  • 20 Jun 2024
  • Lech Marcinkowski, Anca Butnaru, Aleksandra Rabrenović
  • Pages: 200

Public sector remuneration systems are shaped by an intricate interaction of administrative culture, economic conditions, and political systems. This paper discusses critical considerations to bear in mind when designing, planning and implementing reforms of public service wage systems. It explores key concepts such as job evaluation, pay structures, performance-related pay, market analysis for competitive pay levels and wage bill planning. It provides guidance on the process of reforming public sector salary systems to enhance their competitiveness, equity, transparency and affordability. The paper offers insights drawn from the reform efforts of several EU Member States and SIGMA partners in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine, presenting real-life examples and updated guidelines for effective, sustainable salary system changes. The primary focus is on reforms of wage systems within central government administrations, acknowledging the complexity arising from diverse classifications of civil service and public employees, and the varying scope and structure of salary systems. This paper serves as a practical guide, presenting options along with their advantages and disadvantages to aid policymakers in aligning reforms with their national public administration context and strategies.

Since the start of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 10 million people have been displaced, either within Ukraine or abroad. Labour market integration of internally and externally displaced individuals remains challenging. While many immediate measures were undertaken in Ukraine and in host countries to support displaced Ukrainians, longer-term solutions are needed to enhance their human capital, and allow them not only to integrate into their receiving communities but also contribute to the recovery of Ukraine.

Before the war, the Ukrainian Pay-As-You-Go pension system required large government transfers. Since then, large scale emigration and an increasing number of people eligible for pensions have further increased the need for government transfers and exacerbated the challenges of population ageing. At the same time, the system provides relatively low pension benefits, despite fairly high contribution rates and short time in retirement. This reflects to a large degree a relatively narrow contribution base due to a large informal economy and underreporting of labour income. Reform of the system must encourage participation, secure liveable pensions, and safeguard the system’s fiscal sustainability.

L’économie ukrainienne s’est montrée résiliente en 2023, l’activité enregistrant une progression de 5.3 % selon les estimations. La croissance devrait ralentir en 2024, en raison des dégâts infligés aux infrastructures par les attaques russes, mais aussi à mesure que s’estomperont les avantages de la réouverture des voies maritimes d’exportation et des bonnes récoltes. L’inflation connaîtra probablement une légère hausse du fait des perturbations causées par la guerre d’agression menée par la Russie contre le pays. En 2025, la croissance atteindra 4.5 % à condition qu’une amélioration de la situation sécuritaire permette d’accélérer la reconstruction. Ces projections sont exceptionnellement incertaines puisqu’elles dépendent de l’évolution de la guerre et du rôle fondamental du soutien international.


Ukraine’s economy proved resilient in 2023 and is estimated to have expanded by 5.3%. Growth is projected to moderate in 2024, due to infrastructure damage from Russia’s attacks and as the benefits of the reopening of sea export routes and of a good harvest fade. Inflation is likely to rise slightly due to the ongoing disruptions from Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. In 2025 growth will rise to 4.5% assuming an improved security situation enables reconstruction to accelerate. The evolution of the war and the essential role of international support make these projections exceptionally uncertain.


Цифрові технології не лише створюють величезний потенціал для підвищення продуктивності компаній, вони також можуть покращити економічну стійкість та підтримати відновлення економіки під час війни. Від початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну у лютому 2022 року український уряд досягнув значних успіхів на шляху прискорення цифрової трансформації та продовжує підтримувати цифровізацію. Незважаючи на те що цифрові технології вже приносять чималу користь Україні, малі та середні підприємства ще не повністю реалізували потенціал цифровізації. Окрім проблем, пов’язаних з війною, інші фактори, як-от недостатня обізнаність, дефіцит кваліфікованих кадрів, секторальні особливості і фінансові обмеження, ускладнюють розповсюдження цифрових технологій.

Уряд має на меті і надалі сприяти цифровізації МСП і наразі готує Стратегію підтримки МСП на період від 2024 до 2027 року. Протягом 2023 року ОЕСР надала Україні рекомендації щодо використання цифрових технологій, щоб підвищити продуктивність, підсилити стійкість і сприяти відновленню. У звіті наведений огляд результатів цієї роботи, і розглядаються: і) шляхи посилення інституційної та політичної основи для цифровізації МСП на національному і регіональному рівнях; іі) шляхи цільової підтримки цифровізації МСП, засновані на моделях ОЕСР; та ііі) конкретні шляхи використання цифровізації, які можуть допомогти МСП протистояти викликам, пов’язаним з війною.


Digital technologies not only offer a vast potential to enhance firm productivity, they can also help enhance resilience and support economic recovery in times of war. The government has made significant strides in accelerating the digital transformation and has reinforced support for digitalisation since the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022. While digital technologies have brought significant benefits to the country, Ukraine’s SMEs are yet to fully tap into the potential of digitalisation. Beyond war-related challenges, lack of awareness, digital skills shortages, sectoral specificities, and financial constraints complicate their digital development.

The government aims to further promote SME digitalisation and is currently preparing its SME Strategy 2024-27. Throughout 2023, the OECD provided guidance to Ukraine on how to help SMEs leverage digitalisation for productivity, resilience, and recovery. This report presents an overview of the findings, looking at i) ways to strengthen the national and subnational institutional and policy framework for SME digitalisation; ii) avenues for targeted digitalisation support services for SMEs, building on the OECD’s blueprint; and iii) specific ways digitalisation can help SMEs weather war-related challenges.


Supreme audit institutions (SAIs) are a critical part of public accountability systems. They ‘watch’ over governments’ use of public money and report about it publicly, helping to increase transparency. SAIs have an interest in strongly engaging with external stakeholders – including citizens – to make sure that their work is relevant, understood and used to hold governments to account.

This paper provides a compilation of European SAIs’ practices on communication, co-operation and collaboration with external partners and is intended to provide inspiration to SAIs of EU candidate countries and potential candidates to further strengthen their engagement with their non-governmental stakeholders.

Ukraine has 73 tax agreements in force as reported in its response to the Peer Review questionnaire. Forty-one of those agreements comply with the minimum standard.


Le Togo compte trois conventions fiscales en vigueur, ainsi que l’indique sa réponse au questionnaire d’examen par les pairs, y compris le Règlement multilatéral 08/2008/COM portant adoption des règles visant à éviter la double imposition au sein de l’Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (l’UEMOA) et des règles d’assistance en matière fiscale conclu avec sept de ses partenaires Règlement n° 08/2008/CM des pays de l’Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA) du 26 septembre 2008 portant adoption des règles visant à éviter la double imposition au sein de l’UEMOA et des règles d’assistance en matière fiscale. , ainsi que l’Acte additionnel multilatéral A/SA 5/12/18 portant adoption des règles communautaires pour l’élimination de la double imposition en matière d’impôts sur les revenus, les capitaux et les successions et la prévention de la fraude et de l’évasion fiscale entre les États membres de la CEDEAO (l’Acte additionnel de la CEDEAO) conclu avec 14 partenaires. L’une de ces conventions, l’Acte additionnel de la CEDEAO, est conforme au standard minimum.


The report assesses Ukraine’s anti-corruption reforms against a set of indicators, benchmarks and their elements under five performance areas that focus on anti-corruption policy, prevention of corruption and enforcement. It analyses Ukraine’s efforts to amend laws, build anti-corruption institutions, its measures to detect, investigate and prosecute corruption cases and identifies areas for improvement.

Since the start of Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine’s economy has been operating in the face of unprecedented security challenges. The aggressor state has focused considerable efforts on the purposeful destruction of energy, transport and other critical infrastructure, production capacities of individual enterprises. Direct and indirect economic losses from destruction have already estimated by hundreds of billions of dollars and continue to grow daily.

  • 08 Mar 2024
  • OECD, European Union Agency for Asylum
  • Pages: 80

Since the onset of Russia’s large-scale war against Ukraine, millions of people have been forced to flee their homes in search of a safe haven. This report synthesises the findings of the Survey of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine (SAM-UKR), conducted by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), covering prevailing themes of forced displacement from Ukraine. These themes encompass demographics, reasons for departure, experiences along the journey, life in the host country, return intentions, and future aspirations. In addition to presenting survey results, the report draws on over 1 500 personal testimonies provided by respondents to offer a more direct insight into the decision-making process and emotional state of displaced persons, thereby illuminating their struggles, anxieties, hopes, and aspirations resulting from their displacement.

This dataset comprises statistics pertaining to pensions indicators.It includes indicators such as occupational pension funds’asset as a % of GDP, personal pension funds’ asset as a % of GDP, DC pension plans’assets as a % of total assets. Pension fund and plan types are classified according to the OECD classification. Three dimensions cover this classification: pension plan type, definition type and contract type.
This dataset includes pension funds statistics with OECD classifications by type of pension plans and by type of pension funds. All types of plans are included (occupational and personal, mandatory and voluntary). The OECD classification considers both funded and book reserved pension plans that are workplace-based (occupational pension plans) or accessed directly in retail markets (personal pension plans). Both mandatory and voluntary arrangements are included. The data includes plans where benefits are paid by a private sector entity (classified as private pension plans by the OECD) as well as those paid by a funded public sector entity. Data are presented in various measures depending on the variable: millions of national currency, millions of USD, thousands or unit.
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