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Year Index

  • 04 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152
Um der stetig wachsenden Bedeutung des Lernens gerecht zu werden, sind die OECD-Länder bestrebt, eine große Vielfalt an unterschiedlichen Lern-, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für Lernende von den frühesten Kindesbeinen bis ins hohe Alter zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Der Bericht identifiziert acht Schlüsselstrategien für einen besseren Zugang zu Erziehung und Bildung im Vorschulalter. Er untersucht die besonderen Merkmale von Ländern und auch Schulen, denen es gelingt, sowohl sehr gute als auch vom jeweiligen sozialen Umfeld unabhängige Ergebnisse bei der Lesekompetenz zu erzielen. Die Studie analysiert empirische Befunde für einen bereits bestehenden bzw. sich ankündigenden Lehrkräftemangel sowie die politischen Möglichkeiten zur Überwindung eines solchen Defizits. Sie dokumentiert den Anstieg von Bildungsaktivitäten über nationale Grenzen hinweg und diskutiert die sich daraus für die nationalen Entscheidungsträger ergebenden Aufgaben. Es wird ein erweitertes Konzept des „Humankapitals" vorgestellt, das dazu beitragen soll, die Kluft zwischen der ökonomischen Funktion von Bildung und ihrem weiter gefassten sozialen, gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Nutzen zu verringern.

English, French, Chinese
  • 26 Nov 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 424

Diese Ausgabe von Bildung auf einen Blick enthält eine umfassende Auswahl an aktualisierten Indikatoren, die den Vergleich der Länder vereinfachen. Die Indikatoren informieren über das Ergebnis der Bildungseinrichtungen, den Einfluss des Lernens, die politischen Maßnahmen, die eine Auswirkung auf das Lernergebnis besitzen, die Art, wie Bildungssysteme funktionieren und sich weiterentwickeln, und die personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen, die in das Bildungswesen investiert werden.

Die Studie befasst sich vor allem mit der Qualität der Lernerfolge und den politischen Hebeln, die diese Erfolge mitbestimmen. Sie umfasst einen Vergleich der Fertigkeiten in den Bereichen Lesen, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften sowie des Engagements und der Einstellungen der Lernenden zu ihren staatsbürgerlichen Pflichten. Neue Informationen über die Lernbedingungen und das Lernklima in den Klassen, den Einsatz von Informationstechnologie im Unterricht und die Arbeitsbedingungen der Lehrer erleichtern das Verständnis der Schlüsselelemente des Bildungserfolgs.

Japanese, English, French
  • 21 Nov 2002
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 163

Mitigating climate change will require profound changes in world energy production and use. While the full effects of climate change are not likely to be felt for decades, the need for action is more immediate, for changes in greenhouse gas concentrations are almost irreversible. Solutions exist in the form of energy efficiency improvements, fuel switching to non-carbon sources, and carbon recovery and storage. But the long-term costs of mitigation and the precise extent and pace of climate damage remain uncertain. So policy-makers face the task of conceiving and implementing measures in a context of uncertainty – and global inequity -, and run the risk of taking either excessive or insufficient action.

This volume details the options available in the energy sector to reduce climate change. It explores the type of international agreement that could cope with the uncertainty inherent in implementing a climate program at the national and international level. It identifies mechanisms to deal with both international equity and economic uncertainty, and addresses the fundamental question: how can we proceed beyond Kyoto?

Reconciling work and family life involves two key goals for both individuals and society: being able to work, to earn an income while participating in the most important social activity of modern life, and providing the best care and nurturing for one’s own children. This first OECD review of the reconciliation of work and family life looks at the challenges parents of young children confront when trying to square their work and care commitments, and the implications for social and labour market trends. It considers the current mix of family-friendly policies in Australia, Denmark, and the Netherlands and explores how this policy balance contributes to different labour market and other societal outcomes in these three countries.

  • 25 Sept 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 97

Despite substantial achievements in the recent past, the innovation climate in Russia is in need of major improvements. Comprehensive institutional and policy reforms are required, including in areas outside the remit of policy makers in technology and innovation. In this context, the Helsinki Seminar on "Innovation Policy and the Valorisation of Science and Technology in Russia" gathered government officials, scientists and businessmen from Russia and several OECD Member and observer countries -- Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, Korea, the United States and Israel -- as well as from countries of the Newly Independent States (NIS). Participants examined the climate for innovation in Russia and discussed the lessons that can be drawn from the institutional reforms and recent policy initiatives in OECD countries to enhance the contribution of science and technology to innovation and growth.

  • 14 Aug 2002
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 191

Cities around the world face enormous problems of transport sustainability. Rapidly increasing populations and vehicle usage have created gridlock and sprawl, even in very poor cities, as well as unacceptably high levels of air pollution, noise, and accident rates. But improvements can be made. This book explores how the provision of better bus services can bring concrete solutions. "Bus rapid transit" systems emerging in Latin America provide fast, reliable and efficient urban travel for large numbers of people. Express busways, employing high-capacity buses and new technologies such as GPS-based bus tracking systems, can conveniently and reliably move up to 10 times as many people along a route as can cars – and be profitable.

This book shows how bus rapid transit differs from traditional bus systems and how it can be developed around the world. There is a detailed look at clean fuels and advanced technologies such as "clean diesel", CNG, hybrid-electric and fuel cells. Case studies are made of six cities and of the steps each might take to encourage more sustainable transport systems.

  • 25 Jun 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 64

Unemployment and related welfare benefits help prevent those without work from falling into poverty but at the same time, reduce the incentive to work; this is one of the main dilemmas of social policy. This annual report presents a description of all the benefits available to those without work, and of the taxes they pay, and presents a set of tables facilitating cross-country comparisons of tax-benefit systems. It compares the incomes of a range of families in and out of work in 1999 and describes the incentives to work, either part-time or full-time, across OECD countries.


In response to increasing interest in high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) in many countries and the need for improved materials for nuclear applications in high-temperature environments, the NEA organised a Second Information Exchange Meeting on Basic Studies in the Field of High-temperature Engineering. These proceedings provide an overview of the activities being carried out in eight countries, the improvement of material properties for HTGR application, in-core monitoring methods and properties of irradiated graphite, and HTGR fuel fabrication and performance.

  • 28 Mar 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

What is efficient intermodal freight transport? How are "best practices" to be found? What measures are being developed in OECD countries for assessing the relative efficiency of modes and modal combinations? What opportunities exist to improve complex intermodal transport chains? How are such opportunities identified and assessed? Today’s highly competitive global market calls for intermodal transport systems that meet industry’s expectations in efficiency and reliability as well as government’s sustainability expectations. While benchmarking is a tool for achieving such objectives, how are these benchmarking exercises best implemented? This report analyses illustrative benchmarking exercises to provide insights into these important questions.

  • 11 Mar 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 193

Stronger interactions between science and industry underpin growth in a knowledge economy. A comparison of the intensity and quality of industry-science relationships (ISR) in OECD countries shows that many countries are lagging behind in mobilising science for innovation. The report benchmarks OECD countries’ ISR, identifies relevant good practices in managing the interface between public research and the business sector, and provides a framework for monitoring and assessing evolving policies in the area.

The report presents an in-depth comparative study of ISR in France and the United Kingdom and a special chapter on Japan.

The societal aspects of risk governance are increasingly becoming a part of public decision-making processes. This tendency is particularly evident in matters dealing with the protection of human health and the environment. The NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health organised a workshop to examine stakeholder involvement processes through which governments and regulators can arrive at accepted decisions regarding radiological protection. An example of an area in which stakeholder involvement is important is the clean-up of sites contaminated by accidents or by past industrial or research activities.

These proceedings address the roles of various stakeholders in the decision-making process, and their expectations regarding how a modern system of radiological protection should be integrated within the broader context of risk governance. Case studies are presented to illustrate good practice and as a basis for drawing conclusions regarding general lessons that can be applicable in many different national contexts. These proceedings will be of interest to policy makers, radiation protection experts and interested members of the public.

Corporate entities underpin most commercial and entrepreneurial activities in market-based economies and have contributed immensely to growing prosperity worldwide over recent decades. Increasingly, however, governments and regulatory bodies have realised that corporate entities ranging from corporations and trusts to foundations and partnerships are often misused for money laundering, bribery and corruption, shielding assets from creditors, tax evasion, self-dealing, market fraud, and other illicit activities.

Prepared against this background, the OECD report Behind the Corporate Veil: Using Corporate Entities for Illicit Purposes opens ways to prevent and combat the misuse of corporate entities. The report shows that the types of corporate entities misused most frequently are those that provide the greatest degree of anonymity to their beneficial owners. With that in mind, the report offers governments and other relevant authorities a menu of policy options for obtaining information on the beneficial ownership and control of corporate entities in order to combat their misuse for illicit purposes.

Businesses’ Views on Red Tape provides the first opportunity to systematically compare data across 11 OECD countries. The data show how small and medium-sized enterprises perceive national administrative and regulatory costs. Regulations and government formalities, so-called "red tape", are important tools used by governments to carry out public policies in many policy areas, including safety, health, and environmental protection. However, if they are poorly designed or applied, inefficient, or outdated, they can impede innovation, entry, investment, and create unnecessary barriers to trade, investment, and economic efficiency. The result of poor regulation and formalities is that national economies become less able to grow, compete, adjust, and create jobs. Based on a survey of almost 8 000 businesses, this report assesses the quality, application and burdens of employment, environment and tax regulations and formalities. The results are dramatic: for example, red tape accounts for 4% of the annual turnover of companies, while the hardest hit are the smallest companies, and these costs are growing in most countries.

  • 20 Sept 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

Despite substantial achievements in the recent past, the innovation climate in Russia is in need of major improvements. Comprehensive institutional and policy reforms are required, including in areas outside the remit of policy makers in technology and innovation. In this context, the Helsinki Seminar on "Innovation Policy and the Valorisation of Science and Technology in Russia" gathered government officials, scientists and businessmen from Russia and several OECD Member and observer countries -- Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, Korea, the United States and Israel -- as well as from countries of the Newly Independent States (NIS). Participants examined the climate for innovation in Russia and discussed the lessons that can be drawn from the institutional reforms and recent policy initiatives in OECD countries to enhance the contribution of science and technology to innovation and growth.

  • 05 Jul 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

This book identifies the strong potential of the local development approach to help regenerate the economies and societies of less developed regions and to bring greater local participation in the decision-making and actions that underpin restructuring. It is important that the local development policies put into place respond to emerging challenges and take into account innovations and lessons from elsewhere. This book reviews some of these challenges, innovations and lessons. It provides some practical examples (Ballyhoura in Ireland, Serra do Caldierao in Portugal and Jerez in Spain) that will help local actors to make informed decisions on the policy strategies, structures and actions to apply in their own areas.

  • 13 Jun 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 165
Wie weit sind die einzelnen Länder auf ihrem Weg hin zum lebenslangen Lernen vorangeschritten? Wer blieb dabei auf der Strecke und wie geschah dies? Wie können sich die Schulen weiterentwickeln, um noch immer bestehende Lücken zu schließen?

In den fünf Kapiteln werden basierend auf bereits mit politischen Maßnahmen gemachten Erfahrungen und gegenwärtigen Tendenzen in den OECD-Ländern folgende Aspekte einer genaueren Analyse unterzogen:

- erfolgsversprechende Ausrichtungen politischer Maßnahmen im Bereich lebenslanges Lernen

- die Leistungen der einzelnen Länder bei der Umsetzung des lebenslangen Lernens

- die unterschiedliche Beteiligung am lebenslangen Lernen, einschließlich der sogenannten „digitalen Spaltung“

- in der wissensbasierten Wirtschaft geforderte Kompetenzen

- alternative zukünftige Entwicklungen der Schule.

French, English
  • 13 Jun 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 440

Die Ausgabe „Bildung auf einen Blick – OECD-Indikatoren“ für das Jahr 2001 präsentiert eine umfassende Auswahl aktueller und vergleichbarer Bildungsindikatoren. Die Indikatoren stellen Informationen über die Human- und Finanzressourcen für Bildung, über die Arbeitsweise und Weiterentwicklung von Bildungssystemen und über die Erträge von Bildungsinvestitionen zur Verfügung.

Neue Indikatoren in der diesjährigen Ausgabe von „Bildung auf einen Blick“ bieten Informationen

-      zu Trends in Schülerleistungen und ihrer Verteilung;

-      zu den Anreizen, die Regierungen bieten, um die Attraktivität des Lehrerberufs zu heben und die besten Lehrer zu halten ;

-      zur Verfügbarkeit und Anwendung von Informationstechnologien im Ausbildungs- und Lernprozess;

-      zu öffentlichen Zuschüssen und Beihilfen zum Studium und deren Nutznießer;

-      zur Teilnahme von Beschäftigten an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen.

English, French

Biotechnology and the genomics revolution are changing our world’s scientific-technological and socio-economic framework. A new type of raw material – one invisible to the naked eye – will become the essential ingredient of the life sciences and biotechnology and of our future: it is the living cell – human, animal, plant or microbial – and the genes it contains. Who keeps, owns, distributes and sells this raw material? Who has access to it? What are the ethical implications of dealing with human cells and DNA? This book sheds light on many of these questions. It identifies the main challenges and how they can be met.

  • 30 Mar 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 452

The development of liquid, sound and deep bond markets has become one of the most important policy issues in the financial sector in Asian countries. In fact, though this issue has been discussed for a while now, the Asian financial crisis re-emphasised its importance, and it is worth discussing this issue in the framework of the post-crisis landscape.

The second "Round Table on Capital Market Reforms in Asia" held in Tokyo in April 2000, which was organised by the OECD and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), focused on bond market development in Asia. Bond market development involves a number of inter-related issues and it is not an easy task, especially for emerging economies. Though there have been a number of positive developments in Asia in this field, it is also true that it takes time for a bond market to become well-developed in Asia. This publication is based on a summary of the proceedings of the second Round Table, together with papers on the experience of both Asian and OECD countries presented at the meeting and on the discussions by the participants. This volume will surely serve as an indispensable source of information on capital market reform, and in particular on bond market development in Asia; it will constitute a reference book on those topics for policy-makers and experts in both the public and private sectors.

  • 22 Jan 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 352

Trends in bank profitability and factors affecting it are major indicators of changes in the state of health of national banking systems. These OECD statistics, based on financial statements of banks, provide a unique tool for analysing developments in aggregate bank profitability. For each category of bank (all banks, large commercial banks, other commercial banks, foreign commercial banks, cooperaive banks, savings banks, etc) in each reporting country, an aggregate income statement and balance sheet is provided. In addition, supplementary information on number of institutions, branches, and staff covered by the data is included.

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