• The main policy development in 2009 was the implementation of Caring for our Country, a suite of programmes which funds environmental management of Australia’s natural resources. It supports communities, farmers and other land managers to protect Australia’s natural environment and sustainably produce food and fibre. Caring for our Country is replacing or incorporating the National Heritage Trust programmes including Landcare, Bushcare and Rivercare.

  • Payments to producers from the AgriStability programme increased in response to a number of different factors which include falling world prices, higher expenses and lower yields in some regions. Several new disaster payments were put in place under the AgriRecovery programme, aiding livestock producers in western Canada and potato producers in Quebec. The new Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA) programme replaces the Farm Improvement and Marketing Co-operative Loans Act (FIMCLA) and provides enhanced eligibility for loan guarantees to producers and agricultural co-operatives. The Tobacco Transition Program provides funding of CAD 1.05 per pound of quota to producers wishing to exit the industry.

  • The main policy developments in 2009 were related to crisis management, notably in the dairy sector, and to the implementation of recent reforms, including the Health Check of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) decided at the end of 2008. Member states amended their Rural Development Plans (RDPs) to use additional funds available for the following priorities: climate change, water management, renewable energy, biodiversity and related innovation, as well as restructuring the dairy sector. A compromise was found on banana and beef import regimes, ending two long-standing international trade disputes.

  • Based on a six year agreement between the government and the farmers’ association renewed in 2008, the support to sheepmeat producers has been simplified. New policies were implemented for young farmers as well as for those wishing to retire from age of 64 and to farmers participating in quality programmes. Decoupled payments to milk producers under the 2005 agreement continued to be implemented as well as payments to farmers participating in soil conservation and forestry programmes addressing soil erosion, promotion of sustainable land use and restoration of degraded land.

  • In 2009, the policy to divert rice production to other crop (such as wheat and soybean) was strengthened through increasing the diversion payments. The government also implemented new measure to promote the production of rice for alternative demand (such as food processing and feed use) through diversion payments and financial assistance. In addition, major revision was made to the legal framework for farmland use to promote the efficient use of land though tenancy transaction. The restriction to acquire land use rights is revised to promote new entrants to the farm sector. The land conversion regulation was tightened to minimise the losses of agricultural land.

  • Although there were no substantial policy changes implemented in 2009, an agricultural policy reform framework was presented by a council for the modernization of Korean agriculture, where policy makers and stakeholders agreed on more market orientation as well as promoting more environmentally friendly practices. Policy initiatives centred on links between primary agriculture and the development of the food industry, as well as support to precision farming practices with lower uses of fertilisers. A country of origin labelling scheme was applied to every restaurant serving beef, pork meat, chicken meat, rice and Kimchi. A farm machine leasing programme was expanded to reduce costs of capital for farmers.

  • A new legislation was passed in 2009 establishing new rules for PROCAMPO that, according to the Sectoral Programme 2007-12, will continue until 2012. These payments based on historical area will have a higher rate for small producers. There will also be a revision of the PROCAMPO register of land to improve the quality of the information.

  • Recent policy initiatives in New Zealand relate to sustainable development and natural resource management issues, including water management, climate change and biosecurity control. In 2009, a Primary Growth Partnership was launched in which government and industry co-finance certain programmes of research and innovation to boost the economic growth and sustainability of primary and food sectors. The Sustainable Farming Fund provided financial grants to 70 community-led projects for the efficient use of water and land in 2009.

  • While there were no significant changes in the overall policy framework, lower international prices led to increased market price support in 2009 relative to 2008. Key policy developments in 2009 included: increased support to climate change related measures such as reduced tillage, better use of natural fertilizer, reduced emissions of methane and increased carbon sequestration; removal of the target price for beef; introduction of a quota rental scheme for milk.

  • In 2009, key elements of the Agricultural Policy Reform (AP 2011) governing agricultural policy for the period 2008-11 were implemented, such as further reduction of expenditures for market support and their reallocation in the form of direct payments. The payments for the dairy sector were reduced, while the direct payments for roughage-consuming animals were increased, as well as the payments for animals in mountain areas and summer pasturing. In April 2009 the milk quota system was totally abolished following a 3 year transition period. From July 2009, import levies on grains and animal feed were further reduced.

  • Implementation of the Agricultural Law, which intends to bring Turkey’s agricultural policies into line with those of the European Union, continues and new legislation is under consideration to enhance the institutional capacity of the public sector as envisaged in the EU legislation. The Rural Development Programme and a wider set of investment support activities have been continued.