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EU Funded Note

The report analyses the policy development process in Ireland. It focusses on three main areas that shape policy development: evidence, implementation, and legitimacy. It also discusses the skills, capacities, methods and tools in the Irish public sector that support effective policy development. The report highlights Ireland’s strengths, identifies gaps, provides examples of good practices, and suggests a number of areas of opportunity and action to bolster the policy development system and improve policymaking.

Human capital is a key determinant of success for individuals and economies alike. Literacy and numeracy are key foundations for higher-order cognitive skills, while solving problems in technology-rich environments is increasingly important, as information and communications technology (ICT) spreads into all aspects of life. Despite remarkable recent increases in enrolment and educational attainment, the countries of Latin America lag behind in skills development among both secondary school students and the wider adult population. Young adults are still struggling in the labour market, while employers report skill shortages are a barrier to business. As countries in the region seek to shift their economies into higher value-added activities to escape the “middle-income trap”, they will need to improve the skills of their working-age population across the board. This report explores the situation of youth and adults in Latin America by using data from the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) from Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay. These data have been supplemented by results from the World Bank STEP survey of adults living in urban areas of Bolivia and Colombia.

  • 22 Mar 2023
  • International Energy Agency, Korea Energy Economics Institute
  • Pages: 105

This report was commissioned by Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and carried out jointly by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Korea Energy Economics Institute. The objective of the study was to provide high-level policy recommendations on Korea’s clean energy transition from coal in the power sector. The report covers a detailed review of policy and market developments around Korea’s transition to net zero. The scope of the report includes all sectors of the economy, industry and all the regions across the world, where we extract the main recommendations that are applicable to the case of Korea.

Currently, the power sector is the largest CO2-emitting sector and coal is the single biggest source of CO2 emissions, as it is the backbone of many electricity systems. Thus, coal power plants have been a target for reaching net zero emissions by 2050 for long time. Korea has firm objectives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, aiming to accelerate the clean energy transition of coal power plants. Policy recommendations were formulated around two priorities: affordable and secure supply of electricity and people-centred transition.

Ein entscheidender Aspekt des BEPS-Projekts von OECD und G20 ist die Bewältigung der steuerlichen Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft. Im Oktober 2021 einigten sich über 135 Staaten und Gebiete auf ein bahnbrechendes Konzept zur Überarbeitung wesentlicher Elemente des internationalen Steuersystems, da dieses System den Anforderungen einer globalisierten und digitalisierten Wirtschaft nicht mehr gerecht wurde. Die Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules bzw. GloBE-Vorschriften spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Sie gewährleisten eine Mindestbesteuerung der Gewinne großer multinationaler Unternehmen – ganz gleich, wo diese Unternehmen tätig sind und ihre Gewinne erwirtschaften. Die GloBE-Vorschriften ermöglichen konkret die Schaffung eines koordinierten Steuersystems, das die Erhebung einer Ergänzungssteuer vorsieht. Diese Ergänzungssteuer ist auf die in einem Steuerhoheitsgebiet erzielten Gewinne zu entrichten, wenn der (auf Gebietsebene ermittelte) effektive Steuersatz in diesem Steuerhoheitsgebiet unter dem Mindestsatz liegt. Dieser Bericht klärt den Anwendungsbereich und enthält die verfügenden Bestimmungen und Definitionen der GloBE-Vorschriften. Diese Vorschriften sollen im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Ansatzes umgesetzt und ab 2022 in nationales Recht überführt werden.

French, English
  • 28 Feb 2023
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 60

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed how people live and move, especially in urban environments. As many cities transition towards living with the virus, this presents challenges and opportunities to create more sustainable, resilient and equitable transport systems. This report explores how urban mobility changed during the pandemic, focusing on changes in how people work. Based on a review of international best practices, the report provides recommendations for better urban mobility in a post-Covid world.

  • 17 Feb 2023
  • OECD, World Health Organization
  • Pages: 86

This report calls on policy makers to step up the policy response to increase physical activity. Being physically active is one of the most important things people can do to improve their physical and mental health. It helps prevent a range of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, and improves mental health and cognitive functioning, among other benefits. Nevertheless, too many Europeans are physically inactive. One in three European adults do not meet the WHO physical activity guidelines, and almost half never exercise or play sport. The report describes patterns and trends of insufficient physical activity in Europe. It reviews the detrimental impact that current physical inactivity levels have on population health and health expenditure. The report provides policy makers with options to address insufficient physical activity, drawing on case studies from across Europe.

Many OECD governments regularly identify violence against women as the top gender equality issue their country faces. Yet in all countries, addressing this multifaceted issue presents serious governance and implementation challenges as victims/survivors have complex needs both during and after experiences of violence. Different service delivery providers such as health, justice, housing and social protection must work together seamlessly – across governmental and non-governmental providers – to provide an effective response. This report presents a stocktaking of OECD governments’ efforts to integrate service delivery to address the most prevalent form of gender-based violence against women: intimate partner violence. It presents an overview of different strategies for coordinating key services commonly offered in OECD countries: healthcare, justice, housing, child services, income support, and preventative programmes to stop the reoccurrence of violence. Based on extensive feedback from 35 out of 38 OECD countries and a consultation with non-governmental service providers, this report identifies best practices and investigates the barriers to resolving one of the most pressing human rights issues in OECD countries today.

  • 07 Feb 2023
  • International Monetary Fund, OECD, The World Bank, World Trade Organization
  • Pages: 61

Tratar las subvenciones del comercio mundial de manera constructiva es un elemento central del objetivo de los líderes del G20 de reformar y reforzar el sistema multilateral de comercio. La utilización cada vez mayor de subvenciones causantes de distorsión altera los flujos comerciales y de inversión, menoscaba el valor de las consolidaciones arancelarias y otros compromisos de acceso a los mercados y erosiona el apoyo público al libre comercio. Las pronunciadas diferencias en torno a las subvenciones están contribuyendo a las tensiones comerciales mundiales, que perjudican al crecimiento y los niveles de vida.

French, English
  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Su vėžiu susijusios padėties šalyse apžvalgose nustatomi kiekvienos iš 27 ES valstybių narių, Islandijos ir Norvegijos pranašumai, problemos ir konkrečios veiksmų sritys, į kurias galima nukreipti investicijas arba kurių atžvilgiu ES, nacionaliniu ir regioniniu lygmenimis galima taikyti intervencines priemones pagal Europos kovos su vėžiu planą. Kiekvienos šalies vėžio profilyje pateikiama trumpa sintezė: nacionalinė vėžio našta ; vėžio rizikos veiksniai (daugiausia dėmesio skiriant elgsenos ir aplinkos rizikos veiksniams) ; ankstyvosios diagnostikos programos ; vėžio priežiūros rezultatai (daugiausia dėmesio skiriant prieinamumui, priežiūros kokybei, išlaidoms ir COVID-19 poveikiui vėžio priežiūrai).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Syöpäprofiileissa kuvataan EU:n 27 jäsenvaltion sekä Islannin ja Norjan vahvuudet, haasteet ja erityiset toiminta-alat, jotka ohjaavat niiden investointeja ja toimia EU:n, kansallisella ja alueellisella tasolla EU:n syöväntorjuntasuunnitelman puitteissa. Kussakin maakohtaisessa syöpäprofiilissa esitetään lyhyt yhteenveto seuraavista: kansallinen syöpätaakka; syövän riskitekijät (joissa keskitytään käyttäytymiseen ja ympäristöön liittyviin riskitekijöihin); (varhaista havaitsemista koskevat ohjelmat; syövän hoidon suorituskyky (jossa keskitytään saatavuuteen, hoidon laatuun, kustannuksiin ja COVID-19:n vaikutukseen syövän hoitoon).


State-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain vulnerable to being used as conduits for political finance, patronage, and personal or related-party enrichment. Lingering weaknesses in corporate governance and ownership arrangements can expose SOEs to such exploitation and undermine SOE efforts to uphold integrity. This report highlights these weaknesses and provides state owners with a better understanding of which activities are effective in insulating SOEs from undue influence. It also takes stock of how OECD member and participating countries are implementing relevant provisions of the OECD Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in SOEs, serving as the first report on the implementation of the Guidelines since their adoption in 2019.

This report serves to support the development of Latin America’s legal and regulatory frameworks for sustainability disclosure, the responsibilities of company boards and shareholder rights. The report presents the results of two OECD surveys on sustainability practices of listed companies and asset managers in the region. It also draws upon an OECD dataset on the current trends and features of corporate sustainability at the global level.

  • 13 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

Apprenticeship systems have a crucial role to play in providing students, workers and jobseekers with relevant training opportunities and developing the right skills for the future in responding to changing labour market needs. This report focuses on how to strengthen the apprenticeship system in Scotland (United Kingdom). The Scottish apprenticeship system has made remarkable progress, becoming one of the most flexible and wide ranging systems in the OECD. Apprenticeship starts are on the rise and outcomes have been positive. Informed by international evidence, this report identifies strategies to make the system more responsive, innovative and inclusive. These include strengthened employer engagement, refined minimum requirements for programmes, strategic guidance and practical support for innovation in apprenticeships, and efforts to make the system more accessible and relevant so as to promote inclusion and equity.

  • 09 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 199

This report assesses the linkages between foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Slovak Republic. It provides policy recommendations to national and subnational governments on how to foster productivity and innovation spillovers from FDI to the local economy. The report looks at the quality of investment the country attracts, the absorptive capacity of Slovak SMEs, and a broad range of economic, business and policy conditions that can strengthen knowledge and technology diffusion from FDI to domestic SMEs. It also provides a diagnostic assessment of the core FDI-SME spillover diffusion channels, namely value chain linkages, strategic partnerships, labour mobility, and competition and imitation effects. The report provides an overview of the Slovak policy arrangements for promoting international investment, SME performance and innovation, and regional development. It does so by taking a close look at multi-level coordination, stakeholder consultation and impact evaluation. It then reviews the policy mix in support FDI-SME linkages and spillovers and proposes concrete areas for further policy reforms. The last chapter introduces a regional lens, focusing on the regions of Banská Bystrica and Košice. This report is part of a multi-year European Commission-OECD project on strengthening FDI-SME ecosystems and is the second pilot review for future country assessments.

Norway’s foreign-born population has tripled since 2000, and the share of migrants among the population has seen one of the largest increases across the OECD, mostly driven by labour migration from EU countries. Most migrants from non-EU countries, in contrast, are refugees and their family members. High qualification levels and labour market participation of the native-born raise the question of an adequate benchmark for integration outcomes, especially for the low-educated refugees and their families. Against this backdrop, Norway puts significant investment into integration, and a number of recent reforms have been aimed at strengthening the system. This review, the third in a series on the skills and labour market integration of immigrants and their children, provides an assessment of these reforms and the remaining challenges. It includes an overview of Norway’s integration services – and the many substantial changes in recent years – as well as challenges in access and uptake of integration offers, activation programmes and outcomes of native-born children of immigrants in Norway. Earlier reviews in this series looked at integration in Sweden (2016) and Finland (2018).

This publication analyses the impact COVID-19 has had on asset-backed pension arrangements and the main policies countries have implemented in response to date. It then presents policy guidelines to help strengthen asset-backed pension arrangements and improve retirement outcomes in a post-COVID world. The publication also discusses the short- and long-term impact of COVID-19 on mortality, and the role that assets earmarked for retirement could play in the post-COVID recovery.

The Republic of Türkiye’s trajectory of improvement over the past two decades stands out internationally. Few other countries have been able to bring previously out-of-school children into the education system and improve performance at the same time. This report provides a picture on how student performance has evolved over this period. It is based on data from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The report analyses if factors related to student background – such as gender or socio-economic status – are associated with performance. It also analyses student performance across different cognitive and content domains of learning.

This report provides an overview of existing scientific and technical information on side-chain fluorinated polymers (SCFPs), focusing on their identities and life cycle, and with a particular goal to map the existing landscape and highlight critical knowledge and data gaps. It focuses on the life cycle of SCFPs, including production and use, presence of other PFASs in the commercial formulations, degradation of SCFPs during use and end-of-life treatment, and environmental releases of SCFPs and other PFASs present in the commercial formulations. The report comes with a separate Annex comprising five spreadsheets providing information on: substances identities, use information, PFASimpurity studies, degradation studies and SCFP release.

This report explores ways for Mexico’s supreme audit institution, Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF), to strengthen its use of analytics. While the report focuses on the use of data to enhance the detection of integrity risks, it also recognises the implications of better analytics for the ASF’s broader digital transformation strategy. It offers a range of proposals for enhancing ASF’s data governance and embedding analytics into strategic initiatives. It also looks at building ASF’s analytics capacity, including addressing integrity considerations through better co-ordination, digital skills development and nurturing a data-centric culture.


The price regulation conducted by economic regulators is a high-stakes process, with significant and lasting impacts on current and future service quality and the overall performance of the regulated sector. This report tracks the efforts of the economic regulator of the Scottish water sector to make the results of its price-setting process work better for the customers of today and tomorrow, addressing issues such as customer engagement, sustainable asset management and climate change. Based on the results of a multi-year peer review, it analyses the process and outputs of the price setting process. It also sets out recommendations to help parties strengthen the resilience and stability of the regulatory framework while not losing sight of strategic vision and objectives.

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