Population living on less than USD 2 per day (2008-12) and number of days needed to export (2005)
Doing Business costs to export, USD per container, 2014
Average number of days required to export by income group
Correlation between improvement in logistics performance and GDP growth rate
What contribution can reducing trade costs make to the target of inclusive, sustainable growth?
Changes in road governance conditions 2010-2013 in West Africa
Number of partner country survey respondents indicating that a particular source of trade costs is important (goods)
Number of donor country survey respondents indicating that a particular source of trade costs is important (goods)
Importance of trade costs sources (services): partner country view
Importance of trade costs sources (services): donor view
Impacts from actions to reduce trade costs
Outputs achieved by actions taken to reduce trade costs
Outcomes achieved by actions to reduce trade costs
Impacts achieved by actions to reduce trade costs
Types of actions that have achieved the most positive results in reducing trade costs for goods and services