• Tourism in Brazil accounts directly for 3.1% of GDP, rising to 9.6% if indirect effects are also included. The sector supported 2.1 million jobs in 2018, which accounts for 2.5% of total employment.

  • Tourism is a priority sector in Bulgaria and in 2018 directly contributed 3.1% to GDP, generated 2.9% of employment, and directly supported approximately 93 000 jobs.

  • The tourism sector currently contributes 2% to Colombia’s GDP. Tourism has become the primary services export in Colombia and the second overall export behind the oil industry, generating 52% of foreign exchange. According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics, the travel and tourism sector supported 2 million jobs in Colombia in 2018 including 19% of new jobs. It has established businesses in 281 municipalities across the country.

  • Tourism makes a significant contribution to the economy of Costa Rica. In 2016, tourism directly contributed to 5.0% of GDP, and new Tourism Satellite Account estimate that contribution of tourism to GDP rises to 8.2% when indirect effects are considered. In 2018, tourism directly employed 157 000 people, corresponding to 6.6% of total employment. Tourism is the most important source of foreign exchange in the country, contributing CRC 2.2 trillion in 2018, a rise of 5.0% since 2016.

  • In 2018, the total contribution of tourism to GDP was estimated at 19.6% with tourism revenues increasing by 6.4% to HRK 75.1 million. Tourism industries directly employed 86 600 people, representing 6.6% of total employment. According to the Tourism Satellite Account, in 2016, tourism directly contributed to 11.4% of GDP. A Tourism Satellite Account for 2016 identified total tourism consumption of HRK 78.6 billion with inbound tourism accounting for 86.3%. It is estimated that domestic tourism expenditure in 2016 amounted to HRK 10.5 billion.

  • In 2018, total revenue from tourism reached EGP 174.1 billion, a 124% increase on the previous year, representing 15% of the country’s GDP. The tourism sector is one of the largest employers in Egypt, providing 3.1 million jobs or 9.5% of the total workforce.

  • Tourism has boomed in Indonesia in recent years and is one of the main sources of foreign currency earnings. In 2017, contribution of tourism to GDP amounted to IDR 536.8 trillion, 4.1% of Indonesia’s total GDP. In the same year, tourism provided 12.7 million jobs, representing 10.5% of total employment. Tourism receipts totalled IDR 200 billion and the sector out-performed the general growth of the Indonesian economy.

  • In 2017, tourism in Kazakhstan contributed 1.4% of GVA. The industry is made up of 118 800 registered businesses employing 463 700 people across the country, and accounting for 5.3% of total employment in 2018. The number of people employed in the tourism industry has been increasing steadily over the last decade. Inbound tourism contributed 4.4% of total export income, representing 36% of all service exports. At the end of 2017, consumer spending on inbound tourism amounted to KZT 768.8 billion, and KZT 1424.3 billion for domestic tourism.

  • Tourism is an important contributor to Malta’s economy, directly supporting 33 180 jobs and 14.9% of total employment in 2018. The contribution of tourism to Malta’s GDP in 2018 was 12.8%, making tourism one of the top five contributors to the economy. Total tourist expenditure was EUR 2.1 billion, an increase of 8% from 2017.

  • In 2018, tourism-generated GDP grew by 6.2% amounting to MAD 76.9 billion, compared to MAD 72.4 billion in 2017. Its contribution to national GDP reached 6.9%, up from 6.8% the previous year. Tourism plays an important role in the Moroccan economy thanks to its ability to create new jobs, contribute to economic and social development and bring in foreign currency. Revenues generated by international visitors to Morocco in 2018 reached almost MAD 89 billion (including international transport). This accounted for almost 51% of service exports in 2018. The tourism sector is an excellent source of jobs in Morocco, with 550 000 direct jobs in 2018, equating to 5% of total employment.

  • The tourism sector contributes 3.9% of Peru’s GDP, and generates 1.4 million jobs (direct and indirect), representing 7.9% of the economically active population. Foreign currency revenue from tourism in 2018 totalled PEN 16.4 billion, an increase of 7% from 2017 and making tourism the third largest foreign currency generator in Peru.

  • According to the Tourism Satellite Account, the direct contribution of tourism to GDP in 2017 was RON 23.9 billion, 2.8% of the total GDP, and the tourism sector directly supported 373 074 jobs.

  • In 2017, tourism contributed RUB 3.2 trillion to the economy, equivalent to 3.8% of Russian GVA, and an increase of 21.4% from 2016. The tourism industry in Russia employed 540 500 people in 2017.

  • In 2017, tourism’s direct contribution to GDP was 0.9%, and this was expected to increase by 2.3% in 2018 to a total of RSD 104.8 billion. The total contribution of the tourism industry to the Serbian economy, including the effects from investment, supply chain and induced income impacts, amounted to RSD 294.6 billion in 2017, or 6.7% of GDP, and was expected to have grown by 2.7% to RSD 302.5 billion in 2018.

  • In 2017, the direct contribution of the tourism sector to GDP was ZAR 130.3 billion, constituting a 2.8% direct contribution to GDP. This level of contribution has been stable at around 3% over the past decade, with a peak of 3.2 % achieved in 2006. Direct employment in tourism was 722 013 in 2017, representing 4.5% of the total workforce. The World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that the direct contribution of tourism will be ZAR 136.1 billion in 2018 and direct employment will rise to 726 500.