Table of Contents

  • The principal aim of the OECD Environmental Performance Review (EPR) programme is to help member and selected partner countries improve their individual and collective performance in environmental management by:

  • Signs

  • The Slovak Republic has a small, open economy that grew steadily between 2010 and 2019. After a deep contraction during the COVID-19 crisis, gross domestic product (GDP) rebounded in 2021 and has grown moderately since. Over 2010-19, the country reduced domestic material consumption, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and major air pollutants, and to a lesser extent, energy supply and freshwater abstractions. However, air pollution remains a health concern; much municipal waste ends up in landfills; and progress in remediating contaminated sites has been slow. The country has improved wastewater treatment but faces the challenge of expanding coverage in the many small municipalities.

  • The Assessment and Recommendations present the main findings of the OECD Environmental Performance Review of the Slovak Republic. They identify 29 recommendations to help the country make further progress towards its environmental objectives and international commitments. The OECD Working Party on Environmental Performance discussed and approved the Assessment and Recommendations at its meeting on 24 January 2024.

  • This chapter provides a brief overview of key environmental trends in the Slovak Republic and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and environmental targets. It assesses the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of the environmental policy mix, including regulatory, fiscal and economic instruments and investment in environment-related infrastructure. It examines the interaction between the environment and other policy areas with a view to highlighting the opportunities and barriers to enhance policy coherence for sustainable development.

  • As in most European countries, biodiversity in Slovakia is under pressure. Since 2011, the country has taken important steps to improve its biodiversity policy. However, it needs to now align its strategy with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Most species and habitats are in an unfavourable state and biodiversity considerations are not sufficiently integrated into sectoral policies. This chapter reviews Slovakia’s policy to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, examining both its effectiveness and efficiency. It assesses progress in mainstreaming biodiversity considerations into sectoral and other policies, particularly those related to forestry and climate change.