• This chapter presents the objectives, scope, and structure of the report. It examines the coverage and methodology relating to the data underlying the OECD agri-environmental indicators, their main caveats and limitations, and an assessment according to the four OECD criteria of: policy relevance, analytical soundness, measurability and interpretability. The chapter also provides a summary of the main trends of the environmental performances of agriculture in the OECD area sinceĀ 1990.

  • This chapter provides an overview of the role of agriculture in the economy and the environment, underlying the significant position of agriculture with respect to the environment. It also examines policy and market drivers affecting recent trends in the environmental performance of agriculture, such as the changes in the overall level and composition of support to farmers, developments in agri-environmental policies and trends in agricultural commodity prices. Finally, the chapter presents an outlook for the environmental performances of agriculture in relation to projected changes in agricultural commodity prices and production, and identifies developments that may help lower the pressure of agriculture on the environment and encourage the development of environmental benefits associated with agriculture.