Table of Contents

  • France is the fourth or fifth largest economy in the world in terms of GDP and enjoys a high standard of living with a GDP per capita of EUR 24 759 in 2002. The economy is highly diversified with a broad manufacturing base and a large service sector. International trade plays an important role, accounting for some 29% of GDP. Economic performance has recently improved, following slow growth and recession in the...

  • Depending upon how it is measured, the French economy is the fourth or fifth largest in the world in terms of GDP. It enjoys a high standard of living, with a GDP per capita of USD 24 759 in 2002. With 59.3 million inhabitants it is the third largest country in the EU. Paris and its surrounding area remains by far the most important economic and population hub of the country, though there are a significant number of dynamic regional cities.

  • The institutional strength of the French system of governance relies on the principleof quality in control procedures and in the drafting of key regulations. The search for quality regulations has long been manifest in a formal respect for drafting rules, with insistence on excellence in drafting and on consistency in laws. It is also linked to the expertise of the major control institutions, in particular the Council of State and the...

  • The emergence of more self-confident competition policy institutions over the last 20 years is changing the terms of debate in France. Partly in response to vigorous competition policy initiatives at the European level, liberalising reforms pursued by all governments over the last 20 years have made irreversible changes in France’s traditional...

  • France is the fourth largest economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of EUR 24 759 in 2002 and has enjoyed a high average rate of growth of 2.9% during the past five years. The French economy is highly diversified. Services account for 77% of value added, having expanded sharply over the last two decades. Agriculture and the agri-food industry also play...

  • French civil aviation holds an important place in international comparisons. France accounts for 7% of world air traffic against only 1% of the world population. The past ten years have seen major reforms and developments, entailing substantial adjustments on the part of enterprises and their employees. Reforms have been accomplished without compromising two overriding objectives, safety and security. Because of the sharp rise in...

  • In 1970 France had a subscriber line penetration rate of eight lines per 100 inhabitants, the fourth lowest in the OECD. In 1974, the government gave high priority to the development of telecommunication infrastructure, and by 1980 the penetration rate had increased to nearly 30 lines per 100 inhabitants. By 1985 France had the eighth highest penetration rate in the OECD area. Because of France’s relatively late start in expanding its...