Likelihood of participation in tertiary education among 21-year-old Canadians, as associated with their PISA reading proficiency and school marks at age 15
Reading performance and GDP
Reading performance and spending on education
Reading performance and parents' education
Reading performance and share of socio-economically disadvantaged students
Reading performance and proportion of students from an immigrant background
Equivalence of the PISA test across cultures and languages
How proficient are students in reading?
Comparing countries' performance in reading
Where countries rank in reading performance
Gender differences in reading performance
How proficient are girls and boys in reading?
How well do students access and retrieve information from what they read?
Comparing countries on access and retrieve performance
How well do students integrate and interpret what they read?
Comparing countries on integrate and interpret performance
How well do students reflect on and evaluate what they read?
Comparing countries on reflect and evaluate performance
Comparing countries on the different aspect subscales
Where countries rank in different aspects of reading performance
Gender differences in the ability to access and retrieve information from reading
Gender differences in the ability to integrate and interpret information from reading
Gender differences in the ability to reflect on and evaluate information from reading
How well do students read continuous texts?
Comparing countries' performance in reading continuous texts
How well do students read non-continuous texts?
Comparing countries' performance in reading non-continuous texts
Comparing countries on the different text format subscales
Where countries rank in reading continuous and non-continuous texts
Gender differences in reading continuous texts
Gender differences in reading non-continuous texts
How proficient are students in mathematics?
Comparing countries' performance in mathematics
Where countries rank in mathematics performance
Gender differences in mathematics performance
How proficient are students in science?
Comparing countries' performance in science
Where countries rank in science performance
Gender differences in science performance
Overlapping of top performers in reading, mathematics and science on average in the OECD
Top performers in reading, mathematics and science