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Year Index

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Bulgaria as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Austria as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 21

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Cyprus as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Ireland as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Latvia as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).


El Estudio de la OCDE sobre políticas públicas de conducta empresarial responsable (CER) de Costa Rica busca fomentar el papel del Gobierno de Costa Rica en la promoción de prácticas empresariales que maximicen la contribución de las empresas al desarrollo sostenible y que prevengan y mitiguen los impactos adversos que sus actividades, cadenas de suministro o relaciones comerciales puedan causar, o contribuir a causar, sobre las personas, el planeta y la sociedad.

  • 02 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 135

This report uses rich administrative data from different registers in Finland to evaluate the impact of two types of training available to jobseekers: labour market training; and self-motivated training. Training outcomes are examined that go beyond the probability of employment and how different population groups are affected. The report also assesses the framework for impact evaluation of active labour market policies (ALMPs) in Finland, covering the whole cycle of evidence-based policy making from strategy and planning of evaluations, resources, data collection and evaluation methodologies to dissemination of evidence and use in policy making. Finally, the report makes recommendations for improving the effectiveness of Finland’s ALMPs and strengthening the capacity of the Finnish authorities in conducting ALMP impact evaluations. This report is the eleventh in a series of country reports on policies to connect people with better jobs. It was produced as part of the OECD’s project with the European Commission which aims to raise the quality of the data collected and their use in the evaluation of the effectiveness of ALMPs.

  • 06 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 126

Costa Rica se recuperó bien de la recesión causada por la pandemia. El desempeño sostenido y resiliente de las exportaciones continúa favoreciendo el crecimiento, mientras que el consumo se ve obstaculizado por la alta inflación y el desempleo. La situación fiscal mejoró, pero continúa siendo desafiante, por lo que es necesario continuar haciendo esfuerzos para contener el gasto y aumentar la eficiencia del sector público durante varios años. Mantener y reforzar la apuesta por la inversión extranjera directa y el comercio, que ha sido clave para diversificar la canasta de las exportaciones, y mejorar las condiciones para que las empresas nacionales prosperen son desafíos importantes para mejorar los niveles de vida y la generación de empleo formal. Esto requeriría reducir la carga regulatoria, mejorar la combinación de impuestos, fomentar una mayor competencia en mercados clave y continuar los esfuerzos para lograr la descarbonización y protección del medio ambiente. Promover una mayor participación laboral femenina y mejorar la protección social ayudarán a una mejor adaptación a los cambios demográficos continuos y a mejorar la igualdad de oportunidades. La educación y la formación son una prioridad importante para Costa Rica, que les dedica una de las proporciones de gasto más altas entre los países de la OCDE. Sin embargo, los resultados educativos no son satisfactorios y las empresas tienen dificultades para llenar las vacantes, en especial en puestos técnicos y científicos. Se precisa mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad del gasto público en educación para favorecer más el crecimiento y la equidad.


English, French

Economic instruments such as taxes and fees have been extensively used in other environmental domains but have so far been relatively sparsely applied to chemicals. However, there is an increased interest in the potential of economic instruments to incentivise substitution of chemicals of concern. This interest is motivated by the ambition to speed up the substitution of substances of concern and to reduce the toxic load from broader groups of chemicals as well as the need to strengthen fiscal revenues and cover costs for chemical management. This study aims to give an overview of economic instruments used in chemicals management and in other environmental domains that governments could consider to incentivise substitution of chemicals of concern. The study reviews lessons learned from the use of five types of economic instruments: taxes, fees, subsidies, tradable permits, and deposit-refund systems, as well as “hybrid instruments” that combine elements of different instrument groups.

  • 09 Mar 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 315

EU Funded Note

The Environmental Tax Policy Review of Andalusia provides a detailed review of the environmentally related tax framework in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, water usage and pollution, and waste and circular economy in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia, Spain. For each thematic area, the study identifies the scope for action at the regional level, assesses how Andalusia’s existing environmentally related taxes align with environmental tax policy principles and provides strategic recommendations to support Andalusia to improve environmental outcomes and enhance national and global environmental performance.

El Estudio de Gobernanza Pública de Honduras de la OCDE ofrece recomendaciones para reforzar la eficacia, coherencia y apertura del sector público del país y, en particular, de su centro de gobierno. En primer lugar, ofrece una descripción general del sector público de Honduras y evalúa su desempeño a través de dimensiones interrelacionadas. A continuación, examina áreas importantes de la gobernanza pública, como la función del centro de gobierno en la coordinación de políticas, la gestión basada en resultados en el gobierno, los esfuerzos para construir un sistema sólido de monitoreo y evaluación, y el diseño y la implementación del gobierno abierto en Honduras. Las recomendaciones de este informe pretenden apoyar a Honduras en la adopción de un enfoque de gobernanza pública inclusivo y orientado a resultados, capaz de ofrecer mejores resultados a sus ciudadanos.

  • 29 Mar 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 206

EU Funded Note

The emergence of fully online, hybrid and blended forms of higher education has led governments, quality assurance agencies and higher education institutions (HEIs) across the OECD to reflect on how to ensure that digital education provides learners with opportunities to reach learning and employment outcomes similar to those achieved through traditional in person instruction. Building on stakeholder engagement and comparative analysis, this report offers an assessment of Hungary’s quality assurance system for higher education and, more specifically, its strengths and weaknesses for assuring the quality of digital higher education. It offers recommendations and policy options to support the ongoing reform of Hungary’s higher education accreditation system as well as a list of potential digital education indicators to be integrated in the assessment frameworks used by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) for the accreditation of higher education institutions.

The Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India is a regular publication on regional economic growth and development in Emerging Asia – Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, as well as China and India. It comprises three parts: a regional economic monitor, special thematic chapters addressing a major issue facing the region, and a series of country notes.

The 2023 edition discusses the region’s economic outlook and macroeconomic challenges at a time of great uncertainty and a slowdown of the global economy, in particular owing to inflationary pressures, capital flow volatility and supply-side bottlenecks. The thematic chapters focus on reviving tourism after the pandemic. Tourism was among the sectors most affected by both the COVID-19 pandemic and responses to it. The report highlights the economic impact of tourism in the region and explores how the sector can be reshaped to regain its significant role in Emerging Asia. The interruption of tourism allowed countries in the region to consider reforms in the sector, including diversifying tourism markets and addressing labour market challenges, while catering to the new needs and preferences of the post-pandemic world, prioritising sustainable and environmentally responsible activities, and accelerating digitalisation.

  • 12 Apr 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 54

The implementation phase for achieving a net zero steel industry will require robust methodologies for measuring emissions at the site- and product-level, together with data collection frameworks to facilitate comparison and track progress. An existing array of methodologies and frameworks for the steel industry provide a good starting point for efforts to achieve these outcomes, but much work remains to achieve interoperability, transparency and fitness for purpose for net zero. Following an evaluation of these existing methodologies and frameworks, this report provides “net zero principles” to guide potential next steps for their development and implementation, together with specific recommendations for G7 members.

In the context of Japan’s G7 Presidency, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry requested the International Energy Agency (IEA) to examine the topic of Emissions Measurement and Data Collection for a Net Zero Steel Industry. This work complements that undertaken during Germany’s G7 Presidency in 2022 – Achieving Net Zero Heavy Industry Sectors in G7 Members – providing insights and direction for the G7 Industrial Decarbonisation Agenda with regard to tackling industrial emissions.

  • 17 Apr 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

Digitalisation is transforming education as well as social and economic life, with implications for childhood. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), with its immense potential to shape children’s early development, learning and well-being, can play a major role in addressing the opportunities and risks that digitalisation brings to young children. Digitalisation also creates new ways of working that have the potential to lead to quality improvement in the ECEC sector. This report provides a 360-degree view of the challenges of digitalisation in ECEC and possible policy responses.

El Salvador ha consolidado importantes avances en su desarrollo en los últimos 30 años. El fin de la guerra civil en 1992 señaló el establecimiento de una democracia liberal y de un modelo de desarrollo abierto basado en la exportación, que contribuyó a reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad. Sin embargo, el modelo de la posguerra no ha generado el dinamismo económico o los puestos de trabajo que el país necesita. El crecimiento económico fue moderado en los años previos a la pandemia de COVID-19, promediando 2.4%, y la productividad creció al 0.1% durante la pasada década. Para impulsar un desarrollo más sólido, inclusivo y sostenible son necesarias acciones decisivas. Basándose en un análisis multidimensional del desarrollo en El Salvador este informe plantea cuatro recomendaciones prioritarias: 1) sentar las condiciones para la transformación productiva y la modernización de la economía; 2) aumentar la cantidad, calidad y pertinencia de la educación; 3) gestionar mejor los recursos hídricos para llevar agua y saneamiento a todos de manera sostenible; y 4) modernizar el Estado para que pueda generar bienes públicos clave – desde la seguridad ciudadana a la educación o la salud – de manera eficaz, y conducir el país hacia la próxima etapa de su desarrollo.


Today, oil and gas operations account for around 15% of total energy-related emissions globally, the equivalent of 5.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. In the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, the emissions intensity of these activities falls by 50% by the end of the decade. Combined with the reductions in oil and gas consumption in this scenario, this results in a 60% reduction in emissions from oil and gas operations to 2030.

Fortunately, oil and gas producers have a clear opportunity to address the problem of emissions from their activities through a series of ready-to-implement and cost-effective measures. These include tackling methane emissions, eliminating all non-emergency flaring, electrifying upstream facilities with low-emissions electricity, equipping oil and gas processes with carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies, and expanding the use of hydrogen from low-emissions electrolysis in refineries.

Upfront investments totalling USD 600 billion would be required to halve the emissions intensity of oil and gas operations globally by 2030. This is only a fraction of the record windfall income that oil and gas producers accrued in 2022 – a year of soaring energy prices amid a global energy crisis. This report aims to inform discussions on these issues in the run-up to the COP28 Climate Change Conference in Dubai in November and is part of a broader World Energy Outlook special report to be released later in 2023 focusing on the role of the oil and gas industry in net zero transitions.

  • 10 May 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 56

A Estratégia de Literacia Financeira Digital para Portugal define uma visão e objectivos de longo prazo, apoiados por acções de curto e médio prazo, para o Banco de Portugal e outros intervenientes portugueses com interesse em melhorar a educação financeira digital. A Estratégia tem como objetivo capacitar a população portuguesa para a utilização segura dos serviços financeiros digitais e contribuir para a redução da exclusão financeira digital. Globalmente, a Estratégia tem como objetivo apoiar as pessoas que vivem em Portugal a melhorar o seu bem-estar financeiro e a sua resiliência. Foi desenvolvida através de uma abordagem consultiva e baseada em dados concretos, em conformidade com a Recomendação da OCDE sobre Literacia Financeira.

  • 16 May 2023
  • OECD, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, Inter-American Development Bank, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 231

Este informe recopila estadísticas comparables de ingresos tributarios durante el periodo 1990-2021 para 27 economías de América Latina y el Caribe. A partir de la base de datos de estadísticas tributarias de la OCDE, se aplica la metodología de la OCDE a los países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) para permitir la comparación de los niveles impositivos y las estructuras tributarias de forma coherente, tanto entre las economías de la región como con otras economías. El informe incluye dos capítulos especiales que examinan los ingresos fiscales procedentes de los recursos naturales no renovables en la región de ALC en 2021 y 2022, así como la medición y evaluación de los gastos tributarios en América Latina. Esta publicación ha sido realizada conjuntamente por el Centro de Política y Administración Tributaria de la OCDE, el Centro de Desarrollo de la OCDE, el Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias (CIAT), la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). 

  • 25 May 2023
  • Sarah Barahona, Jorrit Zwijnenburg, Carrie Exton, Nicolas Ruiz, Julie Johnsen, Katherine Scrivens
  • Pages: 82

Effective welfare policies need to consider interactions among economic, social and environmental outcomes. This paper, prepared to support Finance track discussions during Japan’s 2023 Presidency of the G7, describes a variety of national and international initiatives to improve the measurement of multidimensional welfare and well-being "beyond GDP". For example, the 2025 System of National Accounts (SNA) will provide greater visibility to the digital economy and free digital services, unpaid household activities, and the depletion of natural capital. More than two-thirds of OECD countries have also developed national frameworks, development plans or surveys with a multidimensional well-being focus, spanning a broad range of economic, social and environmental outcomes and inequalities that matter to people’s well-being and its sustainability. Some G7 and OECD economies have started using this evidence to inform budgeting, enhance policy appraisal and evaluation tools (including cost-benefit analysis), and to guide government performance management frameworks and inclusive growth strategies.

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