Shares of global food consumption
Shares of global production
Shares of global imports
Shares of global exports
Market conditions for key commodities
Use of agricultural commodities by type and region
Contribution of food groups to total daily per capita calorie intake
Contribution of protein sources to total daily per capita food intake
Change in demand for main feed categories
Share of biofuel and other industrial uses in total use of agricultural commodities
Trends in global agricultural production
Change in projected yields for selected crops and regions, 2021-23 to 2033
Global livestock and fish production on a protein basis
GHG emissions and emissions intensity from agriculture, 2021-23 to 2033
Shares of food loss and waste by commodity, 2021-2023
Downside variability of national food availability
Baseline and stochastic intervals for selected international reference prices
Distribution of food waste and losses in Developed and East Asia in terms of calories and proteins, 2021-2023
Land use change and livestock production in Developed and East Asia
Demand for key commodities, food availability and agricultural trade balances in Developed and East Asia
Distribution of food waste and losses in South and Southeast Asia in terms of calories and proteins, 2021-2023
Land use change and livestock production in South and Southeast Asia
Demand for key commodities, food availability and agricultural trade balances in South and Southeast Asia
Fertiliser application per hectare of land used for crop production is low in Sub-Saharan Africa
Distribution of food waste and losses in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of calories and proteins, 2021-2023
Land use change and livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa
Demand for key commodities, food availability and agricultural trade balance in Sub-Saharan Africa
Distribution of food waste and losses in Near East and North Africa in terms of calories and proteins, 2021-2023
Land use change and livestock production in Near East and North Africa
Demand for key commodities, food availability and agricultural trade balance in Near East and North Africa
Distribution of food waste and losses in Europe and Central Asia in terms of calories and proteins, 2021-2023
Land use change and livestock production in Europe and Central Asia
Demand for key commodities, food availability and agricultural trade balance in Europe and Central Asia
Land use change and livestock production in North America
Demand for key commodities, food availability and agricultural trade balances in North America
Distribution of food waste and losses in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of calories and proteins, 2021-2023
Change in area harvested and land use in Latin America and the Caribbean
Demand for key commodities and food availability in Latin America and the Caribbean
Global use of cereals in 2033
Global cereal demand concentration in 2033
Regional cereal yields
Global cereal production concentration in 2033
Trade as a percentage of production and consumption
Global cereal trade concentration in 2033
Average annual yield growth for palm oil and oilseeds
Exports of oilseeds and oilseed products by region
Evolution of sugar consumption and imports, by region
Daily per capita food consumption of calories from the different group carbohydrate sources, in the different regions
Per capita consumption of caloric sweeteners
Main sugar producing countries/regions classified by sugar crops
Raw and white sugar imports, by regions
Share of proteins in total meat consumption
Growth of meat production by meat type, 2033 vs. 2021-23
World reference prices for meat -rising in nominal, but falling in real terms
Per capita consumption of processed and fresh dairy products in milk solids
Annual changes in inventories of dairy herd and yields between 2024 and 2033
Exports of dairy products by region
Imports of dairy products by region
Aquaculture and capture fisheries production
World fish prices
Regional contribution of growth in biofuel consumption
Biofuel demand trends in major regions
Biofuel trade dominated by a few global players
Historical trends in consumption of textile fibres
Global players in cotton markets in 2033
Cotton yields and area harvested in major producing countries
Trade as a percentage of cotton production and mill consumption
Global players in roots and tubers markets in 2033