the same amount of support. In particular, workers affected by collective dismissals in larger firms receive faster and better support than those in small firms or involved in small or individual dismissals. Blue-collar workers are also treated less favourably than white-collar workers. More generally, low-skilled and older displaced workers struggle most to re-enter the labour market.

Job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over their lifetime. Displaced workers may face long periods of unemployment and, even when they find new jobs, tend to be paid less than in their prior jobs. Helping them get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy. This report looks at how this challenge is being tackled in Canada. While the Canadian government uses several measures to prevent unnecessary layoffs, the focus is placed on assisting workers after they have lost their job via the Employment Insurance system and the core labour market programmes operated by the Provinces. Re-employment assistance tailored to meet the specific needs of displaced workers also plays a useful role, but needs to be reinforced so as to start the adjustment process earlier for workers receiving advance notice or a large severance payment and to reach  workers affected by small-scale displacements. Targeted programmes for older displaced workers with long-tenure who are hardest hit have yet to reach a large share of this group.


Job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over their lifetime. Displaced workers may face long periods of unemployment and, even when they find new jobs, tend to be paid less and have fewer benefits than in their prior jobs. Helping them get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy. This report is the fourth in a series of reports looking at how this challenge is being tackled in a number of OECD countries. It shows that many displaced workers get new jobs relatively quickly in Australia, mostly thanks to a flexible and dynamic labour market. A small minority of displaced workers receive special support via the labour adjustment programmes, but some displaced workers who would need specific assistance, in particular in the older worker and/or low-educated groups, do not get sufficient support or only too late. There is room to improve policies by moving away from the current sectoral approach to special assistance programmes for workers collectively dismissed, towards an approach covering all sectors of the economy, with the intensity of intervention tailored to the circumstances and needs of the displaced workers. Expanding the training component for displaced workers and making use of skills assessment and training to better target the training and enhance its effectiveness would also help displaced workers transition to sustainable jobs of a certain quality.

This book considers how a wide range of policies, including tax/benefit policies, childcare policy, and employment and workplace practices help determine parental labour market outcomes and may impinge on family formation and ultimately the current and future labour supply.  It covers Canada (in particular the province of Québec), Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom and also includes some options for policy reform towards a better reconciliation of work and family commitments in the four countries in question.

Other Babies and Bosses volumes cover Australia, Denmark and the Netherlands, which was published in 2002; Austria, Ireland and Japan, which was published in 2003; and New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland; which was released in 2004.  An overview issue that will include key indicators on family-friendly policies in all OECD countries will be released later in 2005.


This study, part of a series on OECD countries, considers how a tax/benefit and childcare policies and workplace practices help determine parental labour market outcomes and may impinge on family formation in New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland. The book makes recommendations for policy reform aimed at a better reconciliation of work and family commitments in these three countries.

Portuguese, French

Raising children and having a career both rate highly as important life goals for many people. Helping parents to achieve these goals is vital for society: parental care plays a crucial role in child development and parental employment promotes economic prosperity. A failure to assist parents find their preferred work and family balance has implications for both labour supply and family decisions. This study considers how a wide range of policies, including tax/benefit policies, childcare policies, and employment and workplace practices, help determine parental labour market outcomes and family formation in Austria, Ireland and Japan.


Reconciling work and family life involves two key goals for both individuals and society: being able to work, to earn an income while participating in the most important social activity of modern life, and providing the best care and nurturing for one’s own children. This first OECD review of the reconciliation of work and family life looks at the challenges parents of young children confront when trying to square their work and care commitments, and the implications for social and labour market trends. It considers the current mix of family-friendly policies in Australia, Denmark, and the Netherlands and explores how this policy balance contributes to different labour market and other societal outcomes in these three countries.


Finding a suitable work/family life balance is a challenge that all parents face. Some people would like to have (more) children, but do not see how they could match that commitment with their employment situation. Other parents are happy with the number of children in their family, but would like to work more. Yet other parents who are happy with their family situation, may wish to work at different hours, or reduce hours worked to spend more time with their children. This book synthesises the finding of the 13 individual country reviews published previously and extends the scope to include other OECD countries, examining tax/benefit policies, parental leave systems, child care support, and workplace practices.

"...a good source for a socio-political analysis of OECD countries and comparative political hypothesis testing."

-Stan Silverberg, Catawba College 

"...a great way of helping students learn to read and interpret graphical data."

-Ken Wedding, author of The AP Comparative Government and Politics Examination: What You Need to Know, Second Edition

Korean, French
  • 26 Aug 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Addressing base erosion and profit shifting is a key priority of governments around the globe. In 2013, OECD and G20 countries, working together on an equal footing, adopted a 15-point Action Plan to address BEPS. Beyond securing revenues by realigning taxation with economic activities and value creation, the OECD/G20 BEPS Project aims to create a single set of consensus-based international tax rules to address BEPS, and hence to protect tax bases while offering increased certainty and predictability to taxpayers. A key focus of this work is to eliminate double non-taxation. However in doing so, new rules should not result in double taxation, unwarranted compliance burdens or restrictions to legitimate cross-border activity. This Explanatory Statement offers an overview of the BEPS Project and outcomes.

German, French, Spanish
  • 10 Sept 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 516

Bildung auf einen Blick – OECD-Indikatoren ist die maßgebliche Quelle für Informationen zum Stand der Bildung weltweit. Die Publikation bietet Daten zu den Strukturen, der Finanzierung und der Leistungsfähigkeit der Bildungssysteme der einzelnen OECD- und Partnerländer. Mehr als 100 Abbildungen und Tabellen in der Veröffentlichung selbst –sowie Links zu wesentlich mehr Daten in der OECD-Bildungsdatenbank – liefern zentrale Informationen zum Output der Bildungseinrichtungen, zu den Auswirkungen des Lernens in den einzelnen Ländern, zu Bildungszugang, Bildungsbeteiligung und Bildungsverlauf, zu den in Bildung investierten Finanzressourcen sowie zu den Lehrkräften, dem Lernumfeld und der Organisation der Schulen.

Die Ausgabe 2024 legt den Schwerpunkt auf Chancengerechtigkeit und untersucht, inwiefern Bildungswege und die damit verbundenen Lern- und Arbeitsmarktergebnisse durch Dimensionen wie Geschlecht, sozioökonomischen Status, Geburtsland und regionale Lage beeinflusst werden. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist dem bildungspolitischen Ziel der Agenda 2030 – SDG 4 – gewidmet. Darin wird eingeschätzt, wo die OECD-, Beitritts- und Partnerländer im Hinblick auf die Gewährleistung eines gleichberechtigten Zugangs zuhochwertiger Bildung in allen Bereichen stehen.

  • 11 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 53

Bộ Nguyên tắc Quản trị Công ty G20/OECD giúp các nhà hoạch định chính sách đánh giá và cải thiện khuôn khổ pháp lý, quy định và thể chế cho quản trị doanh nghiệp. Các nguyên tắc này xác định các yếu tố then chốt tạo nên khuôn khổ quản trị doanh nghiệp hợp lý và đưa ra hướng dẫn thực tế để thực hiện ở cấp quốc gia. Bộ nguyên tắc cũng cung cấp hướng dẫn cho các sàn giao dịch chứng khoán, nhà đầu tư, tập đoàn và những đối tượng khác có vai trò trong việc phát triển quản trị doanh nghiệp tốt.

English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, All

Este reporte analiza las prácticas actuales de contratación pública de computadoras personales y portátiles en Chile, Colombia y México, enfocándose en la neutralidad competitiva y la interacción con el mercado. También recomienda mejoras en lo relativo a accesibilidad, competencia y conocimiento del mercado para las autoridades de contratación pública de América Latina, con base en las mejores prácticas y principios relevantes de la OCDE, como la Recomendación de la OCDE sobre Contratación Pública 2015.

  • 21 Dec 2023
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24

Dit profiel biedt een beknopt en beleidsgericht overzicht van de gezondheidstoestand en het gezondheidszorgsysteem in België, als onderdeel van de bredere reeks van nationale gezondheidsprofielen volgend uit het initiatief State of Health in de EU. Het geeft een beknopte analyse die de volgende belangrijke aspecten omvat: de huidige gezondheidstoestand in België; de determinanten van gezondheid, met de nadruk op gedragsrisicofactoren; de organisatie van het Belgische gezondheidszorgsysteem; en een evaluatie van de doeltreffendheid, toegankelijkheid en veerkracht van het gezondheidszorgsysteem. Bovendien bevat de editie van 2023 een thematisch hoofdstuk over de toestand van de mentale gezondheid van de Belgische bevolking alsook over de daaraan verwante diensten.

Dit profiel is het resultaat van een samenwerking tussen de OESO en het European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de Europese Commissie.

French, English
  • 12 Sept 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 492

Bildung auf einen Blick – OECD-Indikatoren ist die maßgebliche Quelle für Informationen zum Stand der Bildung weltweit. Die Publikation bietet Daten zu den Strukturen, der Finanzierung und der Leistungsfähigkeit der Bildungssysteme der einzelnen OECD-Länder sowie einer Reihe von Beitritts- und Partnerländern. Mehr als 100 Abbildungen und Tabellen in der Veröffentlichung selbst – sowie Links zu wesentlich mehr Daten in der OECD-Bildungsdatenbank – liefern zentrale Informationen zum Output der Bildungseinrichtungen, zu den Auswirkungen des Lernens in den einzelnen Ländern, zu Bildungszugang, Bildungsbeteiligung und Bildungsverlauf, zu den in Bildung investierten Finanzressourcen sowie zu den Lehrkräften, dem Lernumfeld und der Organisation der Schulen.

Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 enthält einen Schwerpunkt zum Thema berufliche Ausbildung (Vocational Education and Training – VET), der die Teilnahme an beruflicher Ausbildung und den Aufbau von beruflichen Bildungsgängen untersucht. Diese Ausgabe enthält außerdem ein neues Kapitel – Wie lässt sich das kontinuierliche Lernen ukrainischer Geflüchteter sicherstellen? –, in dem die Ergebnisse einer OECDErhebung von 2023 vorgestellt werden, die Daten zu den Maßnahmen von OECD-Ländern zur Integration von ukrainischen Geflüchteten in ihre Bildungssysteme gesammelt hat.

French, English
  • 26 Apr 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 149

Việt Nam đã đạt được tiến bộ kinh tế đáng kể trong những thập niên vừa qua, duy trì tốc độ tăng trưởng kinh tế cao. Nền kinh tế cũng chứng tỏ khả năng chống chịu trước các cú sốc, gồm cả đại dịch COVID-19. Những cải cách sâu rộng và liên tục kể từ cuối thập niên 1980 đóng vai trò then chốt trong thành tựu kinh tế này. Tuy nhiên, với những thách thức to lớn phía trước, Việt Nam cần nỗ lực hơn nữa để thúc đẩy những cải cách cơ cấu giúp tăng cường mạnh mẽ các lực lượng thị trường. Dân số đang già hóa nhanh, nên tăng năng suất là một ưu tiên cấp thiết. Điều này sẽ đòi hỏi cải cách nhiều hơn để giảm sự can thiệp của nhà nước, đặc biệt trong những lĩnh vực mạng lưới như viễn thông, và bảo đảm một sân chơi bình đẳng giữa tất cả các doanh nghiệp. Hội nhập thương mại sâu sắc hơn cũng hết sức quan trọng để tăng cường các chuỗi cung ứng trong bối cảnh kinh tế toàn cầu đang thay đổi. Dù đã tăng cường áp dụng kỹ thuật số, Việt Nam cần nâng cao kỹ năng của người lao động thông qua đào tạo nghề và giáo dục cho người trưởng thành. Cam kết đạt mức phát thải ròng bằng không vào năm 2050 đòi hỏi những thay đổi mạnh mẽ trong hệ thống kinh tế. Để giảm phụ thuộc vào nhiên liệu hóa thạch, cần phải chấm dứt đầu tư mới cho các nhà máy nhiệt điện than và đẩy nhanh việc thiết lập thị trường các-bon. Do những cải cách này sẽ đòi hỏi thêm nguồn lực tài khóa, cần mở rộng cơ sở thuế để tăng nguồn thu cho chính phủ.


French, English
  • 04 Oct 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 582

Bildung auf einen Blick – OECD-Indikatoren ist die maßgebliche Quelle für Daten zum Stand der Bildung weltweit. Die Publikation bietet Informationen zu den Strukturen, der Finanzierung und der Leistungsfähigkeit der Bildungssysteme der einzelnen OECD- und Partnerländer. Mehr als 100 Abbildungen und Tabellen in der Veröffentlichung selbst – sowie noch wesentlich mehr online verfügbare Daten – liefern zentrale Informationen zum Output der Bildungseinrichtungen, zu den Auswirkungen des Lernens in den einzelnen Ländern, zu Bildungszugang, Bildungsbeteiligung und Bildungsverlauf, zu den in Bildung investierten Finanzressourcen sowie zu den Lehrkräften, dem Lernumfeld und der Organisation der Schulen.Die Ausgabe 2022 legt den Schwerpunkt auf den Tertiärbereich und untersucht die Zunahme von tertiären Bildungsabschlüssen und die damit verbundenen Vorteile für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaften.Außerdem werden die Kosten für eine tertiäre Ausbildung sowie die Verteilung der Bildungsausgaben auf die verschiedenen staatlichen Ebenen und ihre Aufteilung zwischen Staat und Einzelpersonen behandelt. Ein spezielles Kapitel ist der Coronakrise und dem Übergang vom Krisenmanagement zur Recovery gewidmet. Zwei neue Indikatoren zur beruflichen Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften und Schulleitungen und zur Struktur des akademischen Personals runden die diesjährige Ausgabe ab.

French, English

Ovo izvješće ocjenjuje hrvatski pravni i politički okvir za borbu protiv transnacionalnog podmićivanja na temelju kriterija koji se primjenjuju na zemlje koje traže pristup Konvenciji OECD-a o borbi protiv podmićivanja stranih javnih dužnosnika u međunarodnim poslovnim transakcijama. Izvješće analizira hrvatsko kazneno zakonodavstvo i sankcije koje se primjenjuju na fizičke i pravne osobe koje počine kazneno djelo podmićivanja. Također se ispituje hrvatski uspjeh u istrazi i procesuiranju korupcijskih kaznenih djela te cjelokupni okvir provedbe zakona. Uz to se ispituju pravila o međunarodnoj suradnji, kao što su uzajamna pravna pomoć i izručenje, te porezno nepriznavanje odbitka mita. Za svako područje analize izvješće identificira područja za poboljšanje i daje preporuke.

  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 16 Sept 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 566

Bildung auf einen Blick – OECD-Indikatoren ist die maßgebliche Quelle für Informationen zum Stand der Bildung weltweit. Die Publikation bietet Daten zu den Strukturen, der Finanzierung und der Leistungsfähigkeit der Bildungssysteme der einzelnen OECD-Länder sowie einer Reihe von Partnerländern. Mehr als 100 Abbildungen und Tabellen in der Veröffentlichung selbst – sowie Links zu wesentlich mehr Daten in der OECD-Bildungsdatenbank – liefern zentrale Informationen zum Output der Bildungseinrichtungen, zu den Auswirkungen des Lernens in den einzelnen Ländern, zu Bildungszugang, Bildungsbeteiligung und Bildungs- verlauf, zu den in Bildung investierten Finanzressourcen sowie zu den Lehrkräften, dem Lernumfeld und der Organisation der Schulen.

Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 legt u. a. einen Schwerpunkt auf das Thema Gerechtigkeit. Es wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss Faktoren wie Geschlecht, sozioökonomischer Status, Geburtsland und regionale Lage auf den Fortschritt durch Bildung und die zugehörigen Lern- und Arbeitsmarktergebnisse nehmen. Ein eigenes Kapitel befasst sich mit dem Unterziel 4.5 von SDG 4 über Bildungsgerechtigkeit, in dem eine Beurteilung vorgenommen wird, an welchem Punkt die OECD- und Partnerländer bei der Bereitstellung eines gleichberechtigten Zugangs zu hochwertiger Bildung in allen Bildungsbereichen stehen. Zwei neue Indikatoren zu den Mechanismen und Formeln für die Zuweisung von öffentlichen Mitteln an Schulen und zur Fluktuationsrate von Lehrkräften runden die diesjährige Ausgabe ab.

English, French

In dit document wordt beschreven hoe het DAC Network on Development Evaluation (DAC-netwerk voor ontwikkelingsevaluatie, afgekort EvalNet) van de OESO de definities en het gebruik van de OESO DAC-evaluatiecriteria heeft herzien in 2018-2019. Het document bevat aangepaste definities voor relevantie, doeltreffendheid, efficiëntie, impact en duurzaamheid en de definitie van een nieuw criterium, namelijk coherentie. In het document wordt beschreven hoe de criteria op doordachte wijze moeten worden gebruikt en moeten worden aangepast aan de context van de interventie en de behoeften van de bedoelde gebruikers. Deze herziene definities en gebruiksbeginselen zijn het resultaat van een wereldwijde consultatie over de criteria en een heroverweging van de wijze waarop ze bij de evaluatie en daarbuiten worden gebruikt. Na de consultatie hebben leden van EvalNet en externe evaluatiedeskundigen de concepten diepgaand besproken en verschillende ontwerpen beoordeeld. De aangepaste definities zijn duidelijker en zullen een meer rigoureuze, genuanceerde analyse mogelijk maken, onder meer van gelijkwaardigheidskwesties en -synergiën, in overeenstemming met de huidige beleidsprioriteiten. Deze update pakt ook mogelijke verwarring aan, door een inleiding over het beoogde doel van de criteria en van de leidende gebruiksbeginselen toe te voegen. Een meer gedetailleerde Engelstalige leidraad voor de toepassing van de criteria is in 2021 beschikbaar gekomen.

Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Mongolian, English, All
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