Table of Contents

  • Developing relevant skills and using them effectively is crucial for Tlaxcala’s ability to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world.

  • This OECD Skills Strategy project provides Tlaxcala (Mexico) with tailored findings and recommendations on its skills performance from an international perspective. The project was launched during a virtual Skills Strategy Seminar in July 2020, which was followed by two online workshops in October 2020 (the Assessment Workshop) and December 2020 (the Recommendations Workshop). During each of these workshops the OECD engaged with more than 100 governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. These discussions were complemented by further virtual bilateral and group meetings. This process and Tlaxcala’s remarkable stakeholder engagement provided invaluable input that shaped the findings and recommendations in this report.

  • This chapter summarises the key insights and policy recommendations of the OECD Skills Strategy project in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala. It applies the OECD Skills Strategy framework to assess the characteristics and performance of the Tlaxcalan skills system, and summarises the key findings and recommendations for each of the four priority areas for action: 1) strengthening the skills of youth; 2) fostering greater participation in adult learning; 3) using people’s skills more effectively to raise productivity; and 4) strengthening the governance of skills policies. The subsequent chapters examine each of the four priority areas in greater detail.

  • To ensure that countries are able to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world, all people need access to opportunities to develop and maintain strong proficiency in a broad set of skills. This process is lifelong, but the foundations are laid during childhood and youth. Providing young people with the necessary skills not only benefits their own prospects and self-esteem, but also builds strong foundations for economic growth, social cohesion and well‑being. This chapter explains the importance of strengthening the skills of youth for the Mexican state of Tlaxcala and provides an overview of current practices and performance. Three opportunities to strengthen the skills of youth in Tlaxcala are explored: 1) increasing access and quality in pre‑primary education; 2) building a strong teaching workforce; and 3) strengthening the responsiveness of secondary vocational education and training (VET) and tertiary education institutions to labour market needs.

  • Fostering greater participation in adult learning of all forms can help adults to upskill and address deficiencies in their skill sets, or to reskill to respond to changing labour market needs. Adult learning can improve adults' employment and social outcomes, as well as enterprises’ performance. This chapter explores the importance of fostering greater participation in adult learning for the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, and provides an overview of current practices and performance. Two opportunities to foster greater participation in adult learning in Tlaxcala are explored: 1) supporting the capacity of adults to engage in remedial education to acquire basic skills; and 2) supporting the capacity of adults to engage in adult learning and training to increase employability.

  • Skills use matters for fostering productivity gains in Tlaxcala. When skills are effectively put to use, workers, employers and the broader economy all benefit. Giving people opportunities to participate in the labour market and putting skills to effective use in workplaces improves individual well-being and strengthens economic growth. This chapter provides tailored policy recommendations for two opportunities regarding using people’s skills more effectively to boost productivity: 1) fostering entrepreneurship and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); and 2) promoting the adoption of high-performance workplace practices (HPWP).

  • Effective governance arrangements are essential to support Tlaxcala’s performance in developing and using people’s skills. In the context of structural changes induced by the COVID‑19 pandemic and the ratification of the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement, Tlaxcala will need to swiftly respond to shifting skills demands. Designing and implementing skills policies on the basis of robust governance arrangements, in collaboration with an array of governmental and non-governmental actors, will be key to help Tlaxcala thrive in rapidly changing circumstances. This chapter provides tailored policy recommendations related to two important opportunities for strengthening the governance of Tlaxcala’s skills system: 1) increasing co‑ordination in adult learning across the whole of government; and 2) maximising the potential of skills data to strengthen skills assessment and anticipation exercises.

  • The OECD Skills Strategy project in Tlaxcala, Mexico involved ongoing oversight and input from the National Project Team, which was composed of experts outlined in below.