Table of Contents

  • This Survey was prepared in the Economics Department by Jens Arnold and Alberto González Pandiella under the supervision of Piritta Sorsa. Research and statistical assistance was provided by Christian Abele, Matheus Bueno, James Hiroshi Habe and Anne Legendre and editorial assistance by Carolina González. The Survey was discussed at a meeting of the Economic and Development Review Committee on 13 November 2017 and is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD.

  • Sustaining inclusive growth with further significant reforms Stronger investment and productivity are key for future growthBrazil can seize greater benefits from greater global and regional integration

  • The economy is gradually emerging from the recessionInflation has declined but financial intermediation could be improvedFiscal outcomes need to improve to ensure the sustainability of public debtImproving governance and reducing corruptionRaising investment is a key policy prioritySupporting the integration with the region and the world economyGreen growth challenges