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The studies in this volume review concerns that exporters and governments have raised about market access. This publication analyses where and why certain non-tariff measures are being applied to traded goods that are covered by multilateral rules and disciplines, and how they continue to represent challenges for exporters and policy makers. The specific measures examined are prohibitions and quotas, non-automatic import licensing schemes, customs fees and charges and export restrictions. By drawing together available recent data and other information, this volume expands the knowledge base of policy makers, negotiators and anyone interested in learning about the use of these measures across countries, applicable international trade rules and remaining market access issues.


Governments need to ensure that public officials perform their duties in a fair and unbiased way. The pressure comes from a society and a business community that are increasingly well-informed, and specifically from a general demand for unbiased and transparent public decision-making. The OECD Guidelines for Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Service provide the first international benchmark in this field. They help governments review and modernise their conflict-of-interest policies in the public sector. The report highlights trends, approaches and models across OECD countries in a comparative overview that also presents examples of innovative and recent solutions. Selected country case studies give more details on the implementation of policies in national contexts and on key elements of legal and institutional frameworks

French, English
  • 01 Dec 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

Innovation, skills, entrepreneurship and social cohesion are key drivers of growth, and essential goals of effective economic development strategies. Each has a strong governance component, which requires real partnership between government, business and civil society. In this book, the OECD has brought together top world experts to translate policy lessons into concrete recommendations that will help policy makers and practitioners make the best governance decisions to stimulate growth.

  • 12 Dec 2005
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 216

Electricity market reform has fundamentally changed the environment for maintaining reliable and secure power supplies, creating a more integrated and dynamic network environment with new real-time challenges for reliable and secure transmission system operation. But despite these fundamental changes, system operating rules and practices remain largely unchanged. The major blackouts of 2003 and 2004 raised important questions about the appropriateness of these arrangements. This publication presents case studies drawn from recent large-scale blackouts in Europe, North America, and Australia. It concludes that a comprehensive, integrated policy response is required to avoid preventable large-scale blackouts in the future.

  • 12 Dec 2005
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 224

This book assesses experience in reforming electricity markets in OECD countries over the past decade, focusing on the issues that are critical for successful liberalisation. Experiences and examples in the study are drawn mainly from the UK, Australian, Nordic and North Eastern United States (the PJM interconnection) markets, which have all operated with considerable success for a number of years. The issues covered in the study are: the rationale and benefits of liberalisation; the governance required to create effective competition; the role of prices and transparent wholesale markets; consumer protection; incentives for investment, and impact of addressing security of supply and environmental policy.

Transition and emerging economies have difficulties developing their financial markets to a level that would provide access to long-term debt finance at an affordable cost. This report examines opportunities beyond the public sector for financing water and other environmental infrastructure. Specifically, opportunities for accessing savings through private financial and capital markets have been examined. The report identifies bottlenecks to the development of local financial markets for environmental infrastructure and discusses policy recommendations to tackle them.

  • 06 Feb 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 146

This report helps establish a new agenda for age-friendly employment policies and practices. It sets out the policy challenges presented by rapidly ageing labour forces in OECD countries and draws out the main lessons learned from OECD's series of country reviews on Ageing and Employment policies.  Among other issues, it discusses how to remove work disincentives and increase choice in the work-retirement decision, improve employability of older workers, and change employer attitudes and employment practices.

  • 29 Jun 2006
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 560
When William Shakespeare wrote Love’s Labour’s Lost he would have used light from tallow candles at a cost (today) of £12,000 per million-lumen hours. The same amount of light from electric lamps now costs only £2!  But today’s low-cost illumination still has a dark side. Globally, lighting consumes more electricity than is produced by either hydro or nuclear power and results in CO2 emissions equivalent to two thirds of the world’s cars. This book documents a broad range of policy measures to stimulate efficient lighting being implemented around the world and suggests new ways these could be strengthened to prevent light’s labour from being lost.


  • 16 Aug 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 445

This annual edition of Labour Force Statistics provides detailed statistics on population, labour force, employment and unemployment, broken down by sex, as well as unemployment duration, employment status, employment by sector of activity and  part-time employment. It also contains participation and unemployment rates by sex and detailed age groups as well as comparative tables for the main components of the labour force. Data are available for each OECD member country and for OECD-Total, Euro area and EU15. The time series presented in the publication cover 20 years for most countries. It also provides information on the sources and definitions used by member countries in the compilation of those statistics.

Building on a recent groundbreaking OECD/World Bank seminar, this volume explores whether and how trade liberalisation can contribute to achieving universal service goals and the types of complementary policies required.  It focuses on experiences in four sectors - telecommunications,  water and sanitation, financial services, and electricity. The unique multi-sector perspective taken in this book, together with the national case studies, yield insights which can help countries promote their universal access goals. A horizontal assessment also helps determine how far the current services negotiations in the WTO, under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, can aid the attainment of universal service goals.

A trend toward decentralisation has meant that sub-national governments increasingly find themselves responsible for providing a host of public goods and services. Rarely, however, can they "go it alone". Co-ordination among levels of government is imperative. This book offers a unique analytic framework for assessing multi-level governance arrangements, which is subsequently applied to five case studies of regional development policy: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. The book reveals the importance of contractual arrangements for customised management of interdependencies, for clarifying responsibilities among actors, for dialogue, and for learning.

  • 15 Jun 2007
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 144

CO2 emissions from energy production and consumption are a major contributor to climate change.  Thus, stabilising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere by reducing these emissions is an increasingly urgent international necessity.  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) represents one of the most promising potential solutions to contain emissions resulting from continued use of coal and other fossil fuels.  However, challenges such as a lack of legal and regulatory frameworks to guide near-term demonstration projects and long-term technology expansion must be addressed to facilitate the expanded use of CCS. 


In October 2006, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) convened with legal experts,to discuss the range of legal issues associated with expanded use of CCS and to identify ways to facilitate further CCS development and implementation  Participants examined gaps and barriers to the deployment of CCS and identified recommendations to guide further development of appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks. 


This publication provides policymakers with a detailed summary of the main legal issues surrounding the CCS debate, including up-to-date background information, case studies and conclusions on the best legal and regulatory approaches to advance CCS.  These strategies can be used to enable further development, deployment and demonstration of CCS technology, potentially an essential element in global efforts to mitigate climate change. 

The long-term safety of deep disposal of radioactive waste is strongly dependent on the performance of the geological setting. The geology fulfils important safety functions including isolating the waste from human contact or intrusion, providing a stable physical and chemical environment, insulating against external disturbances, and preventing or delaying the transport of radioactive materials away from the waste.  Thus, a sound understanding of the geology's history and evolution is central in supporting assessments that examine the long-term performance and safety of deep disposal. This conference proceedings examines how geoscientific arguments and data are compiled and linked to create a unified description of the geological setting to support a safety case. It also examines practical aspects and limitations in collecting, linking, extrapolating and communicating such information.

Pocas instituciones de educación superior enfocan sus estrategias con miras a su contribución al desarrollo de la región en la que se sitúan. Particularmente para las universidades más antiguas o que poseen un marcado perfil investigador, y que se concentran más en su reputación y en la búsqueda del conocimiento, sin considerar su entorno más cercano. Sin embargo, las políticas públicas al respecto han empezado a cambiar. La posición nacional e internacional y el compromiso regional de las instituciones de educación superior ahora son considerados como complementos y existe un nuevo enfoque en la competitividad regional asociada a ellas y en los sistemas de innovación regional. Se espera que las instituciones de educación superior se comprometan con otros actores en la región, incluyendo a las empresas privadas y a los pequeños negocios. Asimismo, deben ofrecer oportunidades de educación continua y contribuir al desarrollo de empleos basados en el conocimiento, los cuales permitirán a los graduados encontrar empleos locales y permanecer en sus comunidades.

¿Cómo pueden las instituciones de educación superior enfrentarse a este reto? La presente publicación explora un amplio abanico de medidas de políticas y reformas institucionales. A través de un extenso estudio de 14 regiones a través de 12 países, así como de estudios regionales de la OECD, se considera el compromiso regional de las instituciones de educación superior con respecto a la enseñanza, la investigación y  los servicios a la comunidad. El informe ofrece respuestas a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué significa el compromiso regional de las instituciones de educación superior? ¿Cuáles son sus motores y sus obstáculos? ¿Qué significa el compromiso regional en términos de administración y gobernanza para las instituciones de educación superior, la región y el país en su conjunto? ¿Cómo se adecua el compromiso regional con la búsqueda de la excelencia académica a nivel mundial?

French, English
  • 07 Nov 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 188
While democratic regimes seem to be firmly rooted in the region, Latin American economies continue to experience sustained economic growth, benefiting from the ongoing process of globalisation. This Latin American Economic Outlook, the first volume in an annual series by the OECD Development Centre, provides original insights and comparative indicators on four key issues affecting Latin America’s development: the impact of fiscal performance on democratic legitimacy; the relevance of pension fund reform and governance for national saving and capital markets deepening; the role market-seeking investments by the private sector can have at improving access to telecommunication services; and growing trade with China and India as an incentive to boost the competitiveness of Latin American countries. Policy recommendations and the identification of best practices in the areas under scrutiny aim to put OECD’s expertise and well-known analytical rigour at the service of Latin America’s development.
Chinese, Spanish, French
  • 07 Nov 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 306

Local development strategies represent an important response to the challenges of globalisation, while providing a mechanism for seizing the new opportunities that globalisation offers. Nearly two decades after the fall of the Berlin wall, this book evaluates progress made and identifies what needs to be done to speed up the drive towards prosperity in Central and Eastern Europe. It demonstrates that the success of local development strategies depends on the capacity of the government and its partners to accelerate change within the policy and governance aspects of economic and social development.

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