Brazil's per capita income reached higher levels than in most BRIICS countries
Unemployment decreased while labour income increased
Per capita income varies widely across Brazilian states
Life satisfaction in Brazil is high, but some constraints remain
Renewables make up an increasingly large share of the energy supply
Energy consumption in transport and industry has been rising rapidly
GHG emissions from deforestation declined, but emissions are rising in other sectors
Brazil's carbon intensity remains low by international comparison
Transport-related air emissions are decreasing, but overall emissions are rising
Domestic material consumption increased faster than GDP
Waste management has improved, but remains challenging in rural areas
The use of agricultural chemicals is high and increasing
Vegetation cover has declined in some Brazilian biomes
A large share of Brazil's territory is under environmental protection
Water use, especially by agriculture, has increased considerably
Water quality is critical in many urban areas
Access to sewage collection networks and sewage treatment needs to be expanded
Energy structure and intensity
Road transport
GHG emissions and intensity
CO2 emissions and intensity
SOx emissions and intensity
NOx emissions and intensity
PM2.5 emissions and pollution
Waste generation and management
Material consumption and productivity
Agricultural inputs and livestock density
Fish catches and threatened species
Water abstraction and wastewater treatment