• This chapter provides a snapshot of key environmental trends in the Netherlands since 2000. It highlights the main achievements and remaining challenges on the path towards a greener economy. The chapter examines the Netherlands’ progress in reducing the energy, carbon and material intensities of its economy; in managing the natural asset base; and in improving the environmental quality of life.

  • This chapter examines the Netherlands’ environmental governance and policy framework for environmental management. It documents important advances in environmental policy, particularly in streamlining environmental legislation, regulations and permitting requirements. It also summarises key developments in specific areas, including climate change, air, water, biodiversity and nature, spatial planning and external safety. Finally, the chapter discusses environmental permitting, enforcement and compliance, as well as the tools in place to ensure a comprehensive system of environmental information and strong policy evaluation mechanisms. The recommendations on environmental governance and management are summarised in a box at the end of the chapter.

  • This chapter reviews the Netherlands’ efforts to mainstream environmental considerations into economic policy and to promote green growth. It analyses the use of taxation and other economic instruments to pursue environmental objectives. The chapter also discusses environmentally harmful subsidies, efforts to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, and the role of the environmental goods and services sector as a source of employment and green growth. Finally, the chapter examines the country’s eco-innovation performance and spending on research and development, as well as efforts to mainstream the environment into development co‐operation programmes. The recommendations on green growth are summarised in a box at the end of the chapter.