Table of Contents

  • Investors have identified export incentives, labour costs and worker productivity as strong factors attracting FDI to the Dominican Republic. A state of the art telecommunications infrastructure, political and macroeconomic stability and access to regional and global markets are identified by investors as key elements in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The Dominican Government is committed to continuing market oriented reforms, strengthening the rule of law, investing in human capital and education and creating the proper conditions to attract FDI ..

  • Costa Rica has been very successful in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) over the past decade. Among the factors responsible for this success are a well-educated labour force, political stability resulting form the longest tradition of continuous democratic rule in Latin America and a positive record of transparency and government probity. This report details Costa Rica’s success in attracting FDI, describes the positive impact that those FDI inflows have had in the process of the economic development of the country and provides a look at the leading business climate issues ...

  • Investor perceptions of Jamaica as a location for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) have improved within the last decade and investors are generally supportive of the Jamaican government’s efforts to attract FDI. Political stability and democratic government rank high among the factors drawing investors to Jamaica. This report looks at areas which need to be improved as well as concrete measures to be implemented by the government (often with the support of international organisations) to further enhance Jamaica’s investment climate. Jamaica’s main objective is to transform itself into a knowledge-based economy, using foreign private investment as a strategic tool to meet its development goals of human capital improvement, increased productivity, job creation, transfer of technology and export diversification ...