• Annex A presents a link to the background questionnaires used in the PISA 2018 survey. These are the student questionnaire distributed to all participating students; the school questionnaire distributed to the principals of all participating schools; three optional questionnaires for students (the educational career questionnaire, the ICT familiarity questionnaire, and the well-being questionnaire); an optional questionnaire forparents; an optional questionnaire for teachers (both for reading teachers and for teachers of all other subjects); and the financial literacy questionnaire for students in countries that participated in the financial literacy assessment.

  • Annex B lists the members of the expert groups who were involved in developing the PISA 2018 framework for the major domain (reading), the innovative domain (global competence) and the questionnaires. The lists of the experts involved in developing the PISA 2012 frameworks for mathematics and financial literacy and the PISA 2015 framework for science can be found in the OECD publications PISA 2012 Frameworks – Mathematics, Problem Solving and Financial Literacy (2013) and PISA 2015 Assessment and Analytical Framework (2017), respectively.