• This chapter focuses on key issues in teacher education for diversity: the system and its governance, strengthening the research base, and improving teaching practice. Gaps in our knowledge and areas for improvement are identified and discussed for each of these areas. Orientations for addressing and improving the current state of affairs are also provided. These orientations are necessarily general as approaches to diversity in teacher education are context-dependent; therefore, it is argued that they should be used as a starting point for further thematic and contextual analysis. Policy makers, educators and research communities are encouraged to consolidate their efforts and resources to provide sound evidence for future decision.making on this important and sensitive topic.

  • From 17 N ovember 2008 to 17 D ecember 2008 the CERI Teacher Education for Diversity (TED) project ran an online consultation exercise with teachers, student teachers and teacher educators. The goal of this exercise was to hear the voices of practitioners about their day.to.day experience with diversity in the classrooms, the key challenges they face, as well as their best solutions and creative practices. It should be noted that this was not a representative survey with random sampling within and across countries as that was beyond the reach of both the budget and timeline of this project. The consultation was thus designed to use the voices of the responding practitioners to highlight keys areas for further research.