Table of Contents

  • The issue of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing has moved to the forefront of the international fisheries policy agenda in recent years. Governments around the world have recognised the negative effects of IUU fishing activities on resource sustainability, biodiversity and economic and social sustainability. This situation led the OECD Fisheries Committee to address this problem in its 2003-05 work programme, focusing on the environmental, economic and social issues surrounding IUU fishing, both in terms of the incentives for engaging in IUU operations as well as their environmental, economic and social impacts. The Workshop hosted by the OECD on 19-20 April 2004 was a step forward in bringing together information, analysis and debate on this topic, and proposing new approaches to combating it. Around 120 experts from OECD and non-OECD countries, regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs), international governmental ...

  • Regulating IUU Fishing or Combating IUU Operations? (Olav Schram Stokke and Davor Vidas); Global Review of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Issues: What’s the Problem? (David A. Balton); IUU Fishing and State Control over Nationals (David A. Balton); Dealing with the “Bad Actors” of Ocean Fisheries (David A. Balton)

  • Using Trade and Market Information to Assess IUU Fishing Activities (Anna Willock); Flags of Convenience, Transhipment, Re-supply and At-Sea Infrastructure in Relation to IUU Fishing (Matthew Gianni and Walt Simpson); Patagonian Toothfish – The Storm Gathers (Dr. Denzil G.M. Miller); Gathering Data on Unreported Activities in Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries (Alejandro Anganuzzi); Estimation of Unreported Catches by ICCAT (Victor R. Restrepo); IUU Fishing in the NEAFC Area: How Big is the Problem and What Have We Done? (Kjartan Hoydal)

  • Economic Aspects and Drivers of IUU Fishing: Building a Framework (David J. Agnew and Colin T. Barnes); The Cost of Being Apprehended for Fishing Illegally: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications (U.R. Sumaila, J. Alder and H. Keith); The Social Dimension of IUU Fishing (Jon Whitlow ; Incentives for Investment in IUU Fishing Capacity (Aaron Hatcher); Efforts to Eliminate IUU Large-scale Tuna Longline Vessels (Katsuma Hanafusa and Nobuyuki Yagi); ILO Submission to the Workshop on IUU Fishing Activities (Brandt Wagner); IUU Fishing and the Cost to Flag of Convenience Countries (Matthew Gianni)

  • Advances in Port State Control Measures (Terje Lobach); Potential Link Between IUU Fishing and the Status of Safety-Related Instruments Applicable to Fishing Vessels and Fishers (Brice Martin-Castex); Enforcement and Surveillance: What Are Our Technical Capacities and How Much Are We Willing to Pay? (Serge Beslier); Working Together - What Industry Can Do to Help (Martin Exel); Private Initiatives: A Possible Way Forward? (Hiroya Sano and Yuichiro Harada); Promoting Corporate Responsibility: the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (Kathryn Gordon); What Role for RFMOs? (Denzil G. M. Miller); The Development and Enforcement of National Plans of Action: The Spanish Case (Ignacio Escobar); (OECD Instruments and IUU Fishing (Ursula A. Wynhoven); Measures Taken by Chinese Taipei in Combating FOC/IUU Fishing (David Chang); Halting IUU Fishing: Enforcing International Fisheries Agreements (Kelly Rigg, Rémi Parmentier and Duncan Currie)