Command GDP and the decomposition of GDP growth
Wages, disposible income and savings
Sectorial contributions to the growth of industrial production and investment
Exports and imports of goods and services
Decomposition of GDP growth by factor
Real exchange rate dynamics
Relative GDP per capita and price level/wage
Inflation and monetary aggregates
Interest rate developments
Real credit growth
Steel prices for Hot-Rolled Coil from CIS
Labour force participation rates
PSE level and composition over time
Energy intensity of GDP, 2004
Trends in the energy intensity of production, 1997-2004
Structure of small enterprise sector, 2005
Labour productivity index by sector
Productivity dynamics
Productivity and real wage growth by industries
Real exchange rates1
Share of high and medium high-technology in manufacturing exports to OECD countries
Herfindahl-Hirschmann concentration indexes, 2005
FDI inward stock