Table of Contents

  • The Evolution of Income Distribution Disparities in China since the Reform and Opening-up (Han Wenxiu); Income Disparities in China: A Review of Chinese Studies (Feng Jianlin); Disparities between Urban and Rural Areas and among Different Regions in China (Yin Yanlin); The Urban and Rural Poor in China and their Income-earning Potential (Huang Yanfen and Yang Yiyong); Analysis of Income Distribution in China’s Poverty-stricken Counties: A Case Study of the Qinglong County of Hebei Province (Zhao Kun); Income Disparities in Post-Reform China: A Review of the International Literature (Marie-Ange Maurice and Peter Whiteford); Apparent Sources of Income Inequality in China or Plausible and Less Plausible Interpretations of Imperfect Data (Anders Reutersward)

  • Trends in the Distribution of Household Incomes in the OECD Area (Michael Förster); Comments on Chapter 8, “Trends in the Distribution of Household Incomes in the OECD Area” (Pascal Mazodier); Earnings Disparities in OECD Member Countries: Structural Trends and Institutional Influences (Giuseppe Bertola); Measuring Regional Economies in OECD Countries (Vincenzo Spiezia); The Distribution of Household Income in Different Regions of the European Union (Michael Förster)