Table of Contents

  • The main assets for any firm, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are their human capital. This is even more important in the knowledge-based economy, where intangible factors and services are of growing importance. The rapid obsolescence of knowledge is a key feature of the knowledge economy.

  • The Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs (TSME) project examines access to training by SMEs across seven regions in six OECD countries and the policy issues related to low access rates of SMEs to training and skills development. A further related issue is how to recognise the increasing importance of informal training and/or alternative skills development methods, such as knowledge intensive service activities (KISA). The project used surveys and case studies to look at how both formal and alternative ways of training and skills development interact. It identifies impacts at three levels: for the firm and employees; for the industry; and for the local area in which the firm is located. The project contributed to the OECD Skills Strategy.

  • This report presents the findings from the Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs Project (TSME). The report is the result of a three-year research programme and includes analysis of empirical evidence collected from official statistical sources, surveys and interviews with various businesses, case studies, and workshops.This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.