• Life satisfaction represents people’s subjective evaluation of their satisfaction with life as a whole. Life satisfaction is associated with good family relationships, health, living conditions and wealth as well as confidence in governance in the broader society.

  • A cohesive society is one where citizens have confidence in national-level institutions and believe that social and economic institutions are not prey to corruption. Confidence and corruption issues are dimensions that are strongly related to societal trust.

  • Trust and safety in a society reflects the extent to which people feel that their freedom of movement and their property are protected. A high level of personal trust and safety can promote openness and transparency in society, social interaction and cohesion.

  • The degree of community acceptance of minority groups is a measurable dimension of social cohesion.Acceptance of three such groups is considered here: migrants, ethnic minorities and gay and lesbian people.

  • A high voter turnout is a sign that a country’s political system enjoys a strong degree of participation. Voter turnout rates vary hugely across the region (, Panel A). Over eight in every ten people turn out to vote in parliamentary elections in Viet Nam, Papua New Guinea, and Lao PDR, compared to less than one in every two people in Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Pakistan, the three lowest turnouts in the region. In all other countries for which there is data on voting turnout in parliamentary elections, more than half of the eligible population votes.