• Inclusive entrepreneurship trends and policies vary greatly across countries. This section presents a short overview of inclusive entrepreneurship trends, issues and recent policy developments in each of the 27 European Union Member States. Each profile includes a set of key indicators that benchmark self-employment and entrepreneurship activity rates and barriers in each country relative to the European Union average for men, women, youth and seniors.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in self-employment and entrepreneurship for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Austria relative to the average for the European Union. It also describes recent policy actions and current issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile for Belgium presents recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities, including benchmarks against the European Union average. It also highlights new policy developments and current inclusive entrepreneurship policy issues.

  • This country profile describes recent policy actions and current issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship policy. It also presents several entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth and seniors, benchmarking Bulgaria against the European Union average.

  • This country profile for Croatia benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth and seniors against the European Union average. It also presents recent policy actions and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile describes recent policy actions and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship. It also benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors and immigrants in Cyprus relative to the average for the European Union.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in self-employment and entrepreneurship for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in the Czech Republic relative to the European Union average. It also describes recent policy actions and current issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile presents several entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors and immigrants to benchmark rates and trends in Denmark against the European Union average. It also describes recent policy developments and current inclusive entrepreneurship policy issues.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors and immigrants in Estonia relative to the average for the European Union. It also presents new policy developments and topical policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Finland relative to the average for the European Union. It also describes recent policy developments and current inclusive entrepreneurship policy issues.

  • This country profile presents recent policy actions and current issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship policy. It also benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in France relative to the average for the European Union.

  • This country profile presents entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities, benchmarking Germany against the European Union average. It also highlights new policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile presents indicators on entrepreneurship and self-employment by women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Greece relative to the European Union average. It also highlights recent policy actions and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Hungary relative to the European Union average. It also presents recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile presents recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Ireland relative to the average for the European Union. It also describes recent policy actions and current issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile describes recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship. It also benchmarks entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Italy against the European Union average.

  • This country profile reports entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Latvia against the European Union average. It also presents new policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile reports on new policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship. It also presents entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Lithuania and the European Union average.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Luxembourg relative to the European Union average. It also describes recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile for Malta describes recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship. It also reports entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors and immigrants relative to the average for the European Union.

  • This country profile reports on recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment by women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in the Netherlands relative to the European Union average. It also highlights recent policy developments and current inclusive entrepreneurship policy issues.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in self-employment and entrepreneurship for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Poland relative to the average for the European Union. It also describes recent policy actions and current issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile benchmarks indicators on entrepreneurship and self-employment by women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Portugal against the European Union average. It also describes recent policy actions and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile highlights recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship policy. It also presents recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment for women, youth, seniors and immigrants in Romania compared to the European Union average.

  • This country profile reports benchmarks trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment by women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in the Slovak Republic against the European Union average. It also describes recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile presents entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities, benchmarking rates in Slovenia against the European Union average. It also highlights recent policy actions and policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.

  • This country profile describes recent policy developments and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship. It also benchmarks entrepreneurship and self-employment indicators for women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Spain relative to the European Union average.

  • This country profile benchmarks recent trends in entrepreneurship and self-employment by women, youth, seniors, immigrants and people with disabilities in Sweden relative to the European Union average. It also highlights recent policy actions and current policy issues related to inclusive entrepreneurship.