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Year Index

  • 18 Dec 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

OECD's journal on international financial markets. This issue includes articles on recent developments, structural and regulatory developments, financial market implications of ageing populations, financial security of private pension systems, development of capital markets in Asia, and FDI.

  • 16 Mar 1999
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank
  • Pages: 200

Rapid globalisation has brought substantial benefits to developing Asia, but it has also heightened the risks associated with policy mistakes, weak financial institutions, and problems in corporate and public governance. The 1997 Asian crisis has demonstrated the urgent need to rethink the sequencing and comprehensiveness of financial liberalisation. Would further opening of Asia's financial systems be helpful or counterproductive in fostering financial stability? What structural reforms do emerging economies need to undertake to ensure that capital inflows are transformed into productive investment? Which regulatory and other requirements would have to be attached to further financial liberalisation? And what role should international organisations and the private sector play in crisis resolution?
This volume seeks to provide answers to these questions by discussing the roots of the Asian financial crisis and suggesting some constructive approaches to crisis resolution. It was produced jointly by the Asian Development Bank and OECD Development Centre based on their fourth joint annual Forum on Asian Perspectives.

  • 26 Mar 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 151

OECD's journal on financial markets. In addition to the analysis of recent trends, this issue includes articles on challenges for the euro area, reforming the Korean banking system, shrinking a government bond market, and privatisation trends.


This reliable source of annual commodity trade data provides detailed statistics in value by commodity and by partner country for trade of OECD countries with most partner countries. This issue covers 1992-1997 for the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Finland, Germany and the United Kingdom.

For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).

  • 22 Apr 1999
  • OECD Development Centre
  • Pages: 248

This collection of experiences of fiscal decentralisation across a wide range of OECD-Member and non-member economies reveals lessons which are equally of relevance to both groups of countries. A major finding is that fiscal decentralisation is often confused in the latter group of countries with the removal of central-government control over subnational finances. This is a mistake; it may lead to fiscal irresponsibility on the part of local authorities, deteriorating fiscal positions at both levels, and high costs due to duplication of fiscal institutions. The book also finds that insufficient attention has been given to local revenue generation, as opposed to intergovernmental transfers.
The issue of fiscal decentralisation in emerging economies is particularly important, because it arises, in part, from a desire to enhance democracy and local accountability. However, the devolution of responsibilities must take place in an atmosphere of transparency, where the local expertise exists to manage budgeting. Serious consideration must be given to revenue sourcing and effective expenditure control. Finally, local spending must match available revenues without becoming an additional strain on central government resources.


This reliable source of annual commodity trade data provides detailed statistics in value by commodity and by partner country for trade of OECD countries with most partner countries. This issue covers 1992-1997 for Austria, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Portugal and Sweden.

For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).

What is the investment policy orientation in Latin America in the light of the present world financial environment? What are the perspectives for developing a multilateral framework for investment rules and what would be the Latin American involvement in this effort? How can appropriate policies and regulatory environment for attracting foreign direct investment in Latin America be created?

These were the main issues of the Lima Workshop on "Foreign Direct Investment Policy and Promotion in Latin America" organised in December 1998 by the OECD and the Commission of the European Union in co-operation with the Peruvian Government. This set of texts can constitute a reference work on foreign investment policy for policy makers and experts in the public sector, actors in the private sector and academics both in emerging market economies and in OECD countries.

  • 08 Oct 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the driving forces binding countries into closer economic interdependence. The rapid increase in FDI flows has generated considerable debate about its environmental implications, in particular the impacts on environmental quality in the investment host country. A broader issue is the role of FDI in promoting sustainable development. To date, much of the debate has been polemical in nature. This volume moves the debate forward by analysing in a clear and considered manner the key issues in the FDI and environment relationship. Empirical evidence from OECD and non-OECD countries is presented and the strengths and weaknesses of policy and institutional frameworks that guide investors' environmental behaviour are discussed. In addition, the emerging role of voluntary commitments on the environment is examined. Best practices in this area are highlighted. The papers were presented at the OECD Conference on Foreign Direct Investment and the Environment held in January 1999 in The Hague.

  • 14 Oct 1999
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 206

The aim of every politician is to transform the city into an environmentally sustainable entity. However, while the planning and organisation of passenger services within cities is commonly perceived as a major issue, freight transport is not given the full attention it deserves. As a general rule, the role which freight transport plays in the economy of cities is simply not understood. What invariably attracts attention, on the other hand, is the added pollution and congestion caused by freight transport.

Europe has recently produced a host of new urban development schemes which place more or less severe restrictions on freight movements in cities. While some cities have introduced measures in line with the town planning objectives of territorial development plans, others have adopted short-term solutions to traffic management problems. Since we know that cities are living entities whose vital processes can be disrupted, how can we be sure that all of these measures are a step in the right direction? Our lack of experience makes this a question we would be well advised to consider.

The Round Table reviewed the various aspects of freight transport by examining experiences in different countries and by discussing some of the more innovatory approaches adopted.


This reliable source of annual commodity trade data provides detailed statistics in value by commodity and by partner country for trade of OECD countries with most partner countries. This issue covers 1993-1998 for Hungary, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, spain, the Netherlands, and Turkey.

For each country, this publication provides tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings.

  • 17 Nov 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

Highly publicised outbreaks of food-borne diseases have put food safety at the heart of a topical debate. Demands for increased food safety regulation and stricter enforcement have gained momentum. In fact, consumer concerns go well beyond basic food safety. The quality of food and how it is produced, animal welfare, the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), hormones and other growth promoters, cultural preferences, resource sustainability and protection of the environment have all become major issues in the public debate over regulation of the food industry. The issues are complex and the required policy response remains unclear. With the strengthening of international rules, increased trade in consumer food products and the growing use of biotechnology, trade conflicts over food regulatory issues and their reform could become more common. The economic stakes are high and such disputes are likely to remain a priority in the future trade agenda. This report examines the trade conflicts arising from food safety and quality issues. It summarises the key international agreements, illustrates the range and nature of current disputes, reviews the potential contributions of economic analysis to conflict resolution, and identifies areas requiring further analysis.


OECD countries believe that foreign direct investment (FDI) will play a critical role in the rise of standards of living among nations well into the 21st century. A crucial aspect will be whether FDI’s contribution to economic development will respond in a balanced and sustainable way to the aspirations and expectations of host and home countries alike.
This and other related issues were highlighted at a conference on the Role of Investment in Development, Corporate Responsibilities and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This event provided a unique forum for dialogue between participants from OECD member states and developing countries, academic, business and labour circles and civil society on the development impact of FDI, the effectiveness of national policies and the responsibilities of multinational enterprises. These issues are expected to be taken up again at the forthcoming WTO Ministerial in Seattle.

  • 06 Dec 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 264

The financial crisis in Asia has brought to the fore the question of the appropriate policies for recovery and for future sustainable development. One area of particular importance is the treatment of foreign investors. Foreign direct investment has played a leading role in many of the economies of the region, particularly in export sectors, and has been a vital source of foreign capital during the crisis. The four countries reviewed in this study - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand - have all tended to welcome inward investment for its contribution to exports but have often been less willing to open up the domestic market to such investors. This study discusses the role assigned to foreign firms in the development strategies of the four countries in the past and looks at how a more balanced approach to the treatment of foreign investors could contribute to a more sustainable development path in the future.

This reliable source of annual commodity trade data provides detailed statistics in value by commodity and by partner country for trade of OECD countries with most partner countries. This issue covers 1993-1998 for Belgium/Luxembourg, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan and Switzerland.

For each country, this publication provides tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings.

This reliable source of annual commodity trade data provides detailed statistics in value by commodity and by partner country for trade of OECD countries with most partner countries. This issue covers 1993-1998 for Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, Poland, Portugal, and Sweden.

For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).

This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of Foreign Trade by Commodities contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes he OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.). ALSO AVAILABLE ON CD-ROM Even more detailed data on foreign trade by commodities is available on a set of CD-ROMs, ITCS - International Trade by Commodity Statistics, which is updated several times per year. It gives complete details on commodities and partner countries in value and quantity. Several versions are available according to the classification used and the length of the time series.Data are classified according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or the Harmonised System (HS). For highly up-to-date aggregates, indices and indicators, consult the monthly issue of Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade and its associated CD-ROM.

This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of Foreign Trade by Commodities contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.). ALSO AVAILABLE ON CD-ROM Even more detailed data on foreign trade by commodities is available on a set of CD-ROMs, ITCS -International Trade by Commodity Statistics, which is updated several times per year. It gives complete details on commodities and partner countries in value and quantity. Several versions are available according to the classification used and the length of the time series. Data are classified according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or the Harmonised System (HS). For highly up-to-date aggregates, indices and indicators, consult the monthly issue of Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade and its associated CD-ROM. For further information on these titles, please consult: org/std/tradhome.htm

Ten years into the transition, newly emerging private enterprises in transition economies, usually described as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the international context, have come to play an increasingly important role as the driving engines of economic growth and employment creation. Accordingly, the policy considerations for developing SMEs are becoming very urgent and important for transition economies, especially through facilitating financial mechanisms for them, as limited availability of financial resources is the largest hindrance to their development.
This publication gathers the proceedings of the Second Workshop on "Financing Newly Emerging Private Enterprises in Transition Economies" which was organised in Paris under the aegis of the OECD’s Centre for Co-operation with Non-Members with the sponsorship of the Japanese Government. This volume contains in-depth studies on various schemes for financing these enterprises, including credit guarantees, leasing, venture capital and capital market operations, as well as public schemes. In addition, it provides detailed and comparative information on the situation of SME development and the policy measures towards it.

On the surface there is agreement, sustainable development refers to a broad set of issues, going beyond the relationship between the economy and the environment to encompass human and social concerns. Scratch the surface and you open a Pandora's box of differing notions of sustainability and means of achieving it. How can progress towards sustainable development be measured then? The major difficulty in developing indicators to track progress towards sustainable development is not the lack of data but rather the lack of frameworks to organise and synthesize existing information. This volume brings together a number of approaches to this question pursued in academia, national administrations and international organisations, as presented at an expert workshop held at the OECD headquarters in September 1999. These approaches include developments of the traditional national accounts system, construction of synthetic measures of sustainability such as "genuine savings", physical measures of material flows, and selections of indicators based on variants of the "pressure, state, response" model. This volume also reviews a number of initiatives undertaken within the OECD to monitor trends in the sustainability of specific sectors and sub-national areas.

  • 01 Mar 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 188

OECD's journal on financial markets. In addition to its regular assessment of recent development, this issue includes articles on securitisation, fixed-income securities markets, international insurance operations, tax distortions to cross-border portfolio investment, and more.

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