Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading scale
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading scale, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the reading scale
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale access and retrieve
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale access and retrieve, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the reading subscale access and retrieve
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale integrate and interpret
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale integrate and interpret, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the reading subscale integrate and interpret
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale reflect and evaluate
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale reflect and evaluate, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the reading subscale reflect and evaluate
Gender differences in student performance on the reading scale after taking student programmes into account
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale continuous texts
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale continuous texts, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the reading subscale continuous texts
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale non-continuous texts
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the reading subscale non-continuous texts, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the reading subscale non-continuous texts
Socio-economic indicators and the relationship with performance in reading
Country rankings on preferred questions
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the mathematics scale
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the mathematics scale, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the mathematics scale
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the science scale
Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the science scale, by gender
Mean score, variation and gender differences in student performance on the science scale
Overlapping of top performers in reading, mathematics and science
Overlapping of top performers in reading, mathematics and science, by gender