• Large business groups, which played a key role in Korea’s economic development, are still dominant today, especially in exporting. The concentration of economic power creates a number of problems and risks. Ensuring a level-playing field between the business groups, also called chaebols, and SMEs and start-ups is essential to promote innovation and inclusive growth. While the business groups have long been subject to a number of special regulations, a comprehensive strategy is needed. The top priority is to improve corporate governance by strengthening the role of outside directors and protecting minority shareholders. A greater say for institutional investors and more active use of private remedies, such as class action suits, would also be beneficial. In addition, strengthening competition by reducing barriers to trade and FDI and activating a market for corporate control would lead to better performance by the groups. The ownership structure of the groups needs to be improved, notably by phasing out circular shareholding among their affiliates.

  • Making SMEs and start-ups a driver of growth and job creation requires a number of policies to improve the performance of SMEs, whose labour productivity in the manufacturing sector has fallen to less than a third of that in large companies. The large-scale support for SMEs should shift from supporting the survival of firms to raising productivity. Measures to accelerate SMEs’ take-up of new technology and increase their participation in international trade would boost productivity and inclusive growth. Given the chronic labour shortages facing SMEs, reforming the education system to reduce labour market mismatch is a priority. Relaxing the regulatory burden and government control would allow innovative SMEs to create new products and services. Entrepreneurship is lagging, reflecting a higher fear of failure and a lack of skills. Upgrading entrepreneurship education and lowering the personal costs faced by entrepreneurs who fail would be beneficial. A greater role for venture capital, in part by activating the M&A market to allow investors to recuperate their funds, would encourage firm creation.