• This chapter reviews the Netherlands’ progress in promoting sustainable mobility. It discusses mobility trends in freight and passenger transport and examines their impact on air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, congestion and traffic safety. The chapter provides an overview of the country’s various policy visions for sustainable mobility over the review period, as well as governance arrangements. Finally, it assesses the policy instruments in place to promote sustainable mobility and examines their performance in achieving the country’s objectives. The recommendations on sustainable mobility are summarised in a box at the end of the chapter.

  • This chapter examines the Netherlands’ track record in the area of waste prevention and management and recent efforts to stimulate the transition towards a circular economy. It provides an overview of trends in material consumption and waste management, as well as related policy and institutional frameworks. The chapter discusses the main objectives for waste management over the review period and assesses performance. Finally, the chapter examines the efforts to promote a circular economy and reviews the next steps that can encourage further progress. The recommendations on waste and materials management are summarised in a box at the end of the chapter.