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This publication is the first report from the International Teaching and Learning Survey (TALIS). It provides quantitative, policy-relevant information on the teaching and learning environment in schools in 23 countries and has a focus on lower secondary education.

School effectiveness research consistently shows that the quality of the learning environment is the most important policy-malleable factor for positive student learning and student outcomes. In recognition of this, TALIS explores key policies and practices that shape the learning environment.

The important role that school leadership can play in creating effective schools is well documented. TALIS illustrates the roles and functions that school leaders adopt within schools – often facing quite different circumstances - and examines how these roles support teachers in their work. Retaining and developing effective teachers is a priority in all school systems and TALIS examines how teachers‟ work is recognised, appraised and rewarded and how well the professional development needs of teachers are being addressed.

Perhaps the most innovative aspect of TALIS is the insights it provides on the teaching beliefs that teachers bring to the classroom and the pedagogical practices that they adopt. TALIS cannot measure which practices or beliefs are most effective but it does show how these associate with some of the conditions that are pre-requisites for effective schooling.

The European Union’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) struggle with environmental challenges related to the consumption and end-of-life management of many harmful products. This policy manual considers the potential use and implementation of four categories of product-related economic instruments to address some of these challenges: product taxes, tax differentiation based on environmental factors, deposit-refund systems and extended producer responsibility (EPR).

  • 24 Jan 2003
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 495

Expanding markets for clean and efficient technologies will increase energy security and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But many promising technologies are still too expensive or face other obstacles to commercial deployment.

Governments need to consider deployment policies to create markets for the new technologies.

This book explores the design of technology deployment programmes and the reasons behind their success, and features 22 case studies from IEA countries.

  • 22 Feb 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 143

The COVID-19 crisis has reiterated the importance of adult learning and career guidance services as many adults have lost their jobs and now require upskilling and reskilling opportunities in order to keep pace with the rapidly evolving world of work. To foster the development of responsive and more widespread adult learning opportunities in Japan, this report analyses several policy options to expand access to training, remove the barriers to training participation, and ensure that the training provided is aligned with Japan’s labour market needs. It also discusses the importance for Japanese workers of receiving guidance and support from their employer to facilitate career progression and the need for externally provided guidance services for workers who want to change jobs. Based on this analysis, this report provides actionable policy recommendations as well as good practice examples from OECD countries.

Regulators are the “referees” of markets that provide essential services to citizens; they guarantee that all actors respect the rules and work to achieve the best outcomes. This means that their behaviour must be objective, impartial, consistent and free from conflict of interest – in other words, independent. Yet, regulators need to engage with a number of stakeholders, who may also seek to apply pressure and exert undue influence on regulatory outcomes. The independence of regulators is thus constantly under stress. This report provides practical advice on how to address stress points and protect economic regulators from undue influence, drawing on the experience of over 80 regulators that participate in the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER). It presents a practical checklist to support behavioural and organisational change, and helps other stakeholders better understand and appreciate the role of regulators and how to interact with them.

French, Spanish
  • 25 Oct 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

Large-scale study of populations may contribute significantly to science’s understanding of the complex multi-factorial basis of disease and to improvements in prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and cure. This book summarises the proceedings of a conference on human genetic research databases.  It examines what they are and provides a number of examples. It looks at how they have been established, governed, and funded. And it looks at how they are managed and commercialised, exploring what the policy implications are for governments. 

  • 09 Mar 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 410

The sheer volume of debt hanging over Asian companies suggests that corporate insolvency should remain a top policy concern. This conference proceedings presents reports from each country on the trends and developments in debt and credit risk since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis. It also includes overview papers that examine the problem in a wider context. These papers suggest that risk management practices, legal systems, liquidation and recovery, and institutional infrastructure and capacity all require additional attention.

This publication presents comprehensive statistics on aid flows to agriculture. The analysis covers the years 2002-2007, including trends in donors’ aid, geographical focus of flows, and a broader picture of donors’ short and long term interventions to address food security issues. Individual donor profiles provide summary statistics in the form of charts and tables. 

The publication also records the relevant aid activities reported by DAC members and multilateral institutions to the CRS Aid Activity database (Creditor Reporting System) in 2007.  The information is based on individual commitments and disbursements of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to agriculture. 

Data presented are unique, comparable and consistent with definitions and methodologies of DAC statistics. The information is designed to meet  the needs of development agencies and institutions for information relevant to programming and analysis by country and by sector.  

This publication presents statistics on foreign aid flows for the years 1999-2003 in support of gender equality in the following sectors: basic education, basic health including reproductive health, and water supply and sanitation. Information is provided on individual commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid. For each commitment listed, information is provided on the receiving country and sector, the donor country and agency, the amount and type of aid (grant or loan), grant element percentage, and whether the aid can be considered to have a gender, environmental, or participatory development/good governance aspect. All figures are in US dollars.

This publication presents comprehensive statistics on foreign aid flows in support of HIV/AIDS control for the years 2000-2002. The information is based on individual aid commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) to HIV/AIDS control. For each commitment listed, information is provided on the receiving country and sector, the donor country and agency, the amount and type of aid (grant or loan), grant element percentage, and whether the aid can be considered to have a gender, environmental, or participatory development/good governance aspect. All figures are in US dollars. This edition is the result of a special review conducted by the Secretariat of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in collaboration with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

This publication provides detailed information on individual foreign aid commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) to the water supply and sanitation sector for the years 1997-2002. For each commitment listed, information is provided on the receiving country and sector, the donor country and agency, the amount and type of aid (grant or loan), grant element percentage, and whether the aid can be considered to have a gender, environmental, or participatory development/good governance aspect. All figures are in US dollars.

This publication provides detailed information on individual foreign aid commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) targeting the objectives of the Rio Conventions - the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity - for the years 1998-2000. For each commitment listed, information is provided on the receiving country and sector, the donor country and agency, the amount and type of aid (grant or loan), grant element percentage, and whether the aid can be considered to have a gender, environmental, or participatory development/good governance aspect. All figures are in US dollars.

This report provides data on development aid for Basic Social Services (BSS) over the past decade (1995-2004).  It opens with an analysis of trends in aid for basic social services that shows that it has more than doubled during the time period covered and now accounts for about 20% of total aid.  The book then provides listings, on a receiving country-by-country basis, of specific commitments made during that period.  The listings include information on the donor country, the donor agency, the type of aid, the amount of aid in US dollars, the project description, and information on whether the project has a gender equality or participatory development/good governance aspect.

This publication presents comprehensive statistics on aid flows in support of HIV/AIDS control. The analysis of aid flows covers the years 2000-2006, including trends in donors’ aid and the degree of targeting to countries most in need; estimates are provided for year 2007. The publication also records the relevant aid activities reported by DAC members and multilateral institutions to the CRS Aid Activity database (Creditor Reporting System). The information is based on individual commitments and disbursements of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to HIV/AIDS control.

This publication presents comprehensive statistics on aid flows in support of water supply and sanitation. The analysis of aid flows covers the years 2001-2006, including trends in donors’ aid and the degree of targeting of countries most in need.

Individual donor profiles provide summary statistics in the form of charts and tables, and descriptions of donors’ development co-operation policies in the water sector.

The publication also records the relevant aid activities reported by DAC members and multilateral institutions to the CRS Aid Activity database (Creditor Reporting System). The information is based on individual commitments and disbursements of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to water supply and sanitation.

This edition is the product of collaboration between the Secretariat of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and the World Water Council (WWC).

Data presented are unique, comparable and consistent with definitions and methodologies of DAC statistics. The information is designed to meet the needs of development agencies and institutions for information relevant to programming and analysis by country and by sector.

  • 12 Jul 2002
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 141

Crime in road transport is a serious and growing problem. The extent of crime involving goods and goods vehicles is difficult to estimate, but data in some countries show that up to 1% of the commercial fleet is stolen each year, at an annual cost of many millions of euros.

In a study of 23 European countries, this report describes the modes of theft of commercial vehicles and goods most prevalent in the 1990s, outlines the various methods used to record highway theft and draws attention to the statistical difficulties involved in measuring the phenomenon. It lists existing and potential security improvements for road freight vehicles, such as equipment to prevent vehicles from being stolen (anti-theft devices), and equipment to track and recover stolen vehicles (after-theft systems).

This report results from two ECMT studies on "Theft of goods and goods vehicles" and "Improving security for road freight vehicles". It includes various ECMT Ministerial statements and policy decisions on the subject.

  • 05 Jun 2013
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 240

As manifested by an increasingly globalised media, a nuclear accident anywhere quickly becomes a potential concern for people everywhere. It is therefore of prime importance that nuclear regulators’ communication strategies take into consideration the expectations and concerns of the public and provide sound information not only for the people of the affected country, but also for citizens worldwide. Public trust is a key element in being able to do so effectively and of particular importance when there are consequences for people or the environment. International co-operation can play a fundamental role in helping to improve crisis communication on national and global scales in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency. These proceedings contain the papers, recommendations and conclusions of the workshop, which was attended by over 180 experts from 27 countries and 6 international organisations.

  • 28 Oct 2014
  • Zemira Mevarech, Bracha Kramarski
  • Pages: 196

How can mathematics education foster the skills that are appropriate for innovative societies? Mathematics education is heavily emphasised worldwide, nevertheless it is still considered to be a stumbling block for many students. While there is almost a consensus that mathematics problems appropriate for the 21st century should be complex, unfamiliar and non-routine (CUN), most of the textbooks still mainly include routine problems based on the application of ready-made algorithms.

The time has come to introduce innovative instructional methods in order to enhance mathematics education and students’ ability to solve CUN tasks. Metacognitive pedagogies can play a key role in this. These pedagogies explicitly train students to “think about their thinking” during learning. They can be used to improve not just academic achievement (content knowledge and understanding, the ability to handle unfamiliar problems etc.) but also affective outcomes such as reduced anxiety or improved motivation. This strong relationship between metacognition and schooling outcomes has implications for the education community and policy makers.

This book is designed to assist practitioners, curriculum developers and policy makers alike in preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world.

  • 11 Jul 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 83

The inaugural edition of the Critical Minerals Market Review provides a major update on the investment, market, technology and policy trends of the critical minerals sector in 2022 and an initial reading of the emerging picture for 2023. Through in-depth analyses of clean energy and mineral market trends, this report assesses the progress made by countries and businesses in scaling up future supplies, diversifying sources of supply, and improving sustainable and responsible practices. It also examines major trends for individual minerals and discusses key policy implications.

The report will be followed by a forthcoming analysis that will feature comprehensive demand and supply projections for key materials and a number of deep-dives on key issues. It also makes available an online tool, the Critical Minerals Data Explorer, which allow users to explore interactively the latest IEA projections.

  • 23 Nov 2017
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 16
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