Table of Contents

  • In the realm of development co-operation policies, the first year of the century made its mark and delivered its message in a brutally contrasting manner. A number of encouraging events would suggest that implementation of the policies, strategies and frameworks for action that have matured in recent years is now under way. At the same time, the shock waves emanating from the horror and violence in New York on 11 September 2001 sound a call for shared political will, determination and a sense of urgency. The task at hand is to sustain a dynamic and long-lasting process founded on global partnership...

  • “We are committed to shaping globalisation to the benefit of all, and ensuring that the poorest are not left behind. We recognise the need, nationally and internationally, to bring greater coherence across the range of policies that impact on the achievement of this goal. Trade, investment and development policies, in particular, have a vital contribution to make to sustainable development and poverty reduction: strengthening policy 1coherence among these areas deserves special attention.”...

  • The need to marshal our intellectual and financial resources to attack global poverty is one of the most urgent problems facing the global economy. The International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey in March 2002 presents both a major challenge and a major opportunity for all stakeholders to put in place the means and structures needed to mobilise and to use effectively the financing required to support the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals...

  • DAC Members have emphasised the importance of partnerships to reduce poverty, as a central development goal for the next decade. The challenge has been to turn this policy consensus into relevant and effective operations – through establishing poverty reduction (involving both higher growth and more targeted actions and programmes) as the centre of development co-operation policy; developing partnerships in line with this vision; ensuring coherence of other policies; measuring performance; and providing ODA funds consistently with the basic strategy...

  • OECD Member country governments in the DAC have expanded their work in situations of potential, current, and recent conflict, often in countries where they have been working for many years. Experience shows that preventing violent conflict would bring enormous benefits in terms of human life, poverty reduction and growth. Substantial progress has already been made on some fronts, while other challenges remain to be addressed. The DAC High Level Meeting, the UN and the G8 have all reaffirmed conflict prevention as a long-term engagement central to poverty reduction and sustainable development...

  • Information and Communication Technology is a vital tool for development. Used in the right way, it can show, and is indeed showing, its immense potential to change the “aid business” and create new models for development. ICT is not an end in itself but a means to help meet development objectives, in particular the development goals for poverty reduction, education, health and environment...

  • The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is the principal body through which the Organisation deals with issues related to co-operation with developing countries. The DAC is one of the key forums in which the major bilateral donors work together to increase the effectiveness of their common effort to support sustainable development.

  • The work of the DAC is supported by the Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD), one of the twelve substantive directorates in the OECD. The role of the DCD is to assist Members with policy formulation, policy co-ordination and information systems for development. In so doing, it supports the work of both the DAC and of the OECD as a whole. However, so close is the relationship with the Committee it serves that DCD is generally identified with the DAC itself.