OECD Development Centre Policy Insights

  • Discontinued
The OECD Development Centre links OECD members with developing and emerging economies and fosters debate and discussion to seek creative policy solutions to emerging global issues and development challenges. OECD Development Centre Policy Insights is a series of policy-oriented occasional papers drawn from the Development Centre’s Work Programme. All titles are generally available in the two official languages of the OECD: English and French.

English Also available in: French

African Economic Performance in 2004

A Promise of Things to Come?

Against a backdrop of sustained global growth and high commodity prices, Africa has experienced its best economic performance in many years. While recent economic performance is not merely driven by favourable external factors, African economies still lack proper “shock-absorbers” to withstand internal (e.g. drought and floods, political instability, HIV-Aids, etc.) and external (e.g. volatility of commodity prices and exchange rates) shocks alike. They remain strongly vulnerable. In this context, creating the conditions for the development of indigenous drivers of economic activity (starting with a thriving local private sector) is a top priority.

English Also available in: French

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