Poverty and extreme poverty in Peru 2001-13
Incidence of growth in Peru across income percentiles, 2003-12
Gini coefficient (index) and income shares by quintiles (%), 1998-2012
Peruvians have relatively good life expectancy at birth, whatever their gender
Healthy life and child mortality
Self-reported health among benchmark countries, 2014
Access to health insurance in Peru (over time) and selected benchmark countries
Evolution of the population affiliated to a health insurance scheme in Peru, 2005-12
Health indicators across Peru's regions, 2012-13
Perceptions of the accessibility of healthcare services, 2006-14
Confidence in health systems in benchmark countries, 2005-10
Enrolment rates in different levels of education, 2012
Educational attainment for total population over 15 years old, 1980-2010
Expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP, 1999-2013
Expenditure on education per student as a percentage of GDP per capita, by level of education (2013 or latest year available)
Average years of schooling (ages 15-19), unadjusted and adjusted for academic achievement using PISA scores
Rates of enrolment in different levels of education, by income quintiles, 2011 or latest year available
Secondary-school performance and equity in education (PISA 2012)
Firms identifying an inadequately educated workforce as a major constraint to their growth, 2010 or latest year available
Main university subjects studied in Peru, 2010
Employment trends in Peru and in comparison to benchmark countries
Time-related underemployment in Peru and in comparison to benchmark countries
Unemployment trends in Peru and in comparison to benchmark countries
Unemployment duration among socio-demographic groups and among benchmark countries, 2012
Job mobility trends in Peru and benchmark countries, 2009-10
Job-finding rates in benchmark countries, 2009-10
Subjective job insecurity in Peru and in the region
Informal employment in benchmark countries and among socio-demographic groups in Peru
Persistence in formal and informal employment in benchmark countries, 2009-10
Transition rates between formal and informal employment in benchmark countries, 2009-10
Persistence in formal and informal employment by socio-demographic group, 2009-10
Transition between formal and informal employment by socio-demographic group, 2009-10
Employment and economic class
Minimum wages and the ratio of minimum wages to mean wages
Regional variations in informal work and wages, 2013
Weekly working hours in benchmark countries and Peru
Formalisation outcomes in Latin America
Average compulsory payment wedge as a percentage of augmented total labour costs in selected OECD benchmark countries and Peru
Dismissal and severance pay regulations in benchmark countries
Firing cost measured in weeks of wages in benchmark countries, 2005 and 2010