Absolute social class mobility, 2010s
Understanding cross-country variation in absolute class mobility
Absolute class mobility by gender, 2010s
Trends of absolute class mobility
Sticky floors and sticky ceilings in occupation
Relative persistence in social class
Changes in relative social class persistence over time
Earnings elasticities for father to son, late 2000s
Intergenerational earnings mobility and income inequality
Individual earnings elasticities by employment status
Drivers of intergenerational earnings elasticities between fathers and sons, early 2010's
Cohort analysis of intergenerational earnings persistence
Earnings elasticities for different quantiles of the distribution, early 2010's
Percentage of sons in the top and bottom earnings quartile by father's quartile
Inheritances and gifts, by net wealth quintile
Employment rate for daughters by father's earnings percentile
Earnings elasticity between fathers and daughters compared with sons
Comparing daughters and sons' income elasticities based on household income, 2011
Comparing earnings and income elasticities, late 2000's