• This chapter reviews twelve meta-evaluations of different aspects of SME and entrepreneurship policies and programmes. For each of these meta-evaluations, information is provided on the sources, policy focus and key findings.

  • The meta-evaluations discussed in Chapter 3 used a wide variety of data sources and analytical methods, implying, as shown in Part I, that the findings of some studies are somewhat more reliable than others. To address this diversity, this chapter contains a detailed review limited only to a selection of evaluations where the data and the analysis satisfy our requirements for reliability. A total of 50 evaluations in 28 OECD member countries are reviewed. The chapter starts by setting out the criteria used to identify and select the 50 evaluations and offers their big picture findings. It then assesses the policy issues they raise. Finally, it discusses the scope and quality of the evaluations.

  • This chapter briefly discusses the key implications for evaluation and policy making arising from the review of existing SME and entrepreneurship policy meta-evaluations in Chapter 3 and our review of 50 evaluations discussed in Chapter 4. The chapter begins by identifying commonalities between the issues raised in chapters 3 and 4. It then highlights the key lessons and findings that have emerged. Lessons are identified first for policy makers and then for those conducting or commissioning evaluations.