Net resource flows to developing countries, 2005-15, Korea
Net ODA: Trends in volume and as a share of GNI, 2000-16, Korea
Share of ODA channelled to and through the multilateral system, two year averages, gross disbursements, Korea
Composition of bilateral ODA, 2015, gross disbursements, Korea
Bilateral ODA to and through CSOs, two year averages, gross disbursements, Korea
Share of bilateral ODA by region, 2014-15 average, gross disbursements, Korea
Bilateral ODA to top recipients, 2014‑15 average, gross disbursements, Korea
Bilateral ODA by income group, two year averages, gross disbursements, Korea
Share of bilateral ODA by sector, 2014-15 average, commitments, Korea
Share of bilateral allocable ODA in support of gender equality by sector, 2015, commitments, Korea
Bilateral allocable ODA in support of global and local environment objectives, two year averages, commitments, Korea
Results of the 2016 Global Partnership monitoring round, Korea